"You won't quit" they said

Is this where you play the game>?

That’s because we want it to not suck and unfortunately, complaining on the forums is the end game. Lol.


Hey you, hold my beer

You stopped playing a game two weeks ago but feel the need to comment on it in a forum? We know that you’re hopelessly addicted and will be playing alongside us.

And yet, here you still are. If you’re gonna go, then effing go.

Yeah you sure quit. As everyone. That’s why there is a login queue :smiley:

Your login que is due to a ddos attack…enjoy your que and your nerfs.

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Waddle off that couch and make me :smiley:

I’m just gonna mute you for 3 months. You’ll be gone by then.

I think I’ll just mute you. Have fun being miserable.

Why do people have to fight each other because of a game? I don’t get it and I think it‘s pathetic.

Beside of patchnose, did you guys see the season pass? The mount is probably the best thing in there, the rest looks like a cheap stuff. It’s disgusting…. I quit the game as well and I am someone who grinded the game 12 hours per day since release.

The forum endgame is much more entertaining than in game.

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+1 to the uninstalls… dropped it after 10 mins on season 1

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I actually uninstalled everything two weeks ago. Slipped today but in the time it took to reinstall the battle.net app I reconsidered. Standing tall for the moment. Bless Blizzard, they just can’t do much right so my resistance actually works, as opposed to the in-game resistances.

I play forum while at work and good games when home.

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you didnt miss much. the season challenges feel like a mobile game.

and the big reveal is kill purple monster for good gem?

also, everyone is still doing burrows and champs. so if you want to get to 100 first, prepare to sit in BB for 30 hours. hope you got a good netflix show on deck

gotta get value out of your money spent somehow right? :smiling_face_with_tear: :smiling_face_with_tear:

Can’t say you’re wrong lol. In all seriousness, I played 200 hours or so in preseason. I already got my moneys worth. I never claimed to not have. It’s partly why even if they never revert some of these terrible changes it’s not the end of the world.

Hard to look at 200 hours of entertainment and say I was ripped off.

Just goofin wit ya buddy, i did the same. The game is just bad lol. People are in denial :person_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: i got my moneys worth from the game, story although not the greatest was enjoyable. But playing it any more def not worth my time lol. However ill continue to enjoy the forums LOL

Fair enough! Yeah, the forums have been entertaining. I saw that video posted of the meme guy talking like he was a dev from Blizzard when they nerfed mages. I haven’t laughed so hard in a very long time. That by itself was almost worth the price of admission. It sent me down a rabbit hole due to all the different videos of that same guy made out to be different people from different companies. They are all some of the funniest things I’ve ever seen LOL

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