Blinding rage (barb) can’t attack large bosses. Character will just scoot next to the boss with out attacking. Character will just stand there. Need fix. Blinding rage also attacking blood spots on the ground etc. please fix unless this was intentional. Hit range might need to be increased to fix this and targeting.
Do you mean Undying Rage?
If so, it’s a buff and doesn’t affect the range of your other abilities.
If it’s not Undying Rage you mean, not sure what ability / essence you’re on about (I took a look at all the Barb essences and couldn’t come up with anything else that potentially matched).
linking 2 other duplicate posts you made on the same topic.
How do I post a pic? Terror Unburdened helm is what I’m referring to here. This needs to be fixed. It’s a big bug not to be overlooked. Please don’t post other abilities that are not being referred to to confuse the Diablo support team on the correct issue. Thank you.
Ok calling it by the essence makes comprehension much easier. As the names are similar it is an easy confusion, more info is always better.
So Terror Unburdened is skipping bosses and attacking all sources of damage including ‘Bad Blood’
The bosses aspect I feel could easily be intentional but not listed (enemy vs boss) but def should be indicated if so.
The attacking of Bad Blood spots are intentional as you are in a ‘blinding rage’ You are just attacking everything doing damage to you
Not skipping but standing next to the boss try to find pathing. If that makes better sense in a scooting motion, as if bad path and getting to large bosses. What is meant by this is if nothing is around and there is only a big boss you can’t attack him because of the hit range. Character will just stand there and when standing he is not attacking. When in range of anything he will attack even bad blood but this is the bug I’m talking about when he CAN NOT ATTACK when next to something. Possibly increase the attack range slightly to fix this pathing bug or range bug. Also, if the attack is area then increase that as well will be needed. I wish I knew how to send a picture so I could just show you. Basically, it will not allow you to attack the boss, even when standing right next to him in blinding rage. You have to wait for blinding rage to time out to use primary attack. I hope this is more understandable.
Even if you can’t post an image, you can use this:
To post a link to the image.
I just wanted to post a screenshot. I don’t want to put it up on the Internet
I’m afraid that there’s no way to insert images directly, they would need to be uploaded to any hosting sites and then the user can post the link, which can result in an embedded image if they have enough trusted level in these forums.