Yep, patch sucks big time. One change is legendary status bad

Yeah, I thought they’d focus more on Bulwark, but maybe there were other reasons…

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haha, now that you put it out there expect it to show up by season 4. I would say season 2 but you know, it’s Blizzard devs so things take awhile apparently.

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you’re wrong. In D2 and D3, you didn’t have Ilvl on gear. You certainly didn’t have the same Ilvl range from level 75 - level 100 possible. You also didn’t have to grind out the RNG on the ilvl of the item itself, AND the aspect, AND the rolls on the item. Go play D3 and let me know how many level 50 items you find at level 70.

I’ve been playing ARPGs probably longer than you’ve been born, I know how they work thanks. D4 does not work like any other ARPG when it comes to RNG. It’s much, much worse.


Still doesn’t solve the bottom issue. Cooldown reduction is beloved because we get to spam the big hitting skills. Lower the cooldown, lower the damage output. Same DPS. Get rid of the affix.

Me want smash. Me scared of having to use all abilities instead of spamming them in any order endlessley. Me not bright.

I wish they would get rid of the cooldown affix, but Diablo 4 itemization is based on Diablo 3 so they had to introduce CD

Disagree. Was fun. I do not want to spend 1 hour in there to get 2 chests that would make running dungeon far superior for legendary loot. Now we have to spend more time doing it as we need the stupid mats to upgrande/enchant gear GG.

Well, I mean it is Diablo and not say Civilization or Crusader Kings. It might help if all the other skills aside from core didn’t suck so dang much.

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button holding is the new meta. [firebolt enters the room]

we button-hold now. left click is all you need

Cool down for sorcerers is a must. Defense rotation is a must otherwise we have no defense at all since the dev team screwed up resistances and won’t fix them until season 2. Less cool down for a sorcerer equals death. Who cares about the big hits. It’s about survivability. Now there is none.

It’s almost impressive how out of touch of reality blizzard is.

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Well maybe they wanted to make an ARPG that a retarded ape couldn’t clear by randomly mashing buttons. Just a thought.

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Yeah that’s why they made the most simplistic braindead ARPG ever produced.

CDR made Necromancer super fun for me. Went from 37% CDR to about 26% CDR.

Says the guy who just seems to view that ARPGs are glorified click fests where any ability clears a screen. I trust your views on game design that is easily beaten by a toddler with a controller.

Every ARPG on the market has harder content than this game. Go beat uber sirus or uber exarch and tell me how easy it is bro. lol

I mean what kind of arpg’s have you played in the past. That’s literally the entire point of these games…

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you not preferring that. Sometimes I feel the same way. However, when you make Diablo 4 people have every right to expect the game to play and be that way. It’s what the majority want in an arpg.

Making longer cooldowns does not increase the difficulty or add additional challenge.

I play a non-meta necro that uses bloodmist and bone storm (no pets or bone spear) this change means instead of using my skills and moving to next pack and using my skills i now wait 6 to 12 seconds between each pack.

same skills, same rotation, same difficulty, same challenge just with a pointless waste of time between each pack of mobs.

We get more items! Wohoooooo!!!

If it wasn’t annoying enough to go to town ever 3 minutes


we need 5 instead of 3 seconds to teleport out of the dungeon ( for whatever reason😂)

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