3.1 Preview - QOL Updates Coming Your Way Next Week [UPDATED 9/10]

Greetings Adventurers!

With v3.1 coming next week, we wanted to give you all a quick sneak peek of the QOL updates that we currently have planned for the release!

Now before we jump in, I want to be clear that this is an early preview, and even though the update is coming soon, plans, details, and timelines can change. We want to be able to share early looks with you all, but to do that, there must be an understanding that things can change.

Without further adieu, let’s jump into the QOL updates!

Challenge Rifts

  • A Blacksmith will now spawn near the exit portal after completing a Challenge Rifts
  • You can now skip up to 10 levels at once when completing a Challenge Rift depending on how quickly you completed a run
  • Combat rating requirements are now displayed on the entrance screen to give you a better understanding of how difficult the encounter will be before you start
  • We’re adding buttons to the Challenge Rift selection screen to make it easier to skip to the next available Challenge Rift, or down to lower levels more quickly.

Battle Points

  • Battle Points earned towards completing Battle Pass will now have a rolling cap that increases by 2,400 each week.

Previously, if you were unable to earn all of your Battle Points within a given week, you would permanently lose them. This change is aimed to give players more freedom in completing the Battle Pass, and allow those that have started late in the season the ability to catch up and claim all of the Battle Pass rewards.

Elder Rifts and Fading Embers

  • We’re increasing the baseline for Fading Embers provided by an Elder Rift from 8 to 10
  • Crests used will continue to grant 1 fading ember towards the Bonus Fading Ember cap
  • Once a player has reached the 120 Bonus Fading Ember Cap using their Crests, the 1 Fading Emberper Crest used will contribute towards the Base Fading Embers cap of 280.

This change allows players to continue to use Crests to more quickly and efficiently earn their weekly Fading Embers.

This would allow a group of 4 Adventurers, all using 10 crests each, to reach their cap after just 8 Elder Rifts, down from the previously required 35 runs to achieve.

10 Baseline + (10 bonus crests x 4 players) = 50 Fading Embers per run. 400 Cap/50 per run = 8 Runs

There’s plenty more to come in v3.1, so look forward to learning more in the coming days, and when the build releases next week!

UPDATE: 9/10/2024 @ 5:27 PM PT:

Greetings Adventurers,

We have a small addition to the Release Notes for the v3.1 update, which should be available to you in the coming days!

Legacy of the Horadrim Updates

We’ve added options within The Legacy of the Horadrim to reset all points on your Vessels, and the option to quickly re-allocate them by upgrading Vessels 10 levels at a time.

This was originally planned for the next patch but it ended up being complete just before the patch was final, but after patch notes were completed. Instead of waiting for the next update it got wrapped into the current one.


Sorry, I just had to…

Pretty please, can we have some easily visible way of tracking how many legendary crests and eternal legendary crests we’ve used without getting a 5-star gem, i.e. an easy way to track how close we are to the “pity” drop? For example, a counter showing X/50 for both types on the Elder Rift splash screen?


Nice! So I don’t have to hard grind 2400 BP in 3 days and another 2400 BP in 4 days in every early new BP season. It definitely make my life easier.

This is the best thing in this preview update IMO. A faster GR cap means more time for other DI activities like more BG.

I hope you guys will put the daily gem tracker in upcoming patch. :laughing:

Hello, how about removing the loyalty bonus cap?


How about y’all fix the lag everyone is experiencing in bg before anything else smh


This is very pointless as CR’s don’t drop any mats unless it’s for the first time you’ve done it. And if you’re skipping levels the levels you skipped the stuff is mailed. Either way we have a mobile blacksmith pet that can easily salvage for us so this isn’t needed.

Here are some updates we actually need.
Inferno difficulties CR going up. I’m only Paragon 430 and I’ve already beat the CR requirement for all of Inferno 3 and have those bosses on farm that gives me no challenge.

Make Inferno 3 CR the CR needed for Inferno 2 bring back the challenge days when you would go to a next difficulty and you would be lucky if you had the CR for two bosses.

Update the mobile pets: we have mobile blacksmith, mobile armory, mobile extraction, You can easily make those pets also do beastry turn-ins, The extraction pet could also handle mobile essence inherence, etc

Pets: we can house five pets and outside of the traits The other four pets are useless, it would be cool to be able to use all five pets in combat.

