Yep, patch sucks big time. One change is legendary status bad

60 second cooldowns do not belong in an ARPG.

Especially since none of the abilities that have them are worth a damn.

right… they only made it mandatory to have it everywhere possible and rolled as well as possible.

the opposite of what they were trying to do lol

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Yes. It takes twice as long to kill a mob and you get a fifth of the reward. They added more loot drop at end of NMD and diluted the loot pool further. Exciting stuff!

Because it might allow for more tactical, engaging, fun, interesting, you name it, gameplay.

People don’t need mounts since patch launch. The only activity worth completing is NMD and we port straight to those.

If you want that, you can just use a bad spec (there are countless) or you can play hardcore, you could play a CC heavy build instead of damage build…

You are just brown nosing, you bring nothing, people play video game to have fun, majority of players have not defeated Lilith nor NM100, bringing player damage down, lowering XP and making players squishy is NOT fun content for most players, especially not for ARPG crowd.

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Button smashing in an ARPG ? How dare they !!

Haha, yeah! I’m out of likes, but really funny and true!

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Not remotely the same. The game should be designed around the tactical, slower combat.

Yes. We simply disagree on what is fun.

Yeah, this part I dont like about the patch.
Blizzards whole segment about increasing dmg and lowering survival was pure nonsense. They should go the opposite way.

Dw it s a novelty for the whole genre.

None was so far so dumb to attempt transform a hack n slash game based on endorphine over fast kill while cruising maps into a pretty much turn based game. None.

And these guys have the audacity of adding notes on nerfs writing things that prove they dont even know how their own game works. We talking with amateurs here.

What are you talking about lmao.

Slower combat? 90% of the enemy mechs/attacks/ speed /pattern are not matchable nor reactable. It has always been like that in any diablo game and the solution has always been having a setup which would allow you to sustain most of dmg while having enough dpa to kill packs before the dmg on you was lethal.

What game you been playing for a month? Are you telling me that normal wraiths arrows are dodgeable? Most of attacks in the whole game are literally invisible, the projectiles are made so that they have no cooldowns nor space between them whenever you can see them, and any mech or affix is meant to make you unable to dodge as you please.

There are patterns that are dodgeable but none of them is telegraphed. Let s take the big wraith archer line attack. The time between the visual and the attack is less than half second. And more so, the hitbox and overall all the enemy hitboxes in the game are the worst ever in any game i ve seen. I saw my char standing meters away from said patterned lines and still get hit.

By no means the game was developed for the kind of combat you re talking about, it s so blatantly obvious it s hilarious you even think so.

What you re right is that the Bozos want us to play like that. But changing and underpowering chatacters without a COMPLETE overhaul on enemies patterns, attacks, visual cues, speed, hitboxes means making a mess outta your own game without a single positive note.

I ve player lost Ark for couple years and cleared inferno raids as hard ones. I can guarantee you the mechs and patterns there are are among - if not the - hardesr in any game. They are still reactable and dodgeable with hitboxes being almost good enough to leave some space for mistakes.

If they wanted to achieve that they should have been less LAZY with developing.

There is not a SINGLE enemy in diablo 4 being challenging or hard, they dont do that. What they do is make majority of enemies ANNOYING. And thats not the way you male a challenge up.

Are you telling me you can dodge the spider nets on the ground while killing a pack? While the cooldown on that attack is zero and gets spammed? You telling me youre supposed to tactical fight a pack of elite nagas spamming the stunning turret without any cooldown when your dodge has (now even longer) one?

Those were never meant to be so. Everything is made so that you need to maximise your dmg output to kill stuff before it kills you.

They ate going against anything diablo is meant to be, and that would be fine if they actually developed the game in that way since start.

But no. “Enemies are same” “you just will suck now”.

Not even a 10yo nerd kid would balance his indie game like this. Amateur bozos


I was more gutted with the heavy nerf to the (admittedly totally OP) 3 seconds to leave dungeon ability. This game is dead to me now because of that.

That was their fix to server stability. They promised it no? Yet nothing was reported.

They didnt fix jack. The added cooldown is to avoid mass crowding and lighten up the data traffic. “We may hVe a solution for the performances” here you go lmao

Hence, slow down the pace.
But yeah. the arrows certainly can be dodged. As long as they arent fired outside of the screen (which really should be fixed!).

“It has always been”. Time to change that!
Also, no, it hasn’t always been like that. Diablo 1 was not so fast paced.

In NM100 most enemies are unfortunately oneshotting. Yet NM100 is doable, in some sense of the word doable, at least :smiley:
You can avoid a lot of dmg in this game.
That said, I am definitely not arguing that you should be able to avoid all dmg. Very far from it.

Better late than never to try to fix it. And part of that fix is to slow down the pace, reduce oneshotting, reduce healing, etc.

Which is why I am saying they should change it.

Slowing down the game, making it more tactical. Make each enemy more of a unique challenge during combat.
That ought to be the goal.

Listen, i dont wanna think im talking with a rock.

They should have done it? Yes

Did they? No

What did they do? Filled their agenda of making you unable to do your grind for 2/3 weeks the chill till next season locking your progress nerfing you and anything around you so you ll have to grind more and longer.

Do we agree on this?

Do we concur it s proof of senseless ego and bad incompetent design?

If the answers are yes then there s nk debate no reasons to debate, you drop the game, move onto better ones, and maybe one day they ll get their heads outta their butts.

You stay and keep defending it? You are literally authorizing them to poop in your mouth and saying thanks for the tasty treat, which ofc they ll continue to feed you since it doesnt make you leave.

Have fun

Somewhat. I never said they already did this. The topic was about why the game should be slowed down.

As for the patch, no, it did not deliver on a tactical game with slower pace.
It did however have a bunch of much needed balance changes. Which is positive in its own right.

No. The patch was overall pretty good.
The screwup was rushing out a game before it was ready. Now they need to make significant changes in an attempt to fix the issues.

Do I expect them to fix the game? No. After 10 years of D3 I have zero faith in Blizzard.
This patch however was a small step in the right direction.

Each enemy a unique challenge? It’s not God of War for god’s sake. It’s Diablo and you’re supposed to slay enemies on an industrial scale. Elite enemies may force you to slow down and dodge special attacks. The unique experience and challenge should come from unique monsters like King Leoric from previous installments and such. Unfortunately, you can find them only in the campaign as act bosses and that’s all.

Strongly disagreed there.

More like God of War would not be a bad thing, at all.

That’s a different genre. D2 and D3 were like this and I see no reason for D4 to be any different. May have renamed the game if they wanted to make it slow and ‘tactical’. Actually, people complain the monster density is too low and I agree. More monsters per minute!