BUG: Fractured Plane issues

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Device Type: PC
Device Model: DIY
Device Operating System: Windows 11 Pro 23H2
Diablo Immortal App Version: Latest

First: Fractured Plane is NOT included in the Event Center, so all Seals of Triumph that we should be obtaining from this event are simply lost.

Second: When opening the Fractured Plane, we see 2 skill sets options to choose from. With my Blood Knight, no matter which one I choose, it always takes the first one. See video evidence:

I know that it doesn’t make a lot of sense to report this now, when the event will finish some hours later, but so you can take a look and make sure that thes issues won’t happen again in the future.


Now you mention it yeah I just was annoyed with the event as a whole that I missed the skill selection. The only time to receive the seals was while the current event cycle was active and before this event reset for the second week

The first part of your post is not a bug, as this Fractured plane event lasts 2 weeks, and the first week was included in Event center.

The second part however is indeed bugged, Blood knight can’t choose the second skillset no matter what.

Then it IS bugged, because the second week should have been included too in the Event Center. Otherwise, why does it have Seals of Triumph as rewards? And being a 2 weeks event, why was it removed after the first week ended? It doesn’t appear as “Completed”, it has disappeared completely.

I’m not sure how it works when an event spans over multiple weeks, if the seals from week 2 still count or not, as I normally fill them up on week 1 and such occasions are very rare.
In some events, for example Survivor’s bane, which usually starts on Wednesdays but resets on Sunday, you can get more seals than the event maximum, but those don’t count towards Event center progress.
The thing with this Fractured plane is that it happened to have the first week at the very end of last Event season, so even if the seals still counted, you can’t see it anymore.
The 2nd week not being included in Event center is simply because the new Event season has other events with more than enough seals to collect.
It is a shame, and it certainly is confusing, but I wouldn’t consider it a bug.

incorrect it was NOT included until the new event period started but also not officially part of the event list. So it is still bugged

No, it was bugged. I did both weeks of Fractured Plane. I received no Seals of Triumph, either in the prevent Event Center period, or the current one and reported it as such. The last event in the previous Event Center was Shady Stock, Fractured Planes was not part of it. Fractured Planes was also not included in the current Event Center.

Alright, maybe I was mistaken and this Fractured plane was not included in the Event center at all.

Therefore it’s not a bug. It’s just a special version of the event that gave useless Seals of Triumph. So if there was a bug to it, it was that it gave Seals of Triumph when it shouldn’t. But you really can’t expect the devs to rewrite the rewards just because the event is not counted in Event center for once.

An active event with Seals of Triumph as rewards should be included in the Event Center. So, of course, I believe this to be a bug and can expect that the developers do their work properly.

And I may be wrong, but I’d swear that when the current Event Center cycle started, the first event there was in fact the Fractured Plane but was removed without warning or explanation. I have characters with more Seals of Triumph than they should, seeing the events they have completed. Pretty sure that someone else mentioned this same thing.

was prob me and it wasnt part of the event calendar. I ran FP on the weekend when the new calendar started and got points but once the reset happened no more points

An event that should have granted 44 Seals of Triumph granted zero Seals of Triumph.
That is absolutely a bug.

I can and do expect the developers to code the game so that events that say they will grant rewards actually grant those rewards and/or to compensate players when said events fail to grant those rewards.


Okay I will not fight people who fail to understand basic facts.

Event is over now.

Personally, I didn’t miss out on any rewards from it or the Event center.

Case closed for me.

I only came here to point out the part about BK skillsets not being changeable in the first place.

So did you get the Seals of Triumph from both weeks of Fractured Plane?
And you talk about people who fail to understand basic facts?

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  • I understand the basic fact that I should have received 44 Seals of Triumph from this event.
  • I understand the basic fact that I received 0 Seals of Triumph from this event.
  • I understand the basic fact that 0 is less than 44.

Which of these basic facts are you disputing?

