Wow, you dare call this "Diablo"? lol

Whoa, I didn’t expect this kind of elaborate reply.
Honestly, thanks!

I’ll read it later and reply best I can :wink:

Edit: I guess “later” is “now”

From your perspective, what would be exciting, inspired, and spicy?

Good method of questioning. Turn the question around, so that the person pointing out a general flaw needs to improve it themselves.
Guess what? I’m not paid to design, or create it.
I’m here to potentially pay for the end product, based on my assesment of it.
I won’t tell you “what they should do to make it exciting”. Instead, I’ll expand on why I think it’s bland.
Running around the empty fields, barely any mobs, quest markers that are leading you to the next point, fetch quests, bleak graphics (seriously, I think they will release it on mobile at some point, hence no graphical fidelity. D2R skills look better than this). And the story… Meh. What infuriated me were those little unskippable, scripted sequences in which you go and talk to the NPC “a”. NPC “a” then rants for half a minute, walks to a gate/pathway/destination for another half a minute, you interact with them again, an unskippable, invisible wall disappears.
If that’s not a bland gameplay, I do not know what is.
Everything present in this game was in previous ones, just done much better. And don’t get me started on what they cut out, compared to real DIABLO games.

I found myself hunting for those craftily hidden altars of lilith, and regularly rewarded by off-the path caches to break open and see what was inside. Following only the quest markers is an option but also a choice.
Were there no reward to exploring, like the hidden caches and altars of lilith, then you clearly have a point so it’s not clear to me what you’re expecting with a rewarding outcome for exploring if it’s not those kinds of things, maybe you can help by explaining further?

What are those rewards, really? Imaginary “power ups” that try to hide the fact that leveling up in this game does not matter?
No real sidequests to reveal, no additional lore, no hidden things, no views to explore.
What exactly am I missing by just going from the quest marker to another one? I would argue that I lose nothing.
If AT LEAST the “side zones” would be packed with mobs - exp and actually getting to play the arpg by fighting instead of a “mmo fetchquest simulator”, would be a reward enough for me. In the current state?

Yah buddy, they will, for exactly the reasons you said. So I’m truly lost on what you’re going on about here. Sounds like you answered your own question and didn’t like the answer. Since you know it’s beta, and balancing comes last so it’s not balanced, and you expect that… what was your concern again?

OK, everyone will see after the release.
I guess you may be right, but I do not see how I’m wrong. It’s different to “balance things out” as in: polish the details, than to re-work the things completely because they don’t make sense at all.
My point is: even for a beta, it’s SUPER unbalanced, to the point of it looking like they didn’t know what they were doing when designing it.

I might be wrong, but I think there might be a community post or developer blog post out there somewhere explaining – and I could be way off on this next part: with stats like D1 and D2 to plug say 5 points into every level, there are optimal, cookie-cutter, if-you’re-doing-doing-this-then-you’re-WRONG-n00b solutions, which inevaitably does not contribute to your decisions mattering in the slightest.

Sorry mate, as much as I appreciate you taking time to reply, this is BS take. EVEN if it really comes from the devs, I wouldn’t know (in that case it’s even worse, as they lost the grip on what’s the draw of older diablo games).
Optimising the experience just for one pool of the users (in this case, min-maxers) - completely ruins the fun of actually PLAYING the game and learning the mechanics for others.
I know, I know, there are guides and as you called them “cookie cutter” solutions - but guess what, people are different, some actually enjoy the journey more than the end result, and the learning process that comes from making those “n00b” mistakes.
I want to make a mistake of adding every point into dex. I want to be able to see what happens if I do it. I would like to EXPERIMENT.
Current, super limited way of “leveling” the character takes away this possibility.
(But I guess it already happened in D3)

Where as with the current skill system, you follow the branch cluster of your choice - or not. No need to put skills into that branch at all, go ahead and double down on the previous one, or the following. And THAT agency granted to you, to determine and amplify YOUR play style has far more meaning that the false-choice of where to allocate stats optimally. For your consideration.