Set items: give us the ability to extract the set bonuses we want, we would still have to farm for the new triples on each new difficulty but we won’t have to struggle to get our set bonus. Going up a difficulty is very dredging.

Terror rifts/and the new mode new magic afflicts Make them something that we can just put on our gear. There’s nothing like doing the riffs getting a legendary with the bonus you want but you can’t wear it because it’s not an upgrade. It’s one of the reasons I don’t waste time doing it.

A counter for hidden lairs to know where you’re at on your gems

For elders a counter for how close you are to your pity, speaking of pity how about a pity system for the different star qualities. After so many failed attempts you eventually guaranteed to get a 5/5 been playing the game for 2 years I’ve spent at least $2,000 and I have yet to get a 5/5 five star to drop.

Speaking of elders those events that modify the drop table Make it 100% chance to get the five star you selected or the new one. No reason for it to be at 50%.

More daily stuff to do that’s actually fun. I can complete everything in 20 minutes a day

Remove server cap penalty stop punishing us for wanting to play.

Remove the paragon requirement to put on gear. If you can kill it you should be able to wear it. I should not have to wait until I’m Paragon 500 to put on Inferno 3 gear.

Warband: allow us to borrow more than one item No reason we can’t borrow 16 pieces, So many items in my Warband go to waste.

Loyalty bonus: reduce it down to like 200, remove the extraction 100 limit, or allow us in the menu to select another class and all legendaries we get will be for that class. So I can play on my Crusader and legendaries that I get from bounties and stuff can be for say the barbarian class so I can get all their essences.

Finally the biggest QQL- Make the game more enjoyable, after 2 years I am extremely bored if it wasn’t for my warband I would stop playing. I want stuff to do daily that’s not just a grind do 21 hiddens, farm 3 books. But actual fun things to do and not the repeated boring events like Ally of blood and stuff.

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The weekly gem cap is now shared between Hidden Lairs, Abyssal Verge and Erebban.
As a result, you can check if you’re capped in the Codex.


This is all great, but if this is the case, why have separate counters at all? Shouldn’t there just be one 400 fading ember counter?

Teleportation: How about you give invulnerability against mobs when trying to teleport, it’s frustrating every single time, you have to clear the mobs around you just to teleport.

Character Balance: Just fix the monk already.
And why does the necromancer have better whirlwind type of animation than the OG barbarian?

Gems: Adjust the seeping Bile’s activation chance percentage. It’s criminal that its 2 star counterpart is better because it’s constantly active while seeping bile have 4% chance to activate.

Loyalty Bonus: remove the cap.

Familiars: why is it harder than calculus? There must be a simpler way doing it. Also, at least put in some work on the appearance of some familiars.

Cosmetics: why is BP cosmetics class bound?

Gamble: I’ve constantly gamble gold but it never gave me good quality legendary gear.

Normal Gem: please multiple upgrade option doing it one by one is time consuming

Gem upgrades: just put a note on how many gem power is required and how many dupplicates. Example; when upgrading a 2 star gem to level 5, it only shows it needed 1 piece of rank 3 duplicate and a rank 5 duplicate. How do we know how many gem powers and dups to meet those requirements.


I learned something today

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You can do that right now in-game. I did it when I was playing as the Tempest and wanted to get all the new essences that came for the BK. I did it via the Loyalty Bonus system without having to play as BK.

  1. First tap the Loyalty Bonus Button in the Essence Transfer window.

  2. Then select the class you want to inherit the essences of (Class choice is at the bottom-- it’s the pulldown menu).

  3. Finally go to the essence category you want (as in helm, chest, etc.) Scroll around and select it.

This feature of being able to get the essences of one class while playing a different one came out long back.

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The CR is fine where it is. Not everybody whales out. Plus, atm, the server lvl is 420, and a lot of ppl dont have that kind of free time.

WAY too many pets.

Already mentioned.

Again, not everybody has the kind of time others might

This helps keep ppl on an even keel. if there were no penalty, ppl would be at lvls the game cant deal with. And think of how BG are already. It’s not a punishment.

Lvl requirements have been a thing since D1, and in many, many, other games.

