Open Letter to Blizzard

Open Letter to Blizzard

Dear Diablo Immortal players and Blizzard officials,

I am writing this post as an open plea for help and as the voice of a growing number of players who find themselves in a similar situation. We all share a love for the game Diablo and have invested countless hours into shaping our characters and building our accounts. However, for some time now, we have been confronted with a troubling situation: unjustified account bans triggered by an alleged error in the anti-cheat system.

It is no secret that many of us who use legitimate game controllers, especially those from Microsoft Xbox, have been suddenly and inexplicably banned. This has led to a wave of frustration and despair within our community, reflected in forums, on Reddit, and in Discord channels. We discuss, we share our experiences, and we seek answers—yet so far, without a satisfactory response from Blizzard.

We understand that the integrity of the game must be protected and that measures against cheaters are essential. But it is equally important that innocent players do not suffer under false accusations. We ask Blizzard to address this matter, to engage in dialogue with us, and to find a solution that allows us to do what we love again: play Diablo.

This is not an isolated case, and it is not a solitary problem. It is a call to action, an appeal for fairness, and a request for transparency. We do not want to give up; we want to fight for our right to be treated fairly and for the joy of the game that means so much to all of us.

Blizzard, we hope for your support and that you will recognize and correct the error.


Hi Gamp, what a well worded message. These forums are dead mate. The reputation of the game and developers behind it is tarnished. I been watching this space for the last few weeks to see as the same thing happened to a friend of mine. They have the exact same sentiment as you.

Unfortunately, All your lovely words are falling on deaf ears. It won’t get rectified even though the controller you have said is actually part of the supported controllers listed by Blizzard on their website. I would say just give up and don’t waste your time with these guys. I know it hurts being ignored but there aren’t any human beings working at blizzard. It’s just an automated copy and paste message.

The worst part is that the real cheats are still freely roaming around botting and scripting Rapids and Open word farming 24/7. The Susan plat sellers are freely selling their in game services, selling 5 star gems using fraudulent transactions. None of these will get rectified.

Only thing they will do is take your cash and to fill their pockets.


I got banned, knowing 100% I did nothing wrong. I just played the game. I spend huge amount of money into it to support it (30k Euro) and this was the “Thank you” from them.

You have my full support on your well written message, but this will get nowhere i fear.
The system they have in place is faulty, the whole controller story is ridiculous (can I use the controller yes or no, can i use it as it is intended or only via cable ??? all these silly questionmarks…)

I have lost huge amount of money for nothing, I start to realize its gone. Its - in my opinion - a criminal act from Blizzard / NetEease as they do not provide a clear and undertandable reason WHY. They just say you are banned for exploiting, hacking, whatever. You dont get any acutal proof, nothing. To my understanding this has to against some law.

I know myself that I did nothing wrong and that I am misstreated as a customer, a gamer, a human being.
But they will not care…



The disappointment is immense, and even after about five months, I am still stunned. I cannot and will not accept it because deep down, I am convinced that I have done nothing wrong. For a year and a half, I played without any issues using an Xbox controller until I had to buy a new one because the old one no longer worked properly. I refused to believe rumors that one could be banned because of a controller. Like many others, I thought that those who were banned must have done something wrong. After all, Blizzard wouldn’t ban without reason – that’s how I knew the company.

For over 20 years, I was a loyal Blizzard fan, attended conventions, and experienced much joy – until that day in January when my Diablo Immortal account was banned. In the first few minutes, I thought it was no problem. I would contact support, they would see the error, and reactivate my account. That’s how naive I was, shaped by past experiences when Blizzard was different. Back then, they helped me with a WoW account issue, and support stayed on the phone until everything was resolved. But times change.

We gamers made Blizzard big, and I was firmly convinced that Blizzard stands by its players. My account is old, my first and beloved account, for which I have purchased many games and products, believing that Blizzard would handle my money trustworthily. But now, I feel let down.

Despite the sadness, I still harbor a glimmer of hope that a Blizzard employee will read this post and take the trouble to review the accounts. Maybe they will assemble a team that tries to reproduce the controller issue that led to the ban. I can’t imagine anything else because I haven’t changed anything on my account, except for using the Xbox controller.

In hindsight, I should have listened to my environment that warned me. I was naive, blind, and arrogant towards those who were also banned because I didn’t want to believe it. Now, after months of research, I understand the frustration of others. When someone writes that they were banned, they are often attacked for it. The arguments are always the same: “You must have done something wrong; Blizzard doesn’t ban without reason.” That’s what I used to think, but now I’m affected myself.

For 20 years, I lived in a dream world, put Blizzard on a pedestal, and believed they were the best game developers. That’s why the disappointment is so great. I only know one thing: As long as my account is not reactivated or I am not given an explanation, I will never touch a Blizzard product again. I will no longer play the games in my library. Of course, there will be people who say I’m making a fuss, but that’s easy to say when you’re not affected.

I have invested a lot of money in my character, far more than 10,000 euros, and that’s why the frustration is so great. I don’t know how to deal with it. Blizzard has shown me that you can’t trust anyone anymore. I will carefully consider which gaming studio I invest in. If I play at all, it will only be free-to-play or maybe a battle pass. That’s the lesson from all this. I was sure that my money was safe with Blizzard, that they develop good games. But that’s no longer the case. Blizzard has become just a money-printing machine for shareholders, and with the purchase by Microsoft, I no longer believe that the old times will return.

Now I have complained enough and thank you for reading this text.


Same for me - i also always though the rumors of unjustified and wrong bans - especially for controller usage LOL - must be false. Blizzard would never ban players without a clear proof and transparency that they clearly exploited / cheated etc.

