:speech_balloon: - January 28, 2024 -

Device Type: High End PC
Device Model: N/A
Device Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
Diablo Immortal App Version: N/A

Please Take The Time To Read and Understand The Issues Being Experienced In Diablo Immortal - as I am not the only player experiencing these issues and problems in the game! I am requesting for Blizzard / NetEase / Microsoft Management to fix, improve and address these ongoing issues as soon as possible for the benefit of all Players who support and play Diablo Immortal, and for your company’s own benefit as well. -

Dear Blizzard / NetEase / Microsoft Management!

Diablo Immortal keeps randomly crashing during game play and it is beyond frustrating at this point! Here is a summary of my experiences with Diablo Immortal so far, and keep in mind many players are experiencing the same issues and problems with the game as well.

I can’t even enjoy game play without worrying if Diablo Immortal is going to randomly crash! It’s ridiculous! I do not have this problem with any other Blizzard game, or any game as I mentioned before, and I been a loyal Blizzard customer for over 18 years. It is unacceptable that this is even happening in the game. For your reference, I been playing Diablo Immortal for over a year now.

I have posted bug reports about this before, and the issues with Core Attack skills failing in the game, which is unheard of, and still nothing has been done to fix these issues in Diablo Immortal. And to be clear, there is NOTHING wrong on my end at all! My OS and all drivers are always up to date, and I have a very high end PC Workstation with an RTX graphics card. Not to mention, I have never experienced this with any other game before. Only with Diablo Immortal, and I am sure you, Blizzard / NetEase, must be aware of these issues and problems by now, since I am NOT the only one complaining about these issues and problems in the game with Diablo Immortal.

I even performed Repair Client twice already, and still the same buggy random crashes keep happening in the game! Again, I do NOT have this problem with any other Blizzard game, or any game other than Diablo Immortal! What gives!? Why does this keep happening with your game, Diablo Immortal!?

FYI: I just logged in over an hour ago to play my BK and in less the 40 minutes of playing I experienced two random crashes in the game in less than 40 minutes, which is terrible for any game to have this problem! One of the crashes happened while doing a Tower Run! It’s awful! Why don’t you fix this ongoing problem already, Blizzard / NetEase!?

Not even D3, or buggy D4 randomly crash like this at all! How is it that Diablo Immortal still fails to address this random game crashing issue!?

Yet, you, Blizzard / NetEase, have no problem making sure to offer shady Battle Passes that offer the same rewards from the previous season in the game, with no new rewards or updates to the Battle Archive Shop in the new season!? And the cosmetics shop is also outdated in this so called “new season” of Diablo Immortal! What an epic mess and failure to allow these issues in the game, and it is a huge let down to all players who support Diablo Immortal as I have.

Also, why can’t you, Blizzard / NetEase, be more transparent and clear on the game mechanics and in-game items, and allow for account wide sharing when it comes to cosmetics and transmogs in the game!? For example, Dawning Echo. An in-game item that has no clear description or information as to what it does, and it is beyond vague, yet it costs 1,000 Eternal Orbs! This seems to be very shady, and clearly when it comes to account wide sharing of cosmetics and transmogs in the game, your company has that restricted to only one character in game account instead of allowing account wide sharing, which makes no sense considering all Blizzard Diablo games have account wide sharing, except Diablo Immortal! This seems like unnecessary greed and it is a big turn off!

The other question many players are asking: Is Diablo Immortal still in beta or is the game just not being properly fixed, improved and updated as it should be!? Because as of this writing, (January 28, 2024), Diablo Immortal is way overdue for a lot of fixes, improvements and badly needed upgrades, and a lot more clarity when it comes to descriptions and rewards in the game! Diablo Immortal can be so much better! I don’t understand why you wont make it better, Blizzard / NetEase / Microsoft Management!???

And why would Blizzard / NetEase create Familiar companions with so much confusing complications to upgrade and level up!? And why when combining 3 Familiars, Diablo Immortal players risk getting a downgrade instead of an upgrade! That is such a scam and so messed up! I don’t mind spending money on any game that I enjoy, but not when things are this bad, buggy, confusing and misleading in the game, and after discovering all of these issues and problems in Diablo Immortal, it is sad and shameful that your company has not done anything so far to address, fix or improve any of these issues and problems with Diablo Immortal for all players.

On Gold Earning: You seriously need to boost Gold Earning in the game, especially for players that put in the time and effort! And what’s up with the player XP at higher tiers failing and being less than they should be, even with Treasure Hunter active!? This is bad!

