HYDRA not dropping Iben Fahd stone

In addition to a description of the bug you are reporting, please provide:

Device Type: PC
Device Model: i9 11th GEN CPU , 128GB RAM, Med-high GPU Radeon, App runs on nVme SSD.
Device Operating System: Win 11
Diablo Immortal App Version:

Several people are experiencing the same issue. I will refer to the thread in the link below.

I have another character who only needs the Iben Fahd Fleshcraft Hydra drop. As I said in the prior thread below, I would test with the update to see if it is fixed and post if it is not fixed, and here I am. NOT fixed.

This has been attempted solo at varying levels from Hell I to Inferno VI, and now in the update… the Hell III equivalent. - NO DROP.


Thank you.

The link:

people complained back then and people complain now, could be a bug but also could just be bad luck.

You kill the Hydra Hell I or higher solo, you get the gem, once. That’s all there is to it.

An ingame friend got the drop on his 146 spawn

So they’ve changed it. It used to be instantaneous. Oh well, good to know. Crappy change from when the game commenced inception, but good to know.