Did you receive the 44 Seals of Triumph that the event said it would grant to you?

You’re resting your case on 0 being an acceptable amount compared to the 44 that was promised to you?

Analogy time…

  • If your stated wage was $4400 a month but next month your boss pays you $0, would you have missed out on any wages from your job?
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Was the event in Event center or not? If yes, then you would’ve received those Seals of Triumph if you completed the tasks.
If it was not included in the Event center, you didn’t miss out on anything.
As an obsessive completionist, I would’ve noticed having an incomplete event.
Until I see a screenshot of last event season, I can’t discuss this any further.

Ad 1.
Overflow Seals of Triumph don’t count, no matter where you get them, and don’t give anything on their own.
You’ll see in Survivor’s bane this week. Resets on Sunday, but even if next week’s tasks will apparently give out more Seals, those won’t count in Event center.
It’s just how it works.

Don’t use my own arguments against me, that’s not gonna work. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

No, which is a bug in itself.

Except that some people, in very specific circumstances, received some of the seals, from the first week the event ran, and the seals were carried into the second event center period. Another bug.

Again, see above. Some people received seals, some did not, despite it not being shown in either of the event center periods. Another bug.

But you didn’t notice that an event that should have awarded you 44 seals granted you zero seals?

I checked, sadly I don’t have one, but the previous period’s event center, the last event was Shady Stock, and Fractured Planes was not in it.

Except that some events, that reset part-way through the week, actually do re-grant their seals. Here’s an example…

In the first screenshot, I have 133 seals…

In the second screenshot, I have 177 seals…

However, in both of the screenshots, you’ll only see these events…

  • Survivor’s Bane (44/44 seals)
  • Alley of Blood (44/44 seals)
  • All Clans On Deck (45/45 seals)

Now, as 44 + 44 + 45 = 133 seals, where did the extras come from in the second screenshot? Well, it’s because Survivor’s Bane resets part-way through the week it runs, and it re-grants its seals, making the total 44 + 44 + 44 + 45 = 177.

My screenshots show that actually, no, how you think it works is not how it actually works. Your very own example, of Survivor’s Bane, re-grants seals. You can absolutely get two lots of 44 seals from the event due to it resetting tasks part-way through its run and I’ve shown you this to be the case, with screenshots. What was that again about you being an obsessive completionist?

By your very own argument, if someone promised to pay you $4400, but actually paid you $0, you would not have missed out on any dollars. I was using your own logic against you, to show that your argument was not sound.

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Devs intentionally omitting an event from the EC because it’s different in any way… is a bug? :thinking:

I already agreed with that in a previous post. If the event granted anyone Seals without being included in EC, that is a bug.

I might’ve been already maxed by the time the event started. But since you said it wasn’t included, I wouldn’t notice anyway. Either way I didn’t have any incomplete event and sat safely maxed on 360 seals at the end of last season. Just like right now even without seeing all the upcoming events, I already know I’ll safely reach 360 this season as well.

All in all, regardless of where the truth is (as neither of us has enough proof), what exactly did you (or anyone) miss out on here?

if Blizz sent out a mail giving everyone free items and you never received one you would ask why you didnt get the rewards. The point bluntly is this entire FP was bugged in many different ways. You arguing otherwise when out voted is honestly a waste of time, if it doesn’t effect you then feel free to ignore this thread and move on from it

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1v1 is not outvoted but you get a like anyway because at least you noticed that I’m wasting my time because of something I didn’t even come to this thread to discuss. :+1:

If it was intended to not be part of the Event Center, then the event should not have indicated that it would grant 44 Seals of Triumph, which are used in the Event Center.

If it was intended to not grant Seals of Triumph, then the event should not have granted some players Seals of Triumph.

If it was intended to not grant Seals of Triumph, then the event should not have indicated that it would grant 44 Seals of Triumph.

This wasn’t intended. It was a whole mess of bugs.

…you don’t think being promised something, and then not getting it, is fine.