I considered it, and it makes no sense.
Your premise is based on the assumption that those “choices” matter.
Min is that they don’t, as there are BARELY any noticeable differences between the choices.

Does it? I found myself not wanting to give up the +crit modifier on one of my weapons because it DOUBLED my overall crit chance at a low character level, from 10% to 20%. So even though the green-arrow showed me the next weapon had a +2 dmg on it when comparing purely damage numbers on DPS, none of the more-mathy and person-style attributes were a part of that auto-calculation. I’m confident sim sites will factor all those in and they’ll disagree with the easy auto-calc green arrow. But like only following quest markers, or only selecting certain skills, it still comes down to what YOU want to do buddy. No one’s forcing you to go green arrow every time, and fortunately no one is forcing you to do crazy math in your head or deep dive on DPS sim sites to assess whether the “true” upgrade choice is. You be you.

I won’t argue about this one, it seemed like the D3 arrow up system to me at a first glance, but seeing your point I can think of a potentially more stat-oriented direction in the end game.
Will it be dmg, crit, crit dmg for everyone, like in D3? Or more expansive, with different stats for different build “archetypes” like in D2?
Time will tell.

I think I covered this, think of it as a root system that branches out and you follow the main root down. Still part of a tree, just not locking you in to all the previously-chained decisions you MUST make to get that final tier option unlocked.

OK, valid point. It is, technically, a “tree”.
But a tree without any roots nonetheless.
It’s shallow af, and we all know it.

When you said weird I’m hearing an unexpectedly low max-zoom-out? What would you want to gain by zooming out further? Part if this maximum will be due to back-end performance considerations, such as loading mobs and triggering based on your proximity. Fractions of microseconds for pathing calculations matter especially when needing to communicate to N number of players in the same place. The further you zoom out the more optimizing-for-speed that system has to be, not to mention rendering distances and the impact on graphics cards on the client end.

Ah, yes. The “optimization” argument.
If that would be the case - let them present us with two options.
Current zoom level for potato PC and consoles, and farther away zoom level for those of us who actually play ranged and like to see what’s coming their way.
Current design is just lazy, and, most probably - a way to port to mobile later.

Welcome to the MMO genre? Not sure what else to say there other than to ask were you wanting a solo-version?

Yup, I simply don’t like it.
I would like to have an “offline” or “single player” option (let it be always online still, it’s assinine, but I understand the business aspect of this decision).
From the feedback I see in general, many people dislike it as is. One can argue that it is a “game design”, I believe it’s just a way to sell those mtx later.

I invite you to watch some YouTube of Baten Kaitos, and experience authentic bad voice acting for comparison. Actors with accents does not equate to bad voice acting. They sounded mature and professional to me, setting the tone of the hardship the villagers live in. Hit us up with some examples of good voice acting for comparison, and to keep things on a level playing field do find examples with accents; the YouTube video from a Command and Conquer game featuring Tim Curry is escaping to the one place that hasn’t been corrupted by capitalism, could be a good starting point to compare an excellent voice actor portraying an absolutely ridiculous atrocious (yet perfectly fitting) accent.

Thanks, I’ll watch those.
Good research, or knowledge on the topic (at least it looks like).
Doesn’t change the fact that (personal opinion) this game voice lines sound exactly like “Fenix Rising” - you know they had some kind of a goal, but the execution is imho poor, and sounds like a caricature at best, incompetence at worst.
From the top of my head, you want good voice acting? Play “Hades”.

I’ve exhausted my limited tank of helping others convey more of what they intent to, so I hope you’ll find this enough to expand upon so your messages are more broadly and better appreciated.

Appreciate the effort.
But I don’t care if my opinions will be “broadly appreciated”.
I just wanted to voice them, it’s the internet, after all. Some people will agree, some won’t, some will just fling insults.


Sounds like you got to level 5.


