I don’t buy LC with real money . All the LC i gotten is from in-game.
There are many things that are not important if you think of them not important. F2P is F2P so they aren’t important (how much stronger can he be if he gets a little more reward?) Whale is whale so they aren’t important (He can solve it with money).
It matters to me whether it is Monday or Tuesday because of the fading embers cap. The same as GarnMcGaughn. I already filled 120, so I want to use crests after the cap resets next week. Last time it was Tuesday, which was nice, but this time it’s unfortunately Monday.
In fact, considering their indifference, I don’t think they intentionally changed the practice of Tuesday to Monday… I’m a bit suspicious of GhostSignals’ words.
Again, if the event ended at 03:00 on Tuesday this means that on Monday, F2P players could do their Elder Rift runs (3 runs with 4 players putting in 10 rare crests each to get the 120 bonus ember cap, and the rest solo to get the 280 normal ember cap) to earn 400 Embers. They could use 320 of those to craft an Eternal Legendary Crest. Also, the NPC near the Elder Rift portal would have a Legendary Crest available for purchase with platinum. Once they’d done their WB raids to earn a token, that NPC would have an Eternal Legendary Crest available for purchase with platinum. So, that’s 2 Eternal Legendary Crests and 1 Legendary Crest they’d have available on Monday, i.e. before the event ended. With the event ending at 03:00 on Monday, those aren’t available for the event.
So, the thing that would change is that if the event ended on Tuesday, F2P players could get 2 unbound gems, 1 bound gem and 3 mirrored / bound copies, i.e. 6 more legendary gems than if the event ends on Monday.
If you’re a paying player, six gems might not mean much to you.
As a F2P, they absolutely do.
Which i already addressed in my previous posts. There aren’t much recourse or option F2P players can do here. If the event ended on Tuesday 3AM, good but if not, so be it as we all know that F2P won’t buy LC to participate the event before it gone.
The real question is whether the DI team really wanted the event ended on Monday 3AM but announced a wrong date: Tuesday 3AM or they wanted the event ended on Tuesday 3AM but announced a wrong date; Monday 3AM.
As i said before, instead of getting fixated on the date argument, next time just get 10 or 20 spare LC readied. It will save a lot of problem.
By the way, for those who doesnt know, China server gets a fixed Mirrored Jewel every month. Just saying.
As you can see, your comment only confused people even more.
Wouldn’t it be better to just say the event will last for 5 days regardless of when it started? No need to shuffle the dates around then.
Can you just shutup if you dont have anything good for the community? People are asking about exact date, we dont ask for your opinion when to do. Even so, your advice is utterly useless, since you clearly dont know as F2P we can get TWO LCs. ON MONDAY. Using platinum. I’ve been doing this since the first time I discovered this event, so I could get enough LC for a single run.
Oh wait, I bet you gonna argue “its not worth it! you must play like how I play, everything else is invalid. duhh!”
I hope you are banished from the community. You are really wasting everyone’s time shoving your own useless opinion to everyone.
The same goes for you. You could just keep quiet instead of responding to the 2 days old post.
Asking the date is useless. What are you going to do if the event ended on Monday 3 AM? Nothing. Would you going to buy LC before the event ends? Clearly not. So you just go to sleep and wake up on Monday and see whether the event hasn’t ended? Good news if it hasn’t ended, so you can go to buy your weekly LC. So tell me again, how does asking the date changes anything you are going to do in every week?
If time was so precious to you, you could just not reply to the 2-day old post. Also, you shoving your useless opinion at me too. Maybe next time get a mirror before you post?
Actually yes. You should save 10 LC like how I did just in case another Mirrored Jewel event popped out from nowhere.
Toxic creations shouldn’t bark and butt out. Waste of braincells to read your excretions.
Facts but the kiddo still wants the last word no matter what. Report him since he does it in every thread.
Wonder how he was raised…
Late to the party but let me give my 2 cents here because as an immo you can get 4 legendary and 2 eternal legendary crest on monday, that is 6 crests which is quite plenty for a f2p to be doubled and it defenitely could make a difference.
This is rich coming from the guy who got his posts reported and removed last time.
You should take heed on your own advice.
You just poved me right. When you grow up you can come back and have a proper discussion. You joker.
Proved that you are just a bad manner poster that most of his posts got reported and removed last time? I certainly did that.
Remove yourself and do us all a favour you attention hungry rugrat
An inaccurate handling of work or a lie. My warband mate played this mirror event today. That means it’s until Tuesday 3am like before. My suspicions have come true.
I hope this confusion won’t happen again. I used 10 crests vainly on Sunday. Even though I reached fading embers 120 cap.
Your advice is correct, but it doesn’t fit the theme of this post. That’s why people refuted your word. As this event repeats in future, there will always be someone who play the mirror event on the last day. If we think about the behavior of many people statistically, it’s worth considering when the last day is.
The biggest reason people are having this argument is Blizzard, NetEase, and GhostSignals. Get things done accurately.
Speak for yourself.
The thing is people is reliant or depend on the authority to do things for them. Sometimes the authority isn’t perfect and will make mistake. So why not that people, or players in this case, just do something that can be avoided completely instead of just risking it?
Are we going to experience (repeat) the same old drama again in the next Mirrored Jewel event like F2P players once again forgot to stockpile the extra 10 LC and then complain on the forum?
stop your yapping will you
Why don’t tell that to yourself?
Previously, when a mirrored event was going to happen, this was contained in patch notes that gave a couple of weeks’ notice, i.e. sufficient time for F2P players to build up a stock of sufficient crests to take full advantage of the event.
The complaint here is the complete lack of notice, for an event that went live mid-week (i.e. after people might have already used the crests they could have farmed on Monday / Tuesday) and then, on top of that, the in-game event / information about its duration was wrong and the only place the correction was mentioned was on the forums, i.e. not in-game.
Oh, and as to it not mattering whether it ended 03:00 Monday or 03:00 Tuesday, yesterday I had zero Eternal Legendary Crests / Legendary Crests, as I used what I had on the event. This is what my Inventory looks like tonight, after earning / crafting all the crests I could possibly get today…
That’s three Eternal Legendary Crests and six Legendary Crests. Put together with those I had in-stock last week, I could have run a mirrored Elder with 3 eternal + 7 legendary crests and gotten 3 unbound gems, and 17 bound gems.
This is why there needs to be enough notice, and the announcements / in-game events have to actually have the proper dates on them.
As i said previously, all these issues can be avoided just by stockpiling extra 10 LC instead of rely on the unreliable authority to do the work for us.
The “sudden + surprise” mirrored jewel event has already happened on us for few times, so at this point, players ought to learn, adapt and make preparation and not falling to the same trick over and over and then complain on forum again.
Plus, it is so obvious that the “surprise” Mirrored Jewel event is to catch mid-big spenders off-guard so they will need to buy LC with real money to participate the event. Give early notice means the mid-big spenders will just stockpile the LC like everyone else, thus will directly lower the LC sales. Not a very good business strategy if Blizzard/Netease’s goal is to get mid-big spenders buying LC.
So i think they care less whether F2P players have enough LC to participate the “surprise” Mirrored Jewel event in the first place.