Perma Ban for using Backbone Phone Controller

A couple of days ago I was permanently banned from the game with no explanation as to why. I don’t speak to anyone in game and only play from my phone from time to time. The only thing out of the ordinary (if you even want to consider phone controllers out of the ordinary) is I use a Backbone controller to play sometimes.

I tried opening a ticket with blizzard but they only replied with canned text again with no explanation to the reason for the ban. I tried opening another ticket but I doubt Blizzard will help if this is how things are going for me so far and seems like there are numerous posts here and on reddit about peoples suspicions around controller use.

I guess I am complaining into the void at this point since it seems Blizzard doesn’t care but if any Blizzard employee reads this please fix your game so people aren’t randomly banned without explanation.

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Same here, 2 days ago… i opened a ticket and they send me whats clearly a bot replay saying i violated tos. I opened another one to ask HOW exactly i did it. The told me they have proof i use cheats. After reading all the posts in here and on reddit i opened another to ask if it might have been my gxt controller on laptop (that i always used since a week after day one anyways…)… the send me again the bot replay that i violated tos… it’s just frustrating after 10+ years at blizzard games, always playing clean. Just like ok…thanks for the money and bye bye u don’t need to even know why (cause oc it makes no sense)

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The real pain is that you can only guess why you were banned. Very poor communication. What can the player base do about this unacceptable treatment?

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I’ve done none of those things so idk why you’re reposting the obvious. I played this game a couple dozen hours at launch without issue and the stopped playing until recently and the only difference between then and now is I used a controller to play this time. If that is bannable they should state controllers aren’t supported :slight_smile:

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Just letting you know there is an official statement from them today.

and yes, I have been using a controller, to be exact, Xbox controller, to play Diablo Immortal since the launch day, so saying that one got banned from playing DI because of the controller is nothing but speculation here.

Heck, even my clanmate that using controllers are still alive and kicking.

I guess its odd that having played without issue at launch without a controller and then I stopped playing until now and the only difference between now and then is this time I was playing with a controller leads me to believe it must be that. I’m using the same phone I was back then so not really sure what else it could possibly be :frowning:


What’s odd is that i’ve been played the same way with the same devices since launch… and now what was my problem? I did nothing of those things. Maybe they should check their anti cheat system cause there’s clearly something wrong. Got banned for ??? While there are people still botting and buying plats on server bah

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I believe there to be many ways to prevent botting and or cheating/multiple accounts as follows; everyone must use an battle. Any authenticator that cannot be replicated by multiple accounts. Only solo like; a code to your email to verify login. Net authenticator each time they login.
people who create an account must upload their ID into their Blizzard account during the creation process. It also gives an extra layer of security this way. Do not allow guest accounts to buy and sell in the market place until they create an account. face recognition software when you create an account. That way your face is recognized and you can’t use another face to register because you’ll run out of people to use for recognition. a simple fingerprint scan of some type that is uploaded to your account. a debit or credit card must be on file to see if you really have an account that can be charged a one dollar fee to authenticate. Qmake a monthly subscription like wow that allows you to sell as much as you want in the market and guest accounts can only sell a set amount of gems per month.

This entire dumpster show could be mostly avoided if they actually supplied the evidence for the ban in the email you get for being banned. For example “this peripheral or this app, or your phone OS was interacting with Diablo in a way the cheat detection software deemed malicious”. If they did this then we could clearly see what the heck the root cause was but since they don’t give af I guess we will never know and just keep seeing these banned for seemingly no reason posts.


If all the victims of this incompetence raise their voice here, maybe blizzard+netease will check their faulty anti-cheat system.

That, if it’s not just Netease boicotting blizzard on purpose.


For my part i gonna stop de galle, third part site buyer get 3 days ban , and come back without any penality ig, so fck off now, enought

third party programs are?.. unauthorized vendors are?.. fraudulent transactions and in game or are?.. exploiting a in game economy that blizzard already exploits are? unintended gains are? scamming more then blizzard?.. account sharing?.. win-trading is obviously cheating>! so there are grey areas to 4 out of 5!!! THE COD full of undefined terms! plus BTW anything that automates game play more then a phones touch pad? That include how pc’s gets A controller, multiple big screens, full keyboards, mouse with buttons, and windows programmable buttons. oh and “botting” or similar gameplay? aka farming!

Nisza aberrant pet botter is still not banned in my server. Don’t understand why legit cheaters are not getting caught and get ban.