Yep, patch sucks big time. One change is legendary status bad

It was very out of touch. Whoever made this decision hasn’t played a Barb once, and doesn’t even know Sorc exists.


The good news is it’s really a great time. There are so many amazing games that just released recently (Battlebit Remastered) and plenty coming super soon like Starfield and BG3. There is plenty to play.


How about increasing the leave dungeon timer by 66%?!?!?! who TF wants that? INSANE. Game is dead.


It’s for those D2 boomers to have enough time to react if they accidently clicked leave dungeon.


Yeah I saw that and chuckled too. Like, seriously? Did you guys have a meeting and just ask everyone to think of absolutely anything they could that would increase the time it takes players to do anything?


I was having a lot of fun with my all traps Rogue… Basically all cooldowns except for Rapid Fire.

Kind of a B or C tier build already, it’s probably D tier now :slight_smile:

I guess it’s just not something I understand the developers visions on, when I get home I’m going to try it but it seems kind of gloomy to think about a problem being approached in this fashion.


Better then me, the patch really took away any desire I had to play anymore. I was still super excited for season 1 even if the content was a little underwhelming.

Now I see the grind to 100 is just going to take even longer and the action will be slower. I just don’t have it in me.


I am perfectly lucky, I can play any number of superior ARPGs, which I am. This game isn’t designed like an ARPG, it’s designed like a bunch of WoW devs decided to try to make an ARPG with WoW mechanics, which incidentally is what happened.


D2 is way more fast-paced than this game. You’ve obviously never played it.

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Probably not better than you…

I’ve already been kind of losing interest in the game because of the lack of end game replayability and some of the design decisions that make combat lean excessively on gear, but I don’t think I am interested in playing season one at this point at all.

I just started playing Tunic though and it is pretty fun <3


yes and they’ll all be absolute garbage and 150 ilvls lower than the rest of your gear, for some reason.

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D2 is 23 years old as well, which is the joke I was making

I’ve heard Chronocon is a really great arpg but haven’t tried it out yet. It’s a pixel looking game or something. I’m tired of Grim Dawn and the other heavy hitters atm. Guess I’m really just waiting for Starfield lol.

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Its RNG like every Diablo Game. If you are unhappy you know what to do.

I think perhaps because players were using cooldown reduction with Nature’s Fury and a Nature’s Fury Aspect to reset Bulwark repeatedly may have been the reason for the nerf. That’s just a guess, though.

Remove the affix. Compensate by lowering certian skills cooldown. That’s all they have to do.

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So why not target one individual skill that was causing huge problems? Instead they said “FU Everyone” and slowed us all down.


Do you know what ARpg means???

this whole “arpg” argument is just utter nonsense

blizz are not obliged to conform to anyone’s definition of what the ARPG genre is in this game. they can design it however they want

furthermore, you only think cooldowns don’t belong in ARPGs because of previous games you’ve played. the definition of the term “ARPG” can and will change with time as varying features become the norm


that being said I still agree that they could have reduced the base cooldowns of all skills to compensate for the loss in CDR from items

Well you’re right in a sense that yeah, people can make anything mean anything they want lol.

I think it’s incredibly obvious by the reaction though what most people feel arpg means.

Wonder why they didn’t add an elite affix that increases CD of skills by 200%… missed opportunity.
