Battleground matchmaking broken

When a match is completely one-side, I look at the whales on the other side and I see the exact same thing every time. Maxed out accounts that are purposely swapping out one of their rank 10, 5 star gems for a rank 10, 2 star gem. This effectively lowers their res enough to get matched against weaker whales. While their res is lowered, they still have every equipment slot awakened and their secondary stats are ridiculous! It creates a completely unfair battlefield because this “7k res whale” is unstoppable.

Edit: I’m not calling this cheating. They are just taking advantage of Blizzards matchmaking algorithm to gain an advantage. It just ruins the match for people who don’t have the time or money to create a lower res build for their character just for BG.

The matchups are so bad. Two patches in a row have went the wrong direction. You CAN NOT put sub 2k players in the same match as near 7k and have it be fun for anyone. Just give us hard resonance brackets and be done with it.

While I’m at it, Conjuration of Light is getting interrupted mid cast and triggering the cooldown timer again. Since it’s now 30 seconds timer, you better fix this nonsense right away. Crusaders were never as big of a problem as ice wizards, un-targetable BKs, and necros with unlimited extra lives.

The whole BG system is broken. You do have to play well to win but the problem is obtaining a fair match that is winnable. If the matchmaking algorithm puts you on a guaranteed loss, you are going to lose. You all know the type of match I’m talking about. If the algorithm says you are going to lose 9 times in a row, you are going to lose 9 times in a row. My best advice is to try change something up like your class or time that you play. Don’t try to play through a losing streak because you will lose a lot!

If you have so many losses, it means the problem is your gameplay and you’re not contributing to your team’s victory. Maybe you should start helping your team instead of focusing on your KD?!?!? LoL

Being a whale doesn’t stop your teammate from going for AFK or being a feeder though.

I know of two people in my clan who are f2p and they get up to legendary much faster than I do.

Being a whale just means you have to compete with other whales in BG. What sucks is when you’re a whale going up against bigger whales with rank 9 blue normal gems.

This is just my guess, but I think being f2p would benefit you the most in BG matchmaking as you won’t be put up against many of the hard-core players which tend to be whales.

So, if you’re going to spend, don’t do it to get a higher rank in BG. It’s more for the Immortal scene. To get a spot in one of the top clans that get blessed reigns, you have to meet the CR requirements which can be tough for f2p.

LightSyn - dont insult this poster or anyone else reading this by suggesting it has to do entirely with his/her Gameplay. Pulllleassse. OP characters - DH, Tempest, Barb with overpowered Skills, Damage and a consistent ability to ‘defy Gravity’ and shrug off anything thrown at them. BLIZZEASE (maybe should be EASEBLIZZ cause we know who the tail is) REFUSE to do something about the inbalance they created in BG. Nerfs are reqired immediately - state of play is horrible in BG and HORDES of people have abandoned it completely. Blizz Netease CONTINUE to muck around with “Skills Compression” and the Dirty Secret is the Stats you enter into BG with - counting the 60% Rite Nerf still are NOT what you fight with. At 4k res, 400 secondaries, maxed armour, mix of r10 enlightened 2 stars and r6 or 7 5 star five stars - I can be killed so quickly (1/2 second) that even at SLOWEST slow motion at 60 fps - 1 sec = 1/100 of a second, you CANNOT add up the damage being done to total your HP lost. What you see onscreen is not what is happening Server Side. Thats 280,000 dmg received vs 12,500 given ( my dmg is the first shot I landed - their 280k dmg was dished out in 0.53 seconds (and nothing like 300k crits - this is 18k hits compounded so quickly the SERVER gives up on try to display it. Not a whale - based on HP, maybe 10% ‘stronger’ than I am. JOKE. Been doing bg’s for 2 years - the ‘new’ factor? A Tempest of Course.

BG SUCKS right now - worse its Ever Been. Dont put down players for a bunch of amateurs at Netease trying to make their Game Engine do stuff it was never designed to do (that’s right, Diablo Immortal and the ROE / BG / PVP ‘battle engine’ is Netease’s own in house software - and yes they put out a 100 ‘fight games’ per year, all but the TOP IP properties last a year, and those top IP property games tank in 2 years - or so says the ‘skinny’ on Netease. My guess is about 50% of all skills / essences are broken - totally diff behaviour, execution, results in pve vs pvp.

There will always be better and weaker players; this cannot be changed. Every team has a player with high resonance, but he just spends money to have big wings and actually doesn’t know how to play, when and how to use his skills, or how to support his team. I also play PvP and regularly see the whole team huddle in one spot — vs 1 wizard and 2 barbarians — and when they get attacked, they all die together without using any logic in what they are doing.
When we need to block the idol, the situation is the same: out of 8 players, 7 are standing on one side while on the other side, I am alone against 5 opponents, and they freely push the idol to 50% while my 7 teammates on the other side are fighting 3 enemies. Then they write “left-left-left *****” but it’s already too late! Players just look at their KD and are afraid to be alone and try to block the idol, push it, or help a teammate who is fighting!!!
For example, I’m fighting one opponent who is stronger than me, and my teammate walks by, sees us fighting, and doesn’t help. So, my friend… don’t insult me. It’s easy to blame others, but hard to see the fault in yourself! And remember one thing from me — there will always be strong and weak players; this cannot be changed. But you can change your playing style and try to be tactically useful to your team at least!!! peace!!!