Gold earning in the game and to gather resources is awful to upgrade gear, which is essential to make progress in the game, is very grindy and tedious. The game is very unbalanced, buggy and beyond grindy, and your Cosmetic shop is out of date with nothing new to offer for the new season! Why!? And, your Battle Pass which only has 1 new cosmetic as the final reward and every other reward and item in Battle Pass is from the old previous season!? Why is that!? None of this is good in Diablo Immortal! None of it!!

Don’t get me wrong, I like the game very much. It reminds me a lot of D3, but the game has serious issues and problems that need to be fixed and improved to make the game better. And it can be a lot better than it is now!

On a positive note: The Main Questline and Story in Diablo Immortal is great, fun and rewarding. This I like very much, but the outstanding issues, problems and bugs, along with random crashes, ruins the game play overall, and I hope those issues, problems and bugs in the game get fixed and improved soon!

If I didn’t care, I would not waste my time writing this BUG report and share my experiences with Diablo Immortal in the first place. I would like nothing more than to see this game succeed, become more fun, rewarding and overall better for all players, myself included, who support Diablo Immortal.

The awful outdated Battle Pass that shows old rewards from previous seasons instead of having new rewards for the new season for players that PAID for season Battle Pass that were expecting to get new rewards, as I did, is another failure that needs to be updated, improved and addressed for all Diablo Immortal Players who paid for Battle Pass for this new season, as I did.

There is no reason or excuse to not have new rewards for every new season when you are charging players for a Premium Battle Pass! It’s outrageous to be charging players for outdated old rewards from previous seasons in the game! That is not acceptable!

And your so called time limited temporary NON-rewards labeled as “Rewards” in the game are NOT actual rewards since the player does not actually keep the reward, and it should be clearly addressed for all players! How misleading can you be!? This is false and needs to be addressed.

Clearly, Blizzard / NetEase have no problem taking players money, but can’t take the time to fix and improve the game, and make it better for all players who support Diablo Immortal! Unreal and very disappointing!

Get your act together, Blizzard / NetEase, and fix, improve and address these issues, bugs and problems with Diablo Immortal soon! It is very wrong to take advantage of players and for you to not do your part to fix and improve the game, especially when you are charging players real money for awful and outdated Battle Passes that feature old rewards from previous seasons!

You can do better than this, Blizzard / NetEase, and I hope you actually read this and take the time to fix and improve the game for all Diablo Immortal Players who support this game, sooner than later, because the way things are now with Diablo Immortal, it is NOT good!

Thank you for your prompt attention regarding Diablo Immortal. - JJ -


Same thing is happening to me and several other PC players. And it’s just been happening so often since the last update. This week I’ve crashed on PC almost 2-3 times an hour


Blizzard / NetEase seriously need to fix these constant crash issues in the game. This is unacceptable for all players who pay for and support this game, Diablo Immortal. Thank you for sharing, but this is not surprising considering I mentioned this several times on this bug forum. It’s ridiculous how this gets ignored.

If this continues unresolved, I will escalate this issue and file a formal complaint. You need to take note of these issues in your games, Blizzard / NetEase, specifically Diablo Immortal, and do your part to fix and improve the game for all players! There is no reason for these issues to keep happening! NONE! - JJ -

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on pc the game crashes are chat related for me. Try to not to use the chat while teleporting to another zone/location or during a video cut scene. Even hovering the mouse over some chat elements might crash the game.

how to reproduce the bug - 100% reproduceable (tested in westmarch):

  1. open map and select another zone or a far location on the same map, press teleport button, the map window closes and the animation for the teleport begins
  2. now open the chat window in the left corner so you can type some word
  3. when the teleport animation ends, the game crashes

It’s been happening to me too, random crashes, but more frequently when starting some helliquary raid or dungeon (I suspected that any group activity was “triggering” the crash somehow). What I did:

  • Uninstalled the game.
  • Deleted all files/folders left in the game’s installation directory.
  • Installed again.

Yesterday, 2 characters, the game crashed 7 times in 2 helliquary raids. Today, Jingun raids (4 times with 4 characters), full helliquary raid (with my third character), several dungeons, not one single crash so far.

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There should be NO constant crashes in any game, especially a Blizzard / NetEase game!

Blizzard / NetEase NEED to fix these ongoing crash issues in Diablo Immortal! This is unacceptable!! - JJ -

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This is happening to me on PC as well when before the last January update/early Feb I think I crashed once in a year and a half.

I’m noticing the same thing as one other PC user that had stated it above. Its something to do with chatting around the time of teleporting. They just introduced various tab chat features and new features. This seems to have broke the pc client chat feature causing it, under certain circumstances, to crash the game when entering or exiting instances.

