As this forum dies no its not players being more positive, they just all left

Honestly a forced vacation from this cesspool may not actually be all that bad, but I changed it nonetheless. Thx for headsup.

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But “White Knight” Is ok to silence men that like a game? That’s sexist.


Ok I can see this. And I have voiced my disapproval of the low drop rate. There’s no reason that they should be that low when a season, for example, lasts 3 months.

Wait for patch release and forum will suddenly go quiet. And that would be the tides receding before the tsunami.

Look up patent US9789406B2

A system and method is provided that drives microtransactions in multiplayer video games. The system may include a microtransaction arrange matches to influence game-related purchases. For instance, the system may match a more expert/marquee player with a junior player to encourage the junior player to make game-related purchases of items possessed/used by the marquee player. A junior player may wish to emulate the marquee player by obtaining weapons or other items used by the marquee player.

Does this really surprise you from the same company that filed this patent.

It’s a terrible outcome.

It shows a bunch of people gave up on the game, likely leaving for good.
The negativity belongs here just as much as the positivity does.

This guy gets it.

When passion and love for a franchise begins to turn sour and opinions are voiced but never listened to, then the game slowly begins the spiral of death.

Let me quote my party member from 2 days ago on dm via discord. I won’t namedrop:
And before the servers closed down the night to Thursday, I also took 7 hours in those ridiculous season dungeons, and yesterday it was nightmare dungeons and I still dont have a wrathful invoker, I've crafted 206 caches. So yeah I feel ridiculed and don't want to play anymore

Guess what? My friend hasn’t logged on D4 since then.

I’m sure plenty of people are still playing and it’s not yet too late to change the minds of the people who have lost hope but haven’t quit. But it’s going to take a monumental effort to restore trust after expecting something new and visionary.

I feel lied to.

They’ll all be back.

Thank god. It would really be nice if Blizzard actually moderated their own forum so people could discuss the game. But much like their games (see the rampant, endless botting in Classic WoW for example) it is pretty much just the wild west around here and almost anything goes, it seems.

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If one can be true so can the other. So if as you say the majority that enjoy the game aren’t here then the same majority of people that don’t enjoy the game aren’t here as well.

See the above, cognitive bias cuts both ways.

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Highly doubt it. She has a history of keeping true to her words.

The amount of gold buying/gold selling, GDKP, and gold farmers was already so bad in Vanilla Classic. I can only imagine how much worse it is in WOTLK. Maybe that’s why they put in the token because they realized they just couldn’t stop it.

At this point, I’m less surprised by anything Blizzard does as a company and more surprised at how the developers seem to lack the capability of learning from their predecessors and previous iterations of the same game. This whole “We’re going back to our roots” makes gamers excited, but really just translates to “We think we can make a better version”. It’s getting old, and fast.

Well they probably can’t stop botting but they could have aggressively banned the gold buyers. I don’t believe Blizzard has no way to track the gold seller accounts or thousands of gold being traded from those accounts to real players.

They do moderate the forums they allow spirited debate both positively and negatively the way a person running a private business should in a free speech society. What they don’t allow is written in the forum COC.

The only people I see advocating for forum purges, more moderation, are those that are on the “game is great” side of the aisle, I always wonder why its always that group that advocate the silencing of descent.

I personally come to the forums less now due to the absolute nonsense complaints. Constructive criticism is great, but people literally slobbering on themselves in fantasy land made up nonsense getting mad gets old. IE OP and this post is an example of idiotic toxicity.

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People have been falsely flagging all kinds of posts on either side. Posts just expressing something positive about the game like someone literally saying they just wish they had more time to play it got flagged and filled with hateful comments accusing OP of trolling.

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I wish they would moderate false flags something they talked about when they got rid of the dislike and replaced it with the heart system. Everyone warned them people would use the reporting tool to replace the dislike function. The algorithm is the same in WOW you can mass flag a post and the algorithm will automatically give you a 24 hour ban and send a notice to the CM for manual review which will automatically go to the 86 bin with a \shrug from the CM.


Took my son for an walk and did a few things around the house, came back to see people have engaged more with this thread then the game itself this morning.

Thats an problem, the fact that we are all ALL this tired of logging in is an serious issue, let me ask you an honest question.

How many times have you logged in, opened the map, saw literally nothing happening and just didnt feel like running another pointless NMD for no drops and half an paragon point and logged back out?

That should never happen to an video game of this scale one month in, let alone in the second week of a bran new season.

Aside form the spectacular failure of the game as an whole this season mechanic shouldnt even be allowed to be legally described as such. The so called seasonal mechanic gave gamers about 1 to 2 hours of content, it was an absolute joke.

Now for perspective im an older gamer, 43, dad, work part time in the evenings, can put in 4 hours or so a day usually. Have played mmorpgs and arpgs for 20+ years, not easily triggered and not an fan of doom posting, however at the same time ive played through the active collapse of multiple titles including wildstar, maplestory 2, new world, lost ark etc.

While its true nothing goods come from just trolling and shi* posting you also cannot simply sit idely by while an money hungry publisher just gouges you and tells you to sit there and be grateful for it.

Its 2023, we have choices, and again, this is an ARPG, not some fnacy delicate mmorpg with an intricate community woven into every fabric of the game.

It doesnt matter if lil Timmy actually finds some amazing drops in his dungeons, its not going to “break the game”, nor will players actually having fun clearing content in good time without 5,647 random on ground death effects.

Your entire way of thinking is destroying this game, hamstringing players and making things shi**ier is not the same as adding content.

Im sorry you couldnt come up with meaningful endgame content over the last 6 years of cashing Activision’s checks but that doesnt mean you can just keep openly nerfing everything to slow players down to buy you time, enoughs enough.

Players should be given the option to recieve an refund and have their blizzard accounts disabled, you flat out lied to your players and continue to do so once an week on the campfire scams.


The game is great, but I have also given feedback on how it could be better.

OP says his post isnt a rant and has his opinions about issues with the game and the forum dying.

Here comes the white knight troll that everyone knows, trolling him by saying:

This added nothing to the conversation other than his horrible opinion that every post is negative. Hence I laughed cause he is always trolling everywhere he goes.

Like here is one above my post he thinks the game is great.

If you review his post history you will see how much of a troll he is. Furthermore he just uses 2 accounts (possibly more well find out very soon™) to try and push his agenda on the forums.