Im level 60 paragon 140 and the legendaries im getting

Only increase combat rating by 20 to 30 points and sometimes it is even lower that the equiped item combat rating, is this how the level up going to be? It is very very slow.

Im in hell 2 and my combat rating is 17,672.


legendary item cr is based on 2 factors, the base cr of the difficulty you are in and the # levels over the starting paragon level. So the top cr you can get basically raises 1 level each paragon level. This is where gear level, hellq and wb cr points are important as well

Thx thx good to know.

Also bear in mind that it’s not just the base CR of your gear that affects your hero’s overall CR, there are a lot more sources than that…

(My article is somewhat out-dated, as the Warband Tableau has had minor changes since I wrote it, but it’ll give you an idea of where else the CR you’ll need for higher difficulties comes from)

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Thank you thank you for the explanation.