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PC or not, I have an S23 and since Monday, I’m also having the game crashing within two minutes of launch multiple times.
Also since Monday, the game has so many dropped frames, that sometimes it freezes for two seconds processing the graphics. I know it’s the graphics because when a lot of particle effects happen, that’s when.
Not the hardware, the software with this forever beta.

Tldr, game crashes while dialog box is open and loading into new zone/instance/dungeon/etc

Since Feb 12. As Immortal defending the Vault. When group leader, Game crashes to Deskop as soon as Enter Vault loading screen is shown. Will not progress beyond 0% before crashing. Restart Game - game checks files, loads very slowly - Game commences with player standing in empty vault usually. If you wait till vault timer automatically transports you back, will also immediately crash to desktop

Game is broken for me since they merged servers 4/5 months ago and they did nothing for fix their sh*ty server. bugs, lags and crash are commons things now…

This thing is real, why you can’t fix it? From the latest patch, it’s always up. I cosindering to leave this game… Latest driver, repair client and stuff like this didn’t fix the issue…
To be honest this game is a tons of bug, and no one cares about it as far.

:speech_balloon: February 20, 2024 -

I agree. I keep experiencing crash issues in Diablo Immortal every time I log in the game. This issue has NOT been fixed by Blizzard / NetEase along with many other outstanding issues in the game! Blizzard / NetEase just keep ignoring these problems despite being reported, and even worse while taking players money for their in-game service, which are also very deceptive and misleading!

Not to mention the lack of descriptions on most items in the game, including Familiar Companions and how to actually upgrade attributes and its ridiculous complexity to screw players over, along with their Empowered Battle Pass, Boon and Seasonal Prodigy services in the game. It’s a total rip off that Blizzard / NetEase are charging these services per character instead of per account! No wonder there is no account wide sharing! It’s a rip off, and a willfully misleading scam!

And the worst part is Young players (kids) that don’t know better are getting duped from these in-game purchases in Diablo Immortal. It is beyond shameful to say the least! Blizzard / NetEase need to do the right thing sooner than later and correct themselves soon, otherwise I will be filing a few formal complaints about these issues with the FTC and the NY Attorney General. There is a point where enough is enough!

I have very little tolerance for these deceptive business practices by Blizzard / NetEase and the constant neglect to fix their own game, (Diablo Immortal), while taking players money! Unreal and disappointing! - JJ -

Yep same here random crashes …im immortal so the vault is seriously bugged as well . I farmed i5 in i4 better than being i5 …one shotted ? Yea get it together . This shouldnt be happening . Crashes 2 times same helliq raid …cmon guys act like its important . I5 is a joke

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adding to:
-Typing in chat when Raid ‘enters’ dungeon - crash to desktop
-Leading Immortal party in Vault Defence - crash to desktop
-heliquarry Raid with War band member in Raid - Frozen screen, battlenet disconnected message, sometimes crash to desktop, other times you have to ‘hard exit’ DI and restart

The crashes are related to typing in chat. If you start chatting in Dungeons, Raids and BG it is very likely you will crash. It is almost 100% reproducible in BG phase 3 in particular. Type “Gg” after finishing phase 2 of pusing idols and you will crash soon after.

Agree with all the above. Also on PC.

Appears to happen most times I am or zone into Raid or Random Dungeon zone and I’m using / typing the chat interface at the same time.

This might be co-incidence or not. Do not know but appears to crash most times I do this. Doesn’t seem to crash if I don’ use the chat interface.

The game just freezes completely, frozen screen, then after a few seconds the game window goes black and then drops out of DI entirely. Have to restart from battlenet to get back in.

This has been at least a month now. Never used to be a problem before that.

I Have Been Having The Same crash problems ONLY While Playing Diablo Immortal And I Have Been Playing Diablo Since The Very First One ! does Net Ease Games Not even Care About These Crashes IF SO I Guess I Am Going To Delete Diablo Immortal Since IT Seems IT IS Unplayable NOW!! it is obvious the Makers OF These newer Games DO NOT CARE or They Would Have Their game techs fix This Problem ITS TO Bad I cannot Delete This game And Get My Money Back !! This Company Is Definately Not The Old Blizzard I grew UP With because They Actually Fixed Things Going Bad !!

This needs to be fixed with the coming maintenance and updates as it’s been this way for over a month now. Still crashes when you use chat interface when zoned into a raid instance. This is for PC.

C’mon Blizzard!

First off I think this game is stunningly beautiful. But the constant crashing is something Blizzard has to be aware of. They do test this game, right? I mean my game crashes a couple times an hour (minimum). You don’t have to look for the bug - it’s in your face. Please, for the love of humanity, get this under control