Log In Loop (Battle.net / Start Game Screen)

Cannot connect to Diablo Immortal despite being able to log into battle.net app, clicked play from there and still I’m only signed in as guest, I can even log in and play on the guest account so please don’t reply with my phone probably can’t play it again, and close to ticket… I’ve now Uninstalled/ reinstalled, clear cache, used Oprah, chrome and Firefox to try signing in, tried clicking the three dots and opening it in a browser too and even tho it auto fills my email and password it still doesn’t log me in, even after getting the authenticator to prompt a new sign in it still took me back to the main menu with pool of wisdom selected (my correct server is ‘The Void’) I have 2 max level characters that I want back so this stupid advice of making a new account with the guest one that works is also clearly a very misguided answer that doesn’t take into account the many hours I’ve sunk into both of my characters ‘Patience’ (Crusader) and ‘Endured’ (Barbarian) please just unlock my account or forcibly prompt a sign in on .y device, or a sign out that will actually sign me back in again. Please pretty please can you suggest something or give some advice, and DO NOT close the ticket until I can respond please, so annoying to have to wait 2 days for a reply and it be the exact same copy and pasted information that you guys have posted in several places on forums and Reddit which I’ve obviously tried already. As you can see from the screenshot I’ve taken I now can’t even click guest because now the ‘log me in’ takes me to this source missing page, how can it be source missing if I’m logged in elsewhere no problem AND I was playing Diablo Immortal without a single issue other than maybe a tiny bit of lag when gathering up loads of enemy’s. Fix this bizarre problem please blizzard it’s clearly a weird bug that involves being redirected to a separate page whilst still trying to keep the game app open. But I’ve tried to keep it open so maybe not? I CAN 100% play this game on this phone Redmi note 11.

Estimated response time: 24 hours

Ticket ID: US99711378

Edit I’ve just searched for this and you auto deleted the ticket. DEFINITELY a problem on your side of things. Haven’t had issues until something changed roughly 4-5 days ago, maybe an update or something, either way fix this log in loop bug so I can sign back into my max level character account attached to [nathan_stanyon@hotmail]

Edit 2: I even just got sent here after waiting another 15 hours by: GM Sisajobeto
because apparently even though the last GM in ticket #95125683 told me this isn’t something that appears to be an issue, now GM Sisajobeto mentioned (and I quote) “We have received multiple reports of this issue and are currently investigating it. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided.” and that I should open a ticket here instead, so… you do have plenty of reports of this then, very contradictory information, and very unprofessional of your support team too tbh. I shouldn’t be made to jump through hoops because your support team is incapable of pressing a Forward button in an email. I’m sure they just want F2P players to fizzle away from the game as often as possible though. So I’m not surprised. Hopefully this issue gets some notice this time.

SORT THIS LOG IN LOOP ISSUE BLIZZARD, this is seriously unacceptable at this point and I’m seriously not surprised if people just uninstall because of nonsense like this. 3rd Ticket I’ve had to open because of this…

TL;DR - Infinite log in loop when trying to sign into my only battle.net account on the Diablo Immortal ‘Tap to play’ screen…NO ISSUES on literally every other blizzard app on my phone.

I have the same issue on PC on my Windows 10 partition.

Ironically, on my Windows 7 partition the game loads just fine…

So interesting you say this as running in windows 7 compatibility mode somewhat fixed and allowed me to play Sea of Thieves again like 2 days ago.

Sadly I’m playing Diablo Immortal on my Mobile… It’s Android 13 (Redmi note 11)

Wish I even had an old phone to try logging into…

Tbh I’m completely stumped that I can sign into Battle.net everywhere no problem, just not for Diablo Immortal, uninstalling, reinstalling should have worked unless Blizzard have changed how the login screen leaves the game when it prompts for a sign in… Like it just resets the second you’re directed outside the app or something.

tengo el mismo problema en movil, estoy intentando iniciar sesion y he intentado de todo, siempre me sale que ¨no ha podido verificar mi cuenta con esa informacion¨ cuando ya tengo el correo verificado
ahora inicio sesion en el PC normalmente con la misma cuenta