Equipo de conjunto

Buenas, eh notado ya hace un tiempo, respecto a los equipos de conjuntos, que la gran mayoria tiene 8 slots, y yo tengo 6, pense que era un tema de demora en la actualizacion, pero ya a pasado varios dias, y la actualizacion en la cual se agregaron dos partes mas de equipo de conjuntos ya a pasado tiempo, al hacer pvp genera diferencia. agradeceria si me pueden responder, y si soy el unico usaurio que le sucede eso.

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Hello, I noticed a while ago, regarding the set equipment, that the vast majority have 8 slots, and I have 6, I thought it was a delay issue in the update, but several days have passed, and the update in which two more parts of set equipment were added in the past, when doing pvp it generates a difference. I would appreciate if you could answer me, and if I am the only user who has this happen to him.

The two extra weapon slots are given when the hero reaches Inferno 1 difficulty which happens after you reach Paragon 799 and kill Hell 8 Phangwrth…

So, is your hero in Inferno 1 / paragon 800+ ?

muchas gracias por tu resuesta. si te referis a las armas secundaris nuevas que se dsbloquean, no me estoy refiriendo a eso, si no a los sets verdes.
si soy lvl 1250( infierno3)

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Thank you very much for your answer. If you are referring to the new secondary weapons that are unlocked, I am not referring to that, but to the green sets.
Yes I am lvl 1250 (hell3)

At Paragon 1250, I highly suspect you mean Inferno 3, not Hell 3. You also mention green / set items. So, that means the Bracelet slots. Bracelets are only available from Inferno 4 and above. You can obtain white / blue / yellow quality bracelets from open world / lairs / the Antiquities NPC whilst playing at INF4 or higher. Set bracelets have to be crafted at the Blacksmith in Westmarch using wisps. It’s also possible that you can get set bracelets as the reward from the Codex for completing 3 dungeons, and from the rewards for Accursed Towers. Set bracelets do not drop from dungeons.

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