"You won't quit" they said

I don’t need to be watching a movie 24/7 in order to discuss that movie. What a brainless response


Whispering in their ear while still licking their boots; that’s quite a feat!

I suppose they could remove the boots and bring them to ear level, but it’s not the same effect as being on the ground.

No. No this is just a nonsense post you have written!

Worst blizzard game of all time

Honestly agree. Personally, without a lot more classes to play or doubling the amount of legendary powers and unique items in the game, I don’t think I can play this game anymore. Just lacks the replayability that d3 had for me

Seeing people defend awful servers and use it as ammo to defend the game is way more fun than the game and the most value ive gotten from my purchase.

I cant believe such specimens exist.

Quitting with ya, I am not making a new character after spending all that time almost getting to 100 im so pissed off at this blizzard go get bent u wont be getting any of my money off to ark survival i go mad customer

Uninstalled earlier today.

I love the “if your on the forums it means you didn’t quit” people, ayylmaorofl. Thanks for the salt gAmErS. I have enough for a lifetime supply of french-fries now. Good thing i uninstalled too, need more space to save the QQ.

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If trolling on these forums is considered part of the game, then maybe it’s not too bad of a game? This easily doubles the replay value.

You play the forums more than the game though :rofl:

A lot of people seem to be under the impression that blizzard reads these posts.

Man quiting d4 for me was also freeing.

The social vampires can feed off season 1 malignant tunnels.

Bg3 anyone?

Ive been playing star citizen lately lol its been more stable! No joke.

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Same. The patch was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. Sorc was already underpowered, and now is totally screwed lol.

idk why people are so extreme. I have it installed on my PS5, played for about an hour today, might play some tomorrow. If I’m not having fun i’ll stop. This all or nothing nonsense is silly.

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I’m with op. It just doesn’t make any sense to put any time into this game. I rather spend my time on youtube, these people actually provide content

These guys don’t appreciate you. Not all heroes wear capes. You are effectively trying to make their crappy game better and putting in a lot of time, effort, and feedback for free.

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just unintalled the game after i saw the gem stat

this level of logic is far beyond a whiteknight who blindly unfailingly is pro-bliz - you sir spoke too much truth in that stanza

preach - agree 1000x - im here because im upset/annoyed/frustrated - i wanted to LOVE diablo 4 , i wanted to be playing with my fam and buddies - instead of the 25+ ppl i had on bnet - only 3 are in game - (and they have been complaining on disc, but still playing lol)

i wanted it to be revolutionarily great - not revolutionarily historically BAD

I wish it was a treadmill.

Its like stare - stepper. That’s broken. So you takes a few steps and, ya that’s it.

I didn’t play today. I hope I helped you all get into the servers better. If you couldn’t, well maybe you should contact the company responsible for delivering a subpar product.