A lot of ppl still find enjoyment in the game. Not to say it doesnt get boring at times, but that means it’s time to find new ways to enjoy it. Those that are unhappy should move on to greener fields. There are other games out there.

Holy hell you literally went through everything I said and vetoed it.

First of all I have 3K res that doesn’t make me a whale and I outleveled the content and all I do is do my dailies everyday. So no the CR is not fine I’ve been playing since day one I remember going to another difficulty and maybe having the CR for the first boss and me and my friends working on Boss 2 and by the time you get halfway more you might have finally hit the CR for Boss 4 or the fifth one. I remember having to ask a whale to carry me and things like vit back in the day. The moment I hit 400 I had already with the mystery boxes I had saved and the whisp broke the CR for Inferno 3’s final boss day one and I didn’t prefarm anything. Day one of hiting 400 I already outleveled Inferno 3 A lot of people do it if I’m doing that at 3K res I can just imagine what the 10K whale are doing

Don’t have time did you not read my post wearing 20 minutes That’s 8 bounties, three dungeons, one tower, maybe 1 to 3 contracts and possibly a book. The fact that I am done with the game within 20 minutes to 30 minutes a day I’m just trying to find stuff to do is a problem.

I’m at the Paragon by just doing the basic dailies I don’t go out and farm extra I don’t do anything special like a thousand dungeons I do one Tower eight bounties and three dungeons. Mondays it takes me a little longer cuz I don’t play on the weekend so I have 24 bounties nine dungeons and then even then even with raids I can be on and off within an hour and a half. So don’t give me that people don’t have time. I can do all of those dailies on a simple commute to work on a bus.

There are only five pets you can have on you if you do it right they all five together can give you the 11 traits. So don’t come at me about how there’s too many pets there are not. My other four pets should not just be a trait stat stick. They should be able to be used in battle without having to decide on the primary.

And don’t come at me about a lot of people find this game still enjoyable For every one person like you I can find at least 15 or more who feel the same way who feels that the game has grown stale and boring and repetitive with nothing new. Every new major update has been crap.

You obviously new and you probably this is your first week come back to me when you’ve been playing this game and doing the exact same bounties the exact same contracts for 2 years. Been 2 years and yet there’s still no new shadow contracts to do, there are tons of QOLs that need to happen in this game tons of new content that need to be added that you don’t complete in a day. There needs to be more dailies or stuff to do that you don’t complete all within 20-30 minutes.

Obviously you misunderstood my post. I already know that you can go to the loyalty program and select a different class. I said I want to be able to go out while playing on my Crusader do my dailies you know turn in my bounty turning my beast book have the legendaries that drop b for a different class while still as a Crusader.

First of all you only can extract 100 legendaries a week for it to account towards the loyalty if you’re unlucky and you won’t get one point per extraction with the limit it would take you one month to get one piece of gear You could switch to that class and get more. I don’t want to have to switch to another class especially if I have no essences on that class for a build. Hence the why I said don’t loyalty cap needs to be reduced and these other changes need to happen.

Now if you’re telling me I can go to a menu slack barbarian and I can go out on my Crusader and every legendary that drops from killing will be barbarian essences now that’s a different story which I didn’t know you could already do. If that’s what you’re telling me then say so and please let me know exactly how do I make the game drop a different class legendary.

Because they still want people to use 30 crests min every week for the “special” 120 or else, people will just run 40 Elder Rift without crests.

No, I didn’t comment on everything. Nor did I veto anything, or make any personal attacks towards you, or anyone else. I simply gave reasons why certain things may not work. In fact, your idea about pet abilities is one me, and others, would like to see. Monster Essence, and Lego Essence would help a lot.

Now, since you clearly feel attacked, and feel inclined to attack me… allow me to retort.




taking words in their usual or most basic sense without [metaphor]

“dreadful in its literal sense, full of dread”

(of a translation) representing the exact words of the original text.

“a literal translation from the Spanish”

We are looking at #2 here.

I, too, have been playing since release, you’re not special. I, too, remember the days long past where I too needed a carry for the older raids. I have a hard time believing that all you do are your dailies, then stop for the day, and somehow surpassed I3 last raid boss at 41,320 CR, even with the 100+ boxes you would’ve needed, and 500 wisps you would’ve probably needed at least. Looking at whales on my cluster, not many have over 41k CR… at lvl 431\432. Go sell crazy someplace else, we’re all stocked up here.

