Game breaking bug randomly dcing in all playable game modes

Game keep kicking us all out on Random onto start screen while in literally all game mode… Dungeons, BG, TOH, Erebban, Abyssal Vestiage, Survivor Bane, Accursed Tower, etc … list goes on … 2 days and still no fix or RC Identified?? What in the world are you doing blizzard??

Been playing DI since launch and this has to be the worst bug ever… Its literally annoying the heck out of many players…


Could confirm, at least on many South East Asian servers. Probably any instanced game will have chance to DC us. Even worse, in battlegrounds you will keep getting penalty for “leaving the game”.

Please compensate us Blizzard/Netease.


Blizzard wake up guys heeeeeelllllllpppppp , we are fed up already with this disconnects and bugs !!! Cant play at bg for 2 days it kicks out whole server

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App crash with error “unknown error while teleporting…” Happened all the time in Battleground. I got points deduction and banned for allegedly leaving the game. Same thing also happened during our Warband Helliquary Boss raid several times. This time we were able to confirm that all of us exerienced the crash at all times the app crashed in the raid.
Give us back our lost BG points, compensate us for the wasted time and stress and finally unban me from playing Battleground!!!


I just give this game 1 star rate on Appstore…I’m done

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Me and my friends getting this to. It’s so frustrating. Whenever I play dungeon, HR, battleground, until I got DESSERTED!!!

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2 days of crashing, and still no hot fix? fix ur game blizzard, for godsake.

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Yes, either going back to start screen or receiving a “unknown error while teleporting” message. At worse, game just crashes. Helliquary raids, dungeons, battlegrounds, even the Survivor’s Bane event…

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After the update, We in South America are not receiving battle points from the battle pass and warrior group, with the immortal taking a hit kill in the rite of exile! Constant disconnection on the battlefield! Losing items! With clans unable to participate in the shadow war due to a registration bug! It’s unfortunate that a company as big

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Players are randomly getting DCed from BG. Not only you get minus pts, you also need to wait at least 4 minutes to play again. I didn’t know this is how you give us your 2nd year anniversary. Groundbreaking Blizzard.

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Got kicked off the battle ground 3 times. Got banned for 1 day. Should I continue playing?

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The team believes they have fixed this specific issue. We will continue to monitor so please let us know if something has occurred.

20 minutes ago I just got kicked from vault, as far as I can tell my clanmates and other people in my server are still experiencing random disconnects. You guys sure it’s fixed?

Im still experiencing this bug. Battlegrounds, Raids, Dungeons and even when salvaging to Charsi lol

Server: Izual

It is still happening. Nothing fixed.

Nope. Totally not fixed. Players still get disconnected from every single event/game played. From rifts to towers to raids and battleground. We get penalized and banned for something that the devs failed to address properly. Happy second year DI. You managed to piss the whole gaming community all across servers.


Same here… Happening every 5 mins. Not solved… I will stop playing the game for a while!..

I got kick out many times during BG and DG and got penalised from BG. Whats wrong with the blizzards server?. I reinstall DI 2 times. Same problem happen.

Nothing was fixed! In fact I was kicked out from Survivor’s bane couple of minutes ago!

Do we have to do another Repair Client before the fix take effects ?
I also experience this error on both smartphone & PC (laptop).