Hello. After the last major update, the channeling cyclone skill has received a major drop, around 40%-50%. This is very unreasonable, especially doing that to a class which is kinda dead and has no decent damage skills.
Best example for this is:
->set on your monk for the head piece (enchant) these 2:
-Fire Shrine: 19730 damage every second
-Spiritual Boost: damage increase 25%
If you test these 2 enchantments at the Training Aide, you’ll notice that you do THE SAME DAMAGE.
This is just one example, but if try ANY other differnt boost damage combinations (paragon skills / enchantments / gems, etc…), you’ll come to the same conclusion that the final damage of the channeled cyclone strike is NOT increasing after a certain limit.
And that limit is 40%-50% lower than it was before the major patch update!
For the love of God, Blizzard, please do a fix for this situation!
Thank you in advance.
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Device Model: Lenovo Legion Y520
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The damage increase has never stacked with Driven Thunder. Im not sure which buff it’s not stacking with. My wild guess is the pant, Terminal Pace. Even though it doesn’t show up in buffs.
Note, the attack speed bonus doesn’t stack with vithu’s 4 piece, which makes it kinda useless without the attack bonus. Also, the tooltip of the buff in your buffs in the upper left hand corner labels it as attack and movement speed.
Not at all.
For my free farm (what I played and carefully watched), I used (before the major patch update) Neck Breaker (head) and Neck Breaker (shoulders). While dashing or moving around, I used either one of these skills for extra damage and it worked. I got the extra damage to finish the mobs in one second. Without the usage of either of the skills, the mobs died in 1.5-2.5 seconds.
I’d say 40%-50% is an understatement.
There was a general damage drop for many classes after the patch, for example my primary attack buff DH build was even worse than helicopter monk, most of that seems to be fixed now.
I agree that the channeled cyclone strike seems to be completely broken however, from my experience it looks like it’s not a damage issue but instead it’s range is now almost nonexistent, making it deal very little damage as there are no hits in range to proc it.