Abuse of error in rite of exile

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On the Halbu server, it is detected in the rite of exile that player Ragnar, leader of the Ragnarok clan, abuses the bug for the second week. It is known that paragons do not affect the immortal in the rite of exile, but Ragnar uses a bug with the “champion” paragon and moment of making 6 kills as an immortal, he heals life, increases his defense and increases movement speed, being almost invincible and at the moment, impossible for the shadows to defeat the immortal, Ragnar having knowledge of that today, 12-24-2023 returned to use that bug with the “champion” paragon, many people on the Halbu server ask for a solution or a sanction to the player Ragnar, leader of Ragnarok, since in addition to inciting too much toxicity, he continues to abuse bugs


Ok this video you can watt the bug


This Is the video of the last week see the Lore ir the inmortal it heal


There is a bug happening inside the rite of exlie - judgment. The immortal is able to use the champion paragon heals himself and receives much less damage. The player ragnar has abused of this bug twice in 2 consecutive rites winning them both and next week if he is able to use it again will gain a blessed reing


I came to this forum wanting to post the same situation. As the description says, the immortal leader exploited a bug during “the challenge of the immortal”. I think it is as mentioned, the player takes advantage of some skills from champion paragon tree that allows him to heal from 20% (first time) up to 30% of his total health instantly. Immediately after, his damage reduction increased a lot being quite obvious at simple sight. Please, check the video posted on youtube as a proof of what’s going on with that guy.


A shadow observer


This happened on our server tonight. The Immortal healed after getting 6 kills using Champion. Completely breaks this part of the game.


What resister said. Bernard will never be able to be dethroned until this is fixed. He also got a blessed reign out of this.

To be clear, I think that the Champion paragon is a great addition. However, based on the potential for exploitation, it shouldn’t be allowed in ROE.


2 weeks of error in rite , please solution


Please fix the paragon bug. The immortals don’t even bother showing up to the 8vs8

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Bernardchong on Crescent same issue. The value of the game is going down with issues not getting fixed. Are certain clans going to get hooked up with free Blessed Reigns because of an exploit? Then when its the next clans turn it is taken away?


The exploit is unfortunate. While the immortals profit from another week of reign, I don’t feel they should be entitled to a blessed reign that they didn’t truly earn. Especially after the taunting about it in world chat. They knew ahead of time from other servers experiences that this would happen. BKD of crescent moon was very crappy about this following the immortal win in world chat. Classless


It looks like others are reporting this as well. It is a bug that needs to be fixed ASAP. It is unfair and not the way the game was meant to be. The immortal is unbeatable with the bug and the shadows have zero chance to win. The rite is meant to be turned over when the shadows have done the work to get there and yet, with the bug with Champion paragon, the immortal can not lose. Please address as they knowingly used the bug knowing from other servers that it existed. Thank you.

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I’m sorry to insist but tomorrow there will be another challenge of the immortal and if Blizzard don’t fix this, the immortal leader will exploit it again. If you can’t get a fix before next challenge, could you unable the skill from champions pagaron tree that make players stronger after killing 6 enemies without dying?
I would appreciate a reply from someone related to blizzard support

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Clever use of game mechanics in other Blizzard games is considered a bannable offense. Glad to know Blizzard still doesn’t care what happens in Immortal as long as it doesn’t have a negative effect on Platinum or Legendary crests. Congrats to all the clans that achieved a Blessed reign that would never get it without using exploits.


Happy to learn tonight you still haven’t fixed this bug. Thank you.

The same “feature” is at my server.
Immo leader is invincible during the rift for two weeks now.
Tomorrow is next try.
I don’t think that is a real bug. Rather stupid development and unforeseen use of new Champion tree.
The Rite of Exile is unplayable event before it will be fixed.

Blizzard wants us all to finish the game

General from clan Exodia, server El‘Druin did the same the last two weeks … already knowing that it’s bug-using … if the immortals get the chest just because blizzard don’t patch this bug this game will die

Whether this is a bug or a feature, it has certainly broken the 30 vs 1 battle. On our server the clan that “won” the Challenge of the Immortal last month didn’t want to be Immortals, so almost everyone just bailed from that clan and made a new Shadow clan. This reign has featured:

  • A tiny, weak Immortal clan. Really just one or two strong-ish players
  • The Vault being largely undefended much of the time
  • The Immortals losing Vigil of Blades 0-3 (including 2 forfeits) each time
  • The Immortals losing Rite of Exile 1-9 and 0-10
  • The Immortal being unkillable in the 1 vs 30 phase
  • Best “Blessed Reign” Ever on the way?
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Same in our server, please fix this!