Battleground matchmaking broken

I’m really frustrated and angry about this Matchmaking.
The last 2 days from Sundaay I was almost not able to win. I’ve got matches like this.
https ://ibb .co/FB YQmt1
This is really bad, bacause I’m on 43% winning rate.
I need a support assitant or a developer and check my account what is wrong with it. There must be some kind of bug or somthing else. Almost nobody has such a low wining rate. If I Had about 50% wining rate I would be over Legend far. I think I already played 300 matches this season… and it’s gettin worse and worse.

During the last week I was evry day only playing 5-6 matches and ended up almost 50-50%. Have advanced to GOLD4…
And on sunday I also wanted to get to 50-50 and all I got looses so I kept going this should change. I thought on Monday this will be over… But no. Also 8-2 to loose…
There is really somthing wrong. This can’t be just random. Based on so many games I’ve played I should also get winning…
So just fix my account and put me in the winning games for a while so I can reach Legend.
And please stop subtracting points. Thats a really big torture.

Please don’t mangle URLs like that…


  1. Upload your screenshot to a free image hosting site, e.g. imgur
  2. Copy the URL of your screenshot to the clipboard
  3. Paste the URL of your screenshot into your post
  4. Highlight the URL in your post
  5. In the Edit window click the </> button to convert it to pre-formatted text
  6. The result will be similar to this…

Here’s the Top 5 ranked players from each class on the server I’m on (The Martyr, EU)…

You’ll notice a reasonable number of players, all of which are in the Top 5 ranked players on the server cluster, have win rates of low to mid 40s percentages.

Also, if you look at more of the leaderboards (rather than just the Top 5) the vast majority of the win rates are somewhere between 45-55%, with a few outliers lower or higher than that. This is exactly the sort of result you’d expect in a binomial distribution where the expected value is 50%.

This absolutely can, and almost undoubtedly is, completely random, i.e. if you expect that the long-term average is a 50% win rate, short-term fluctuation of values between 40-60% are entirely unsurprising and anything between 45-55% is completely unremarkable.

I don’t know who you are but if you are not a Game master or a developer I’m not intrested of your opionion.
It is not random. They have put on me an algorithm which makes me suck in BG!
This has to be and end.
In my server I’m anoung with the lowest wining rate. In my Class Crusader there are 60-70 % wining rates at the end! With this wining rate it’s immoposibble to get to Legend!

Binomial Distribution, showing Standard Deviations from the Mean…

If 50% is the Mean win-rate, then 68% of results will be within one Standard Deviation of it.
That one standard deviation easily encompasses win rates between 40-60%.

So, there are two possibilities…

  1. The results you’re experiencing are the perfectly understandable outcome of a normal distribution curve, or…
  2. Blizzard have decided to implement a special algorithm that puts specific players on the losing team more often, just to prevent them from getting to Legend rank.

Yeah, sorry, the first one seems a lot more likely.

I’m posting statistics / maths.
You’re responding with feelings.

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If there IS an actual matchmaking algorithm, it is very likely that it would put players with high winrates on the weaker teams, I don’t know why you would think otherwise.
Having experienced this myself for the second season now, after reaching higher Gold ranks on 75%+ winrate, suddenly I’m being put in games where the difference is more than obvious, i.e. 90% of my losses are with a scoreline around 65-10, which rarely happened on lower ranks, while wins are extremely close matches a few seconds or kills away from defeat.

I’m really sure that Blizzard Manipulates the Matchmaking for me and other players who have stopped spending Money on the Game.
Since I don’t spend Money from a day to another my Damage was way less in Dongeons and elswhere.
They are turtureing me and other players to make us pay again on the game. This is only psychology.
I’m still saying that you can’t help me.
I need access to the database or somewhere else where I can take a look at athe meschanism and expose Blizzard mean plan to make people suffer who are playing and so pressuring us to pay more MOney to them.
The Matchmaking system should be focused to make every people happy. This should be the main focus on the game.
And if you standard deviation is correct they should just put me in the upper half of it.
If I had already reached Legend I already stopped BG for this season.
But they make it imossible!
They should fix my account and put in 20-30 wining games in a raw so I’m done with this.

