[ Bug ] All Clans On Deck - Daily task to kill 10 elites

Today (25th January 2025) is the first day of the All Clans On Deck event.

I have a daily task to kill 10 elites, which is currently stuck at 1/10…

This is despite having completed the tasks to kill 50, 100 and 150 elites…

Last I checked, 150 > 10.

Hero’s Name Meteorblade
Hero’s Class Barbarian
Hero’s Clan Synergy
Device Used PC
Device O/S Windows 11 64-bit
Game Version
Server Region EU
Server Cluster The Martyr / Sea of Light / Crystal Arch / Diamond Gates / Peace Warders

your servers getting all the event glitches, just worked fine for me. Hopefully its only temp on your end

This morning, I killed enough elites for the daily task to be completed, I clicked on Claim, and now it shows like this…

that’s where mine glitched on sat, havent reached reset time yet here