[ Bug ] Hero's Journey - Chapter III - Cycle of Strife

The wording on the Cycle of Strife task is as follows…

Complete 18 Shadow Contracts or Immortal Goals.

The task’s wording is incorrect.

Here are my weekly Shadow Weekly Tasks, showing me at 15/20 completed…

I then did two more Shadow Weekly tasks, neither of which were Contracts, taking me to 17/20 completed…

This progressed the Hero’s Journey - Chapter II - Cycle of Strife task from 0/18 to 2/18…

So, the wording on the task should be…

Complete 18 Shadow Weekly Tasks or Immortal Goals.

…because this task is not predicated on completion of Contracts.

Hero’s Name Meteorblade
Hero’s Class Barbarian
Hero’s Clan Synergy
Device Used PC
Device O/S Windows 11 64-bit
Game Version
Server Region EU
Server Cluster The Martyr / Sea of Light / Crystal Arch / Diamond Gates