No, which is a bug in itself.
Except that some people, in very specific circumstances, received some of the seals, from the first week the event ran, and the seals were carried into the second event center period. Another bug.
Again, see above. Some people received seals, some did not, despite it not being shown in either of the event center periods. Another bug.
But you didn’t notice that an event that should have awarded you 44 seals granted you zero seals?
I checked, sadly I don’t have one, but the previous period’s event center, the last event was Shady Stock, and Fractured Planes was not in it.
Except that some events, that reset part-way through the week, actually do re-grant their seals. Here’s an example…
In the first screenshot, I have 133 seals…
In the second screenshot, I have 177 seals…
However, in both of the screenshots, you’ll only see these events…
- Survivor’s Bane (44/44 seals)
- Alley of Blood (44/44 seals)
- All Clans On Deck (45/45 seals)
Now, as 44 + 44 + 45 = 133 seals, where did the extras come from in the second screenshot? Well, it’s because Survivor’s Bane resets part-way through the week it runs, and it re-grants its seals, making the total 44 + 44 + 44 + 45 = 177.
My screenshots show that actually, no, how you think it works is not how it actually works. Your very own example, of Survivor’s Bane, re-grants seals. You can absolutely get two lots of 44 seals from the event due to it resetting tasks part-way through its run and I’ve shown you this to be the case, with screenshots. What was that again about you being an obsessive completionist?
By your very own argument, if someone promised to pay you $4400, but actually paid you $0, you would not have missed out on any dollars. I was using your own logic against you, to show that your argument was not sound.