Fractured Plane low damage BUG

Since 01/29 when Fractured Plane event was activated once again it has been different. Even with full 4 star gear I only deal 200-300 damager PER HIT! It was feedback from multiple players that they deal way less damage than previous time it was active. Previously finished level 12 within 12-15 minutes with 0 death…now 25 minutes with 3 deaths. Feels like the gear’s attributes dont add to the character. It’s unplayable like this.

Maybe it’s something server-side, but in my case, I finished the 2 runs with a couple of my characters and they “felt” the same as previous FP events. Times between 18-23 minutes, only one death, all objectives completed. What is actually bugged is that the current FP is not included in the Event Center… We can get the rewards, but Seals of Triumph are lost. Unless we get a compensation later…

I find FP pretty hit or miss. For me as a Barb this round is a complete miss and I’m not even bothering to finish it. It’s just a lot of button smashing with little connection

Something must be going on with either the server or the event, because i use the exact same build i always do in Fractured, yet i deal 90% less damage…

This isn’t possible as skills and essences are random each event period.

Yes, but for example now i can choose “continual damage increased by +50%” effect. And i try to find the same gear as i always did with continual damage fractured event. Still way lower damage.