Familiar shop always empty

The new familiar shop states that it restocks every 20 minutes and it never restocks and states it is sold out. Can this issue be resolved so that familiars are available for purchase as described. Thank you


Familiar shop is bugged. It keeps saying all familiar are sold out and new batches are released every 20 minutes. However, I waited for over an hour and not one new batch was released. The shop kept saying sold out.


Yeah, same thing here.

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I actually did see one pop up once doing this…was gone before I could click buy and NO ONE else was anywhere near the vendor. I don’t know how someone could be doing this vendor remotely, it’s not part of the ah.

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Every single time I’ve ever checked the NPC, this is the result…


I think this shop is a shared pool between players .wich is annoying because some are using bots or just afk there buying every one that spawns .it could be easily fixed if they make pet npc similair to hilt trader everyone with his own shop.

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I actually managed to buy one today, first time, so it’s possible.

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Yes, I have never seen a pet on that sell list. :joy:
Lightning Speed as HELL.

Yes shop is always empty. Even if you sit and wait with a timer checking every 20 minutes it’s still empty. I’ve even opened and closed the shop every minute for 20 or more minutes to attempt to refresh it but still nothing.

Is this something Blizzard is going to ignore? What can be done about it. Personally every time I check its sold out. Maybe put a limit on how many you can buy in a week? Or remove the NPC all together.

Yea as it stands its one sided (except if willing to log in off times to buy) people are clearly using bots or key scripts to buy. So as for who gets them are the ones willing to cheat or the ones willing to sacrifice family time and risk carpal tunnel syndrome flicking the button on your mouse. In my opinion it was a bad idea to make it like that. I think you’re right it should be set up like the hilts trader…

If they would make the familiars in the store and any thing they created player bonded they probably would not sell out very fast!