Yep, patch sucks big time. One change is legendary status bad

Whatever person came up with the idea to nerf cool down reduction should never be allowed to work on an action rpg again.

I can’t remotely fathom how anyone, no matter the idiot could possibly think that slowing down and making an action rpg less action would be a good thing.

This patch was a massive FU to all players. Everything nerfed from XP, to loot, to action.

Oh, and just in case the 543 different prefixes and suffixes that could roll on gear wasn’t enough, Blizzard added even more! YAY US!


Cooldown was nerfed because it was too strong, and to prevent button smashing. XP solo was nerfed? Loot was buffed, more sacred and more ancestral items will drop.


Helltides were a primary way to get loot and gear and they’ve been hit tremendously hard. I don’t think loot was buffed that much.


The CDR change is kind of out of touch.

Builds with several cooldowns in them feel slow because the timers are kind of very long relative to the speed of the game in many cases. You can spend most of your time pressing 1-2 buttons repeatedly while waiting for your other 4.

If there was a problem with a specific cooldown build being overpowered, it should have been individually adjusted…

If there was a problem with too many players taking cooldown reduction, it may be a sign about how the skills are almost universally desired to come back faster.

I don’t think this was a change made with having engaging gameplay in mind. I hope this is reconsidered.


Mistery Chests were too easy to get loot, 175 cinders in 10-15 minutes ez chest full of legendaries. Just my opinion. They buffed Sacred and Ancestral items drop rate so now Mistery chests cost 250 cinders

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Yep, I can almost get over everything else. I mean it sucks to relearn but hell, that’s part of the fun. Cool down reduction though is a disaster, I just can’t express that enough. I don’t play Diablo to sit and stare at cool down timers and be strategic. I play Diablo to kill hordes of demons. It’s a laughable decision made by Blizz.


Button smashing fast-paced gameplay is why you play ARPGs dumbo


Do you know what ARpg means???

Let me enlighten you clown, A stands for ACTION…
Arpgs dont have COOLDOWNS these moronic mmo andy devs brought them to Diablo…
They have no place here… Hack n Slash gender is all about killing FAST huge mob packs…

If you dont know next time be silent or just play Sims4


Wait, they nerfed solo player XP gain? WTF???


It seems to me they nerfed almost every form of XP lol.

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Nerf cooldown reduction because its too OP.
Do nothing about the reason why cooldown reduction was required.
Cooldown reduction now becomes even more sought after.


“You will play with 10-20 second cooldowns and you will enjoy it!!”

Solo XP from monsters nerfed across the board.


I think the vision of the Developers is that builds with High cooldowns are meant for High NMD, and builds with low to no cooldowns are meant to speedrun WT4, helltides, low tier NMD. But thats just my 2 cents.

This is an arpg why are there even CD’s to begin with? Not very action like to stand around waiting for CD’s…

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They also buffed bone necros with the unique that places bone storms and has bonuses if you sacrifice minions LOL

I am very disappointed by the solo nerf. It’s kinda weird to do that when there’s absolutely no lfg function other than forums and those are mostly people looking to leach




Awww man, my tricks dont work anymore awww. It was so fair though awww man. Awww.

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The nerf to CDR didn’t make the game more challenging or enjoyable, it means I rely more on Lucky Hit or just have to stand around and dodge for a few seconds then return to exploding everything on the map again.

It was a change that directly impacted the fun of your character, and in a game where there really isn’t much fun to begin with after awhile that is a huge net negative for me.


Thats your vision of ARPGs, not mine and it seems not the Devs for Diablo. So you are unlucky, there are other options on the market like POE 2.