All skills except one are often disabled in different events

after the update, all skills except one are often disabled in different events, and no manipulations help until you get out of the dungeon or another event .

Wizard class
Device Type: PC
Device Model: GTX1060
Device Operating System: windows 10
Diablo Immortal App Version: last on 8/01/2025

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I am also having this problem today,

The same is happening on my android app.

I have similar issues that finally made the game next to impossible play - I also found that access to any menus was intermittent. I play a severely nerfed Blood Knight which by itself make playing a challenge and I hope the next new class is better or that the Blood Knight is made more playable.
Device: Pc
Graphics: RTX2070
Operating System: Windows 11
Please Blizzard get your programmers to rectify these issues before the new graphics system is introduced next week.

I am having this issue since the patch too. iPad M2 Air iOS 18.2.1

I have been able to resolve the issue by removing my 6 piece Vithu’s - I can recreate the bug everytime with whirl wind and 6 piece Vithu’s. It’s not everytime the Life Drain field procs but it is triggered by it randomly. I have yet to experience it since removing a piece of the vithu’s set. If I put it back on it happens within a minute of fighting.

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Same for me after update this am. Blizzard trying to tell me its my hardware. I also use 6 piece Vithus and when i took off 2 it went away like you. Now Blizzard needs to fix this bug.

Typical. Every patch screws up something that worked before.

And since the 6 pc Vithu’s being used mostly in Vanguard, this is probably a good reason to stop playing that huge waste of time event.

Seriously, why spend all that time over god knows how many weeks to get one piece of gear that you’ll replace wihin a week of obtaining it?

I also have the same problem

I don’t use Vithu’s, but the problem is still there.

What class are you playing?

Wizard class…