I did, in fact, read that. Some ppl have these things called jobs, wife\kids\familial obligations. Heck, some ppl also play other games. Not everybody logs in every day. Don’t try to say that because you have the time, everybody else does. Not everybody takes the bus. Also, There is no way you didn’t prefarm anything, or didn’t do any grinding. You don’t have to lie to kick it.

This is just flat silly. Traits were never the focus of your argument. having all of them out on the field were. Perhaps you think about what you say, before you say it. If everybody has 5 pets out, it clutters the field. A bunch of ppl, 5 pets each, mobs, abilities going off all over… you think lag is bad now. Let me guess, you think each pet should use it’s ability, too? You must have the best phone money can buy. It must never heat up.

I don’t know who you’re talking to, but I dont hear ppl crying about how bad the game is at the volume you are, but you must be looking for them. Every major update is crap? So, I guess the new zones, difficulties, classes, and everything else never should have been added. Son, this game has come a long way since day 1, so just shush.

Son, I love how you try to call into question my time in the game. I’m willing to bet I put in more time then you have. I stopped doing contracts a long time ago. I just don’t care about them. In 2 years this game added so much content that there’s almost too much stuff to do. They need to fix the bugs and issues that have been in the game since day, and others that have come since.

The fact that you finish doing what you do, in such a short amount of time says more against you, then for, in my opinion. You’re missing out on the social aspect of the game. I suppose being social doesn’t mean much to you. It’s too hard to make friends, and talk to them, while playing when you’re only on to get it done, and leave.

Oh, and I never pointed out how stupid it is to be able to take out 16 items from the WB stash. Most of the stuff in the WB stash is trash. If you can find an item to use, or even 2, thats an upgrade, thats a blessing. 16? Please, I don’t even remember the last time I used any WB gear.

Yeah, which is why I made this thread back in March…

…showing that if you wanted to extract all the essences, for all the classes, via this capped method it would take literally years.

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I see that most PvP players are dissatisfied with the random matchmaking mode, the Wild Brawl event, we form our PT and we have much more fun than on the battlefield.
Because you don’t make a PvP mode that players can make their teams.
as for the gems at 3/5 4/5 5/5 they should give more material when broken due to their rarity
Green items could have been able to change the color of the socket even if it was by orbs
The warrior group chest there is nothing more useless than that in the game the items are always very bad, warrior group is not good for practically anything other than the ancestral frame.
I really wanted to understand why blizzard is so reluctant to let players build their own formations for pvp events
The game is getting easier every day nothing challenging.
The clans with 100 members is not working, really in the old days it was 30 there were many more competitive clans and the game was much more competitive.
Something had to be done against secondary accounts, and the creation of unlimited clans that ends the shadow war by dropping clans that don’t play.
They should be penalized and no longer participate in the war. or have a B series for them to participate where the best would go up to series A, and the worst of series A would fall to B

I’m happy with the improvements show that after 2 years blizzard decided to play the game and see the absurdities it had, and still has, but at least they are fixing it.

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Some good QoL updates it seems. Looking forward to see how future implementations are made. There are some things the community still wishes for, however. And, a lot of recommendations have been put up already, but if I may add a few for consideration in future updates.

  1. Enable battle pass reset week to not have two 2400pt caps. Many players find this to be no problem and cap both sides of the week, but others who have limited gaming time struggle capping twice; this leaves a sense of losing out by a portion of the player base.

  2. Afford players the opportunity to add sockets or reforge sockets on secondary gear. A large number of players will not use a good green piece if it is missing the third socket, or is the wrong color socket in the case of rings.

  3. When rerolling family set bonus, cursed property, or anything with multiple possible outcomes, provide a ‘roll until x’ option wherin the player doesnt have to individually roll and may optimize the time spent on such menus. Many times a player can spend dozens of rolls before getting the desired outcome.

  4. Be more lenient on the 12% badges for shadows. As it stands, one has too many hoops to jump through for a realistic shot at achieving multiple 12% badges.

  5. A revamp of purge the depths would be appreciated. As it is, farming purge is a cumbersome chore with too much RNG. Many warbands do not want to spend the time farming after transferring servers because of how cumbersome the event is.

Just a few humble opinions.

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