[ Bug ] Conqueror Event - Incorrect number of Seals of Triumph awarded

This bug pertains to the Conqueror event running from the 3rd to 10th of May.

I have completed all of the tasks in the event and claimed the rewards, as shown below…

However, if I look at the Event Center it shows that I have only earned 34/44 possible Seals of Triumph

Clearly, if I’ve completed all of the tasks, I should have earned the maximum number of Seals of Triumph available from the event but that leads us to the second issue. If you actually look at the amount of Seals of Triumph each of the individual event tasks grant you’ll find this…

Conqueror Task Gold Scraps BP Points Dust Seals Legendary
Complete 1 match this week 7500 40 6 0 1 0
Complete 3 matches this week 10000 80 12 0 2 0
Complete 10 Matches this week 30000 120 24 15 5 0
Earn 5000 points this week 7500 40 12 0 1 0
Earn 10000 points this week 10000 80 24 0 3 0
Deal 15000 damage in matches this week 7500 40 12 0 1 0
Deal 30000 damage in matches this week 10000 80 24 0 3 0
Win 1 match 10000 80 24 0 1 1
Earn 15000 points 30000 120 24 15 5 0
Deal 50000 damage in matches 30000 120 24 15 5 0
Win a match within 6 minutes 0 0 0 0 6 1
Capture a tower 20 times with your team 30000 120 24 15 5 0
---------------------------------------- -------- ------- ---------- ----- ------- ----------
Totals 182500 920 210 60 38 2

Totalling up the amount of Seals of Triumph that are available for all of the tasks comes to 38 which not only does not match the number shown in the Event Center (34) it’s also not enough to complete the event (44).

Please fix the discrepancies before the event ends or grant the missing Seals of Triumph.

Hero’s Name Meteorblade
Hero’s Class Barbarian
Hero’s Clan Synergy
Device Used PC
Device O/S Windows 11 64-bit
Game Version
Server Region EU
Server Cluster The Martyr / Sea of Light / Crystal Arch / Diamond Gates
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Well, it seems the weekly tasks reset today, so they can be re-completed…

Same as last time, i.e. with all tasks completed, only 34/44 seals of triumph awarded.

Having to wait for the event to reset, on an unspecified day during the event’s run-time, so that some of the tasks (which I’ve already done today) can be re-completed to obtained the other 10 seals makes no sense.

If I do 100% of an event’s tasks, I should have be granted 100% of the seals.

And, again, all available tasks completed the day the event went live…

…and still only 34/44 Seals awarded.

I think it’s designed this way oddly somehow. You need to wait until Weekly Tasks are reset, and complete them for the rest 10 Seals. They might won’t even bother to adjust this imo.

Still broken…

100% of the Event’s tasks have been completed…

Only 34/44 Seals of Triumph granted…

Why do we have to do more than 100% of the tasks to get 100% of the Seals?