Now, I got banned as a whale supporter - worst I have ever experienced in my life. I never felt that much betrayed as by this company that I supported for over 25 years with buying all games etc.

I am still absolutely stunned that this happend to me KNOWING for 100% (and I swear to this in any court room) that I did nothing wrong. I never installed any 3rd party stuff, used any automation or anything which would explain this. Never.
But I have invested over 30k+ EURO in money to this company and they just take it away from me and even do not proof it. They just claim “i exploited”. Which i never did.

What happend to this company? Its beyond anything you can understand.


Well, I suppose this makes you a “whale” and you learned the worst way how worthless you truly are to Blizzard. Unless you just create another account and spend more :euro:30k to “recover” what you lost, I hope you take this as a cruel lesson to learn to spend your money more wisely, where is definitely NOT on any MTX of a video game, let alone from Activision Blizzard. :person_shrugging:


Yes true words, and for sure this is the " hard lesson learned". I have canceled everything with Blizzard and i will for sure spend not a single cent anymore into this company and into any mobile game. So i have ended being a paying customer to them after 25 years including also the end of my WOW subscription.

But then again, we are talking here about justice. This “company” has taken away from me my time and investment, without any warning, without any proof, without any option to discuss this with a human being.
All you get is a standard email - and when opening an appeal ticket, a copy / paste 5 liner message. The whole appeal process is nothing worth at all. Its a fake dummy process they put in place, likely automated.
How on earth can this be right? They behave like in a dictatorhship. They say it is as it is and thats it. I never ever thought that Blizzard can reach that level. Its was beyond my imagination.

And in general, in a game that lives from (huge) money investments, in no way should a perm ban system be allowed without any warnings upfront.

I have lost money, yes, but they have lost me as a customer forever and i fight to spread the word, even if it is maybe a hopeless fight.


Just to share my experience with the “Customer support”.

I have for sure opened immediately a ticket for the appeal process.
Upfront: This process is a dummy process, no one is looking into anything. You get pre-defined text messages without any content.

But the “funny” thing is: they even dont recognize that they send out the same answer multiple times if you keep the ticket open. Yeah sure, human beings are actively working on this. LOL.

The first answer in the ticket was (expected)

Diese MaĂźnahme wurde in Einklang mit den Nutzungsbestimmungen sowie den Bestimmungen fĂĽr das Verhalten im Spiel ( Blizzard Support - Blizzard's In-Game Code of Conduct ) getroffen, die von allen Spielern akzeptiert werden muss, bevor die Spielwelt betreten wird. Diese Bestimmungen sollen eine sichere und angenehme Spielumgebung fĂĽr alle Spieler sicherstellen.

Die Nutzungsbestimmungen fĂĽr sind hier aufgefĂĽhrt:

Then after replying and keeping the ticket open, asking for help, asking for support, asking for more information etc… I got back after a couple of days THE SAME ANSWER AGAIN:

Diese MaĂźnahme wurde in Einklang mit den Nutzungsbestimmungen sowie den Bestimmungen fĂĽr das Verhalten im Spiel ( Blizzard Support - Blizzard's In-Game Code of Conduct ) getroffen, die von allen Spielern akzeptiert werden muss, bevor die Spielwelt betreten wird. Diese Bestimmungen sollen eine sichere und angenehme Spielumgebung fĂĽr alle Spieler sicherstellen.

The same copy / paste (or auto) reply … no comment.
What happend to Blizzard, really? This is “Customer care / Customer support”? This is the lowest level of anything you can imagine.

But well, my appeal process was closed (for sure), getting no information, getting nowhere. Its a shame.


This is gaining momentum. I’m starting to have faith. Please, don’t let your cases disappear. It’s been enough time being muted.


Hello everyone,

I would like to address a topic that is close to my heart. Recently, a forum post that I had written was published on YouTube. I would like to thank you for this, as it helps to make our situation visible. Even though it may be hard for many to understand, there is a group of us who do not understand why they were banned.

We have gathered on a Discord server " E3X5yy7XEF " to share our experiences. One thing I’ve noticed is that we all use a gaming controller. Therefore, I hope that even more affected people will share their stories. Tell us about your interactions with Blizzard support, whether positive or negative. I am convinced that if more of us share our experiences, others will also find the courage to tell their stories.

It’s not about whether someone has invested $10 or $50,000. It’s more about the fact that we have lost friends and a community – a solid circle of people with whom one enjoyed spending time. I am one of those who come home after work and seek conviviality in the evening to play a little and exchange with nice people.

Let’s tackle this matter together so that Blizzard finally takes notice of us.


You all need to understand that you voices are not heard in this forum. No one from blizzard is monitoring these forums except some customer service employees, who do text mining on posts to gather relevant data, and then they select topics that generate revenue first. You need to gather up and go public. Youtube, write news papers, tiktok, twitch etc. This is the way the world works today.


If you want justice you’ve come to the wrong place.

Sums it up pretty well.


I still believe in justice and hope that someday someone from Blizzard will come and take a look at the whole situation and review the problem again. Hope dies last. I hope this forum post doesn’t get forgotten, as there are still many people who don’t know why they were banned. We only know that we all have one thing in common: we use a game controller from Xbox or PlayStation.

I still come from time to time to see if someone has done something. I didn’t even have that good of a char, I got banned a month in. It’s more the sense of helplessness of being accused of something you did not.

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This is probably the worst game ever made. Unplayable and too much lag.

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Currently, I can confirm this, but it wasn’t always like this. That’s why the disappointment is so great. The quality of the game has deteriorated significantly over the past few months. Hopefully, the new Community Manager will read this and address the problems, at least those that are within his power, to improve the gaming experience. It is also important that those who unjustly lost their accounts get them back.