Yep, patch sucks big time. One change is legendary status bad

Don’t forget, those items can now roll 564 different prefixes or suffixes now instead of the previous 559, so the chances of them being useful is even less! YAY more fun!

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good I can get more irrelevant gear after level 70 because there is no increase in gear power after that.

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They werent hit hard at all they just got a cost increase lmao. That is it.

I mean… sort of? 840 items drop once you hit like 78-80 area… so there is that lol

Maybe they are changing D4 genre from action adventure to adventure drama

Yup, I got one on my bone necro 1st dungeon after patch.

It even eliminates the cool down reduction on it if you have the consume 10 corpse aspect ! nothing like having 3 bone storms running continuous!

Whatever they’re changing it too it’s sure making it worse.

oh just shut up, did you even hit 100 and did some high tier nightmares?

I’m not so sure loot was buffed. This is anecdotal and a very small sample size, but I’ve done 3 NM dungeons since the patch and I’ve walked out with noticeably LESS sacred/ancestral items than before. I’ll keep doing 'em and see if this is the case.

Maybe they accidentally broke something? I usually get a full inventory of them after one clear, but none of the last three did that (more like 2/3rds full).

more sacred and more ancestral is even less action cause now you spend more time in vendors mouseovering useless gear. buffing quantity but not quality is worse gear,not better.
xp is also super nerfed cause mobs now give you 15% more xp if they are +10 levels,prior it was +25% for +3 comparison the +3level mobs now give you +4.5% xp.
more or less if you count that mobs are -5lvl from you at lvl 55,overall xp is reduced,across the board.

also about he cdr,sorceress is kinda unplayable now over 90lvl,just cause of that,you wont stay alive for any reason,unless you only do mobs lower level than you,which result in more xp penalty.

WoW developers.


Can’t wait to die 3 million times & use 20x more gold to fix armour. Ty blizzard. Fun???! Nah, not here - devs

Loot was buffed? Weird because I’m fighting 65 mobs and getting level 43 gear. Yeah this helps a ton.

Honorable mention as you now can roll all element resistance too, which is broken.

Even one of sorcs hearts give elemental res.

I cant fathom for the love of me how you can introduce stats that you didnt fix as rolls ingame and even nake 25% of the new loot for a class useless from scratch with the season not even started

This can only be a wanted and pn purpose troll, cause you cant be that inept. Just thinking about this rolls implemented should make any player feel and realize they are being fooled without any sight of mercy.

It s so incompetent it s almOst sad

I’m glad cooldown reduction was nerfed. What’s the point of having cooldowns on skills when they can be spammed non stop anyways?

The nerf to cooldown was a disastrous mistake! As said earlier, fix the cdr problem with the skills, not across all characters skills.
BIG problem now your evade cd is nerfed. But I bet most of you all didn’t know that cdr reduced your MOUNT/DISMOUNT, MOUNT ATTACK, and SPUR!!!

Now you can enjoy the 10 second wait time with no cdr, compared to the 6 or so seconds from max cdr before. Add up all that time over the course of leveling to 100, Major LOSS.

99% of the loot is crap, anyway, at least that way you could feel like you’re achieving something, getting 3-4 chests a helltide. Now they aren’t even worth it at all unless your glyphs are all max level

D2 was originally called an “hack-and-slash” or “hack-and-slay”, not ARPG. That is what many ppl expected for D4 as well. Also, D3 effectively didn’t have cooldowns (once you had items), so having such long CDs is actually a novelty in this franchise.

Mmh, my D2 necro hat 15ish skills I needed to handle (all no CDs, but not all at the same time) . . now we have 6 skills of which 4 are on constant cooldown, so I have 2 effectively. So wow, much difficult.

Buttom-spam-D2 was significantly harder to handle and coordinate than D3 and D4 ever were and ever will be :slight_smile: