Lost about 1755 CR ater borrowing a warband item to take me to 36k CR then upgrading tableau

In addition to a description of the bug you are reporting, please provide:
Lost about 1755 CR after tableu upgrade.
Device Type:android
Device Model:z fold 5
Device Operating System:android
Diablo Immortal App Version:latest

I was playing yesterday evening while out of town and I had just completed raids with my warband when I went to cryagnar to turn in wb chests and upgtade tableu. I turned in chests and saw an item to borrow that would have taken me from.35969 cr to over 36k. I checked it out and put it on and then went straight to the tableau. I upgraded it two steps and realize I should check my CR from the item upgrade and saw that I was at about 34245.

I see there is a DK penalty because I am slightly over server tableu rank but it makes no sense I would have lost 1755 cr?!

Please fix this. This loss in CR and therefore ability to run raids I used to is pretty quickly killing my interest in the game

Are all your primary gears have rank? Could be the gear with rank is somewhere in the stash when u were exchanging. Or it got extracted, which means it should be converted to raw mats back.

Everything has appropriate rank. From 18-21

I just figured it out. The boots that I borrowed from the warbands stash have no CR when I view them in inventory. I had already destroyed the pair I was wearing so I borrowed another set and now I’m at 36+ k CR

I took a screenshot but I don’t see a way to add it here.

This forum use ranked system, you can only post image if you have enough points. I dont have either, so usually I put a link from imgur instead

Instructions for how to do so…