hello I completed the crack of the 360 challenge and it has not given me the necessary score to raise all the items to 20 which has given everyone to raise the items they are taking me 2900 critical crystal. what happened?
I’ve cleared Challenge Rift 376, compared to your 360. The 365, 370 and 375 were worth 400 crystals each, with the intervening levels being worth 80 crystals each, so that’s 13 lots of 80 crystals, which is 1040 crystals. This is a total of 1440 crystals more than your clearance. However, all of my set items are Rank 20, and I have 3900 crystals left over…
This means that if I’d only cleared a 360 I would still have (3900-1440) = 2460 crystals left over. Did you do all of the intervening levels, not just the multiples of 5? At the end of previous seasons, depending on your ranking, you could have also earned crystals…
Perhaps people have had multiple seasons of these bonus crystals?
yup thats 100% the reason, I’ve been carrying clan members to get their last 20 green and some who are newer or not as active can be as much as 1k short
THERE IS NO BUG HERE simple as that. You are missing the bonus crystals from clan towers and seasonal rewards which can amount to 200-300 a month.
Completing challenge rift 360 doesn’t guarantee that you’ll have enough Cryptic Crystals to upgrade all of your green items to rank 20. There are many other events/activities that give those crystals, that’s why some people get their greens at top rank sooner and maybe even without having cleared level 360 in the Challenge Rift.
I play a lot, but only PvE and I disregard many events that I don’t like. With my main character, after completing Challenge Rift 366, I still didn’t have enough Crystals to upgrade the last green to rank 20 . Luckily, I had so many other materials that I could exchange them for crystals at the Smithing Materials Vendor and get enough to max the last of my secondaries
After I’m done with my BP, I’ll often throw this into World Chat…
-=[ Challenge Rifts ]=- Anyone need help with these? I can carry up to 375 (2-man).
Do other servers not have folks that are willing to help people with this sort of thing?
I don’t see people offering, but if I asked, surely someone would gladly help. Thing is… I don’t like being “carried”. I only ask for help as a last resort, and only when the character I’m using at the moment is too weak to defeat the last boss of a difficulty and I see that I’d be stuck for months unless I can start equipping items with better stats.
As an example, my weakest character doesn’t have yet enough CR to even move in Inferno 4 difficulty. I got help to defeat the last boss in inferno 3, so now I can play in Inferno 4, but… I still do almost everything in I3. Got I4 level greens by running the daily dungeons in I3 and switching to I4 before picking the “free green” reward. I see too many people entering Helliquary raids or dungeons with 2K-3K less CR than needed and I don’t like it, so I couldn’t do that.