Mixing crest types during Gem Surge

I just used 8 legendary crests and 2 eternal legendary crest in a 10 crest run of the elder rift. I only got 32 points for the gem surge event because of the 2 eternal legendary crests. In reality, I should have gotten 160 points, for using 10 legendary or eternal legendary crests together. Thinking back, there were probably other times in the past that I mixed crest types and didnt get all the points I should have. Is there a way to go back and add these points in for me? The developers were able to add everyone’s points earned since the 8th via mail, I feel like my request doesnt seem unreasonable. Especially since there is no warning to not mix legendary crest types, this is especially unfair. Thank you for reading

In addition to a description of the bug you are reporting, please provide:

Device Type: phone
Device Model: galaxy s23 ultra
Device Operating System: android
Diablo Immortal App Version: latest

I’d have to search but I seem to remember something about mixed runs in a previous post as well

There was a post from the devs saying not to mix crest types? Or someone else playing the game during the event had the same problem I did?

Not devs but a few others running into this as well. Can’t remember if this is another unlisted intended feature of theirs or not.

I most certainly did…

I can’t tell for sure, because I don’t pay too much attention to these details, but I believe that I also had this in at least one of my runs, in which I used mixed legendary/eternal and only got points for one of the 2 types of crests and not for the other.

Just another day in DI, it would seem.