If u change max CR on items, make it retroactive NETBLIZZ

All the time and effort people who are min-maxers put into pre-farm is a lot to just disregard and make a month+ worth of grinding stupid dungeons turn into bunch of wisps. Just on that fact alone i got a bunch of people in the clan wanting to quit the game, and those are the most dedicated players, who’ve been playing the game since day1. They are just tired of all the bs you do and yet to change the CR system again, that WAS NOT NEEDED. There are many more things you can impove to the game and yet you touch and change something nobody asked for instead of FIXING problems you got going for months and months. You can’t just spit in people’s faces like that.

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Hello everyone,

In our recent content update we revamped the Combat Rating for items, making it so that items with more attributes will drop with a higher Combat Rating. As it stands currently, this change does not apply to items already owned by players.

We have read your feedback and apologize for any frustration this change has caused—the development team is currently exploring possible solutions to this issue, and we will update you as soon as we have more information to provide.

In the meantime, please do not salvage any Paragon Level 1,000 gear.

Way, way too late.

Pretty much every I talked to salvaged their entire Stash contents of INF3/Para1000 items yesterday when they realised that INF2 items now had higher CR values.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well, I’m glad someone thinks it’s funny.

For those of us that salvaged, because Blizzard invalidated 1-2 months of our playing time, merely because they couldn’t be bothered to run a database update, it’s pretty galling.

It’s only as much invalidating as introducing a new difficulty.

Introducing a new difficulty means everyone needs to farm to get into it.
This change made everything that players had already farmed worthless.

Having to get new stuff is fine.
Having the stuff you already got made worthless is not.