[ Bug ] Vanguard rewards did not reset

According to the Vanguard task within the Codex…

Rewards (resets Monday and Thursday)

Yesterday, I did five runs of Vanguard, leaving the rewards as 0/5.

Well, it’s now Thursday and this is what I see at the Vanguard portal…

So, what happened to the reset?

Hero’s Name Meteorblade
Hero’s Class Barbarian
Hero’s Clan Synergy
Device Used PC
Device O/S Windows 11 64-bit
Game Version
Server Region EU
Server Cluster The Martyr / Sea of Light / Crystal Arch / Diamond Gates / Peace Warders
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Same issue here and the same Issue at all my Friends… Rewards today at 0/5

Hero’s Name Klopparella
Hero’s Class Crusader
Hero’s Clan Devils Army
Device Used PC
Device O/S Windows 11 64-bit
Game Version
Server Region EU
Server Cluster El’Druin, Tabri, Segithis,Qual-Kehk, Solarion, Larzuk ,Zolthrax

Same issue here:

Name: Ravenlock
Server : Dark Wanderer
Devices: PC
OS: Windows 11, 64B
Game version:
Server region: EU

In game cooldown misrepresented creating a gross misuse of limited attempts for entire Diablo Immortal player base

Hey there,

We are aware of this issue and it has been reported to the team for investigation. I will let you know when I have more information to share.


Thank you.

Send them our thanks for introducing more untested features.

i have screenshot saved on phone, don’t see an option to upload on here besides a link. not sure if i should wait or run and not get any charms. i’ve already wasted 2/5 runs so far.

| -————- |
|Hero’s Name| itskimmy|
|Hero’s Class|Crusader|
|Hero’s Clan|insidae|
|Device Used|iphone xr|
|Device O/S| iphone xr|
|Game Version||
|Server Region| worldstone

Yes happening to me too. I did 5/5 before 3AM Thurday. Before the timer ends. But cap not reset after timer started new. Please fix because missing one upgrade affect our performance a lot, we are missing progress compares to others.

Any updates on this? Can we receive verification this will reset on Monday if not sooner?

As you said, this major patch is based around a new game mode that now caps progress after 5 attempts.

Same here my
Vanguard did not reset yesterday and I repaired and still nothing… can I get a free crest and gems since I am losing major XP and rewards? like come on.

Well, the rewards reset this morning…

…but what about last week’s Thursday-Sunday reset that everyone lost?

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Reward did not reset for me and a few others on halls of the blind.

I take that back. It’s not reset in the codex (says 0/5), but it’s reset when I go to the vanguard portal (says 5/5).

Actually, it has.

  • The codex task starts at 0/5 runs done, and goes up to 5/5.
  • The Vanguard portal starts at 5/5 runs left, and goes down to 0/5.