Sounds like the OP needs some testosterone IRL. He sounds like a girl on her period XD

Game is Gud.


no one cares if you like it or not. Next.


We’ll see you at launch :^)


I wouldn’t call it bad, just weird choice. I think they wanted to emphasize the misery of the inhabitants with Russian accent. since yeah, that’s the symbolic meaning in our western society. its kinda depressing, but effective i think.

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To be fair its more like a 6/10

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If you really think “green arrow up” is the be all end all of gearing up then you’re either being deliberately obtuse or you’re actually retarded. I’m leaning on the latter.

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Naaah, 4/10, maybe 5/10 after the release IF they polish stuff + don’t bust it with microtransactions


Maybe WoW players will enjoy it, they seem to like mindless clicking and fetch quests.

Having played since the launch of Diablo 1, I can not agree more. I never played Diablo for the fetch quests – only the mindless clicking.


If you’re worried about “Fanboys incoming” that means you’re either lying to yourself or blind to whatever you wrote. The graphics are amazing, solid 9/10 at the very least. Boring? I’ve been excited and everyone (expect people crying on forums instead of giving constructive criticism) seems to love the game.

If you want to compare it to Immortal go for it, obviously they have similarities cause they’re both a Diablo game just like 1, 2, and 3 were. There’s lots of stuff, open space where needed, and small details to make the game feel like they actually care, dungeons are cramped but when having open spaces they have pillars to support the ceiling, like how the underground works.
So boring, uninspired, and bland? Seems more like you’re blind

Exploration? Love it, you can go anywhere and everywhere, explore new towns, find new places, side quests scattered around, and even dungeons that will give you special passives and if not for your character, they still have enemies and loot! Very lovely exploration.

Open world? Love it again, mobs are everywhere you go unless you’re blind or in a town, 3? Nono try 7, 10, even 15! Events even scattered around where you can fight tons of enemies and get special rewards! Epic Gameplay indeed

Awesome skills? Some are, Using powerful skills that takes 40 mana? You only have 100 so don’t be dumb and waste it all, instead mix it up, have cooldown skills that take 0 mana, skills that even take a smaller amount of mana. Not every skill takes mana, some are only cooldowns as stated. Or even spend points to get more mana since that shows you’ve only used Sorcerer, gonna complain? Complain about Barbarian or Druid. Don’t go wasting all your mana on skills that costs lots, it’s just a dumb idea.

Ah yes, the balance isn’t quite there cause like you said this IS a BETA, skill 1 can be a low mana cast, or a short cooldown. while Skill 2 takes lots of mana or a lot longer cooldown, otherwise it wouldn’t make sense now would it? It’d be dumb for a 40 mana spell to do a tiny amount of damage.
Of course there will be balancing, they already confirmed a battlepass and that they’ll be doing expansions so obviously they’re going to balance the game, what are you? Slow?

Leveling? very nice! Keep doing it. World scales with you sure, but! You get skill points every time you level up, you constantly get new gear (Like idk, every rpg game with this mechanic?) Oh and skills you get? If you get high enough level in sorcerer you get

a really powerful ultimate ability!

So it is very worth leveling up obviously, you get all sorts of skills in categories, a bit weird but oh well.

Itemization? Pretty dope, only simple minded people will say “only green up arrow matters” You can choose between green up arrow OR use your brain to see if the stats are also better than what your item has, Like I’m not going to swap out Legendary armor for common armor “heh heh, green goes up” Plus items look unique and different for the most part, and you get different armors from different regions, I’m sure you probably need a video though so here you go!

Skill tree? It’s a skill tree, shallow? nah, lots of space? yeah cause otherwise it’d be a jumble mess. What, you want everything crowded? It’s a skill tree, they come in all shapes and forms, so it’s not pretending, it’s just a skill tree and you’re dumb for thinking otherwise :person_facepalming:

weird zoom? It’s just closer not weird, it’d look weird if it was a lot farther out though cause then you’d see out the map more with dungeons and what not, this makes it feel like there isn’t an empty void everywhere when in a dungeon or such.