And what is this speacil algorithm? Why don’t they say how this is work. They never explain evrything just makeing this game worse and worse only focusing on profit.
Theese games Today don’t have any focus on making quality games…

To the other reply:
There are still way to manipulate matchmaking. They don’t know their own game.
I found 2 ways how others can Manipulate matchmaking but I can not even send them the info to fix this bacause they don’t listen.
And I also would need to algoritms and some clear informations from Blizzard how this works that I can say okey what I found does not work. But now apperantly it does not bacause I’m still loosing. I’ve to wait till next update. I hope we get new Inferno levels.

Then explains how 2k+ player has 59% win rate in Inferno BG?



and why almost 5k+ spender has 42% Win Rate in Inferno BG?



To me, it is bad matchmaking if one is losing and it is good matchmaking when one is winning here. :laughing:

The 2k reso players understands how BG works and can go in with useable stat, the 5+ reso don’t. He just suscks at BG…

I’m also now down to 42%.
This is insane.
The Main thing here is they should not subtract points until Legend.
Make the game easy and enjoyable.

Please explain then how all of these are true…

  1. I started playing the game on the day of release.
  2. I haven’t spent any money at all on the game.
  3. I currently have a 58% win rate.

I’m sure no-one can help you if you believe that Blizzard are specifically targeting you with a special algorithm to prevent you winning in Battlegrounds.

You have two choices…

  1. Accept that the data proves your opinion is incorrect, and change your opinion
  2. Ignore the data and continue to hold your original opinion despite the data

Your account isn’t broken.

So, you should gain points for a win, but not lose them for a defeat?
Over time, that would just result in everyone getting to Legend.
If everyone’s a winner, no-one’s a winner.

Some of us actually enjoy a challenge.

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I don’t enjoy a challange. It’s a game. I enjoy in real life Challanges. Than Blizzard should implement easy mode that I can just pass till Legand easy.

Yes not loose Points. Thats the point. It’s a game it just should be an easy win.

And I’m sure that they are destroying me with will to spend again Money on the game.

If you did not spended Money before you do not experience this downside. A lot a players are complaining after they stopped invest Money here.

At this point I’m going to stop responding to you as you’re convinced that they’re out to get you and won’t listen to evidence / data / statistics. Good luck.

Thank you.
If you can please delete this entire post.
It’s not possible for me.

The point is why the matchmaking manipulation doesn’t “bother” the 2k+ reso players or “helped” the almost-5k player. Based on your logic, Blizzard matchmaking would have helped the almost-5k players since he is a spender here.

I am sure the almost-5k player would have the same thought as you do.

They did that last time and it ended up with everyone being Legend, thus making the reaching Legend rank have no meaning. But not, players who actually reached Legend is actually worth something.

Also, below legend rank, you still win more points when you are winning than losing it when you lose the match.

After Legend they can make this point system work.
I just need the loot. Or just let me push a button give me the loot and thats it! :slight_smile:

BG gives what useful loot anyway? Reforge stone? They handed it to you like candy as long as you are playing BG.

You basically got EXP and loot just by playing BG. Win or lose, you still get your rewards.

Yeah you are right… it’s just not worth anymore.
Just the keys.
It was great when every 3 weeks I got till Legend, and got a lot of keys. I miss this keys. I need back this BG. And with the Reign over it started again.
Just played easy 3 games a Day and was within 1,5-2 weeks at Legend.
This is also just a way from Blizzard to get more Money from us, that they give us less keys in BG.

Today I also experienceing the same. I’m always in the weaker team.
We hava less kills and thats why we loose.
That can’t be random. There is somthing raelly broken.
Or I’m chategorized wrongly as a stronger player!
You have to fix this!!

Well, addressing the claims…

  1. No-one has such low win rates
  2. I’d be Legend if my win rate was higher

Exhibit 1, a Legend with 46% win rate…

Only 3 Legend [Wizard] in your server? :laughing:

Blizzard really makes the “Legend” rank extremely difficult to attain.

Obviously it can be true. U have been paying and u stopped. They kinda want u to suffer cuse ur not supperting them, kekw

Okay so after patch, so far 5 matches and no less than 10k resonance in favor of the opposition. :ok_hand: