Loss of warband leadership due to “clan” rules not warband rules

Is a warband a clan ? I just lost my warband due to 7 days inactive due to a heard attack . The reason i was given is becouse if a clan leader is inactive the next higest rank gets control of the clan in 14 days unless its the clan that overthrew the immortals then is 7 days ….well my warband isnt a clan and the ones who are now in control of my warband were not invited to my warband which as the overview of a warband states i can control who i let in my warband …. so how did that answer , fit the bill to answer my situation game master zoe… i was left with thar answer then ghosted n you didnt return even after two more days of messaging …can you show me the rule that is binding in this specific situation not a generic answer that dont pertain to it ….rules were broken ……or a bug needs to be fixed

I believe the transfer of WB leadership (to another member) happens after three days of the Leader being offline which is, indeed, a much, much shorter period than for a clan.

Responded accordingly in your other thread…

There’s nothing in-game, or any support article, that details this.

Your info on this helps. However, is it now available in the in-game FAQ at this time with so many updates? Also, isn’t it unfair when the wb leader is unjustly put under suspension for who knows when and unspecified reason, then suddenly the warband is given to a new leader? How do player members get selected to succeed?