Missing Gear - bug encountered?

Hello. I play as a Necro and one of my items (Parting Gift -Chest piece) in my inventory duped into what I switched it out for (Unfilled Grave -Chest piece) resulting in two of the same item. I’d like my item back (parting gift)… This occurred 3/7/2025. As evidence, If you are able to see account activity related to inheriting essences which would be the only way to get rid of the item, I have not inherited essences that day as well and use that item as my main component of my build that I literally use every day. I checked my stash (I rarely use) and its not there.

Has anyone encountered anything like this?

Device Type: PC
Device Model: Asus
Device Operating System: Windows 11
Diablo Immortal App Version: 3.2.4

This isn’t a bug, you did an essence transfer. You just need to go to an essence Npc and change it back.