It’s an open world, seeing other people AND getting a bonus when they’re around? Sign me the hell up! I think it’s cool you can just see people wondering around doing their own thing and helping you with fighting or you helping them, or even doing events together! Just cause you wanna be a loner doesn’t mean the majority does.

Personally don’t have a problem with the voice acting. I think it’s good so the fact you think it’s “very bad voice acting” feels like you’re overreacting to extreme measures.

This is a diablo game, I don’t find world of warcraft fun but this game is very fun, of course it’s far from perfect, just like Diablo 1, 2, 3, and Immortal.
Like for example Barbarian just felt awful, I didn’t go past the first boss fight cause I didn’t like him, call it a skill issue but I died to the first boss with him, his Fury bar instead of mana runs out if you don’t get hit or hit an enemy within like 3-5 seconds, it drops down as fast as mana bar for sorcerer regens. For that I stopped playing him. Rouge and Sorcerer were pretty sick though. and now with Necromancer and Druid out, my friend didn’t like Druid but me with Necromancer is what I’ve been waiting for and is everything I wanted and more. It’s an absolute blast!

Of course they’ll probably get nerfed cause I’m sure people like you will just cry about it instead of realizing the game is meant to be FUN.

I give this game a 9.5/10 Of course it has its flaws but after Necromancer, they delivered so at least for me, amazing, a blast, love it.

Now of course the price… 70, 90, or 100 dollars. That’s really rough especially since they’ll have battle passes and will be making according to the rumors I’ve heard, buyable expansions. So if you have a bunch of money to spend then I’d say go for it, it’s a blast, but if you’re using your money to buy games wisely, I’d suggest watching twitch streamers or youtube videos, seeing how they enjoy it and pay attention to see if it’s a game you’d enjoy and go off that.
Don’t just look at a goofy post like this and just say “Sounds bad, I wont get it” cause people like these always try to make it look bad.
And hey, you not buying it makes the server have 1 less person, thank you for not buying it so we can have more space for the nice reasonable people :slight_smile:

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk :heart:


I read this post in a Gordan Ramsay voice and gotta say it makes your point even better. Everything you say is 100% correct. Just need to also point out that the character customization is a joke with body types and not putting Male and Female as selections. The Female necros look like Males and the Male necro looks feminine. Unskippable cut scenes not being in a game is bad. Hell, the cutscenes are garbage to begin with and some don’t even advance the plot at all.

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Press and hold ESC to skip cutscenes, it pops up in the lower right corner.

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Love this comment! OP whats another PoE, he came here to hate. Good thing we dont need him!


At first I thought, “wow, long reply, probably some good points there!”

But you lost me completely the moment you’ve stated that DIABLO IMMORAL is, in fact, a real “Diablo” game.

Move along, I won’t even bother reading the rest.
You’re delusional :joy:

Unless it was an out of season April fools joke on your part? :sunglasses:

thank you, can we just copy and paste this on all the hater forums?

LOL dude you are just a hypocrite. Good luck hating everything in life.


Can I just copy and paste your replies to all the fanboy forums?

What kind of a reply is that? :joy:

Are you really not able to do more than “game good, you no like game, you bad” kind of a discourse? Or ad personam “arguments” (lol).
Not looking good to the bystanders, buddy - just saying.

Next time, maybe try to say what are you liking about the game to counter my post?
You sound pretty much butthurt and really - skippable and forgettable otherwise.

And no, I do not want “another POE” (which, I admit, I’ve played extensively).

I want another Diablo game.
This one ain’t it.


You sound more Delusional than me, if you wont read the rest cause I said a fact of it being a real Diablo game, that’s on you. Just cause Diablo Immortal was a really bad game especially with it being an extreme amount of pay to win. Doesn’t make it not a Diablo game, it literally has it in the title, how delusional can you be? and how much more proof would you need? :confused:

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bye, wont wait in june!

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