Essence Loyalty - Why restrict this to 100 extractions per week?

There are 6 gear slots (helm, shoulders, chest, legs, mainhand, offhand) for each class and each of those gear slots has 20 possible essences to extract. Let’s assume you have all of the essences for your main hero’s class and that you are looking to collect all the essences for the other six classes. How many essences are there to get…

(6 classes) * (6 gear slots) * (20 items per gear slot) = 720 essences required.

Okay, which brings us to the Essence Loyalty system, details of which in-game are as follows…

When you extract you can get one of the following…

  • 1 loyalty point
  • 5 loyalty points
  • 25 loyalty points
  • Immediate granting of the bonus essence

However, you can only obtain Loyalty Points from the first 100 extractions per week. These are bound to be weighted, with 1 being incredibly common, ocassional 5’s and rarely a 25. Let’s assume that from 100 extractions you get 85 1s, 10 5s and 5 25s. That would get you 85 + 50 + 125 = 260 Loyalty Points a week.

Okay, but remember you need 400 to be able to collect a bonus, and you need 720 essences. This means that you need 400 * 720 Loyalty Points to get all the possible essences for the other classes. That’s 288,000 Loyalty Points required, and you can earn maybe 260 a week. Now then… 288,000/260 = 1,108 weeks, or 21.3 years.

Why have you limited the amount of essences extracted per week that give points?
Why does it need so many points per essence?

Do you just not want people to class change (because people don’t want to change to a new class where they have no essences available and be weak until they get essences required for an effective build)?

Looks reasonable to cap it. Few players obtain 100 legendary items per week, and the game tries to keep things fair.

So, you’re okay with capping it to a level where it would take over 20 years to gain all the classes legendary powers this way?

You’re literally talking about farming ALL essences BEFORE changing to their corresponding class. Which is crazy. And honestly, I’m okay with that taking 20 years.

If you’re able to fill the weekly 100 extractions cap (yes, it’s not that hard), you would likely obtain many essences if you just play their class while doing so.

This mechanic is not intended for essence gathering, it’s meant to help you get that ONE essence you really want but you’re just not lucky enough for it to drop. I think it’s good enough already that they now let us choose essences for other classes in the first place, which wasn’t originally the case.

Which could take you four weeks because you can only benefit from 100 extractions a week and you need 400 points to guarantee an essence.

Prior to this change, when loyalty was first introduced, I extracted over 600 legendaries without getting that one essence I missed from the patch that introduced the system. I eventually got it as a drop.

400 is an improvement over 600+ but it’s still just a band-aid over a system that can leave you without an extremely important essence for weeks / months.

it also annoys me why there are limits, sometimes if I’m lucky I can collect over 100 legends and then what? I have to keep them in the stash to leave for the next week, but again the same… in the end it turns out that I don’t even have space in the crit for these legends so I’m forced to buy a package to increase my limit in the stash by a few more spaces. so these systems are intended to force players who spend more time farming to spend money

I just laugh that we get limited for being loyal, like just the name makes it make zero sense. Never gotten an auto essence in all this time either

I hit the 100 cap 3 weeks out of 4 at least,. But this is the worst it has been for me. BTW I do not even identify the gear in my sack.

I have hit the 100 cap on Wednesday server time 7:25 AM

Just to clarify the real reason that this week is so early I had to clear 59 pieces from last week that were all over the cap (ignoring the ones in my sack of course),

I understand I think the reason for the cap but perhaps it should be higher. 150 would probably be good but at least 125.

Perhaps another way to look at it is to keep the 100 cap if one’s loyalty bonus is not equal to 400. At 400 it becomes a higher number or no cap?

The thing is that this is not the main source of obtaining essences. It’s just a last resort if you don’t get one or two. The cap is there to prevent players from mindlessly farm legos for extremely long times to obtain the loyalty bonus any anyway most players don’t reach the cap or just barely. This is only an issue for players who play 24/7.

The cap is 100 extractions a week. This means, to get 400 essence loyalty, it could take up to 4 weeks per essence you’re missing. In your “one or two” example, that means if you don’t get lucky with a natural drop of the items, it could take a couple of months via this method. Sure, it’s better than the pure RNG of waiting for drops, but it still means players could take weeks to get an important essence for their build.

It would be the best if they add finding essences into the pet tasks in next patch.

Finding essences is not the end game content. Players should grind for the best in slot item, perfect rolls, sockets, etc. not some essences. That’s especially off-putting for returning players who have to find 2 or 3 collections of essences just to play a viable build.

I realize this is an old post but I want to know the reasoning for capping this. To limit people who play alot? Dumb as hell in my opinion . I am tired of being capped on loyalty bonus by Tuesday every week. Remove this damn cap!


I play very casually yet even I can hit the cap before the week’s over. This cap is just unnecessary.

I capped out on Monday.

It’s only Thursday morning and my Stash already looks like this…

i.e. I already have 85 legendaries waiting to be extracted.
As usual, I’ll be capped within 10 seconds of logging in next Monday.


It seems that they even put a date to prevent you from claiming the new essence thru the LOYALTY feature. :rofl:

In-game screenshot:


Wondering what criteria is in place there…

If you mean the week cool down that’s been in place for a few months now.

I‘ve also seen these cooldowns before from other players, but as shown, my character doesn’t have a cooldown on that same essence.
So I‘m just wondering why that’s the case.

Hmmm is it? I certainly don’t remember about it…or maybe at that time, I didn’t have a full loyalty point when the new essence was introduced. :laughing:

There is a 7 day period once unlocking a new difficulty for essences to be avail for loyalty. It’s not often they release them the same week we hit the difficulty.