[ Bug ] Combat Rating comparison can't add up (Part II)

My new item has 2319 Combat Rating.
My equipped item has 2317 Combat Rating.
This means that my new item is a +2 CR increase to the equipped item.
The game indicates with a red down-arrow that the new item is a CR downgrade .

I reported the same thing back in June 2024…

Hero’s Name Meteorblade
Hero’s Class Barbarian
Hero’s Clan Synergy
Device Used PC
Device O/S Windows 11 64-bit
Game Version
Server Region EU
Server Cluster The Martyr / Sea of Light / Crystal Arch / Diamond Gates / Peace Warders

It would appear the faulty maths isn’t just when comparing the Combat Rating attribute.
As an example, take these two rings…

Total attributes on the equipped ring

  • 1112 + 1111 = 2223

Total attributes on the new ring

  • 1108 + 1107 = 2215

Diablo Immortal thinks the 2215 ring is an improvement over the 2223 ring.

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Total attributes on the equipped ring…

  • 1112 + 1111 = 2223

Total attributes on the new ring…

  • 1092 + 1093 = 2185

Diablo Immortal thinks the 2185 ring is an improvement over the 2223 ring.

How can it be this hard to get basic arithmetic comparisons right?

Equipped Item’s Attributes Total - New Item’s Attributes Total

  • If result is negative, green up arrow on new item
  • If result is zero, no arrow on new item
  • If result is positive, red down arrow on the new item