Wow, you dare call this "Diablo"? lol

Diablo 4?

More like Diablo 4mmortal, or Diablo 4/10

Boring, uninspired, bland.

Exploration? Forget it. Chase the quest mark, dummy!

Open world? Sure, with 3 mobs here and there, once every 2 minutes of walking. EPIC GAMEPLAY

Awesome skills? No. Cast twice, “out of mana” follows. Go back to clicking one button, you pleb!

Balance? I know this is a “beta”, but why skill 1 takes 3 casts to kill a mob, while skill 2 kills EVERYTHING on the screen with one cast? “tHiS iS bEtA, tHeY wIlL bAlLaNcE iT!”
Mhm, lol, for sure buddy

Leveling up? Forget it. World scales. There are no attributes to allocate. Skill points add like +3% dmg. Laughable. Just give all the skills at the beginning, since respec is anyway almost free, what does it matter?

Itemization? Lol, only green “up” arrow matters.
Aaand you need to change your items literally every 2 minutes, because YES, amongst other reasons.

Skill tree? Nope, like everything in this game, shallow, empty husk just pretending to be a skill tree.

What’s up with this weird zoom level anyway? Another inspiration from diablo immoral?

Other players with weird names running around randomly, breaking immersion (if there would be any in the first place)

Very bad voice acting.

This is definitely not a game for diablo fans.
Maybe WoW players will enjoy it, they seem to like mindless clicking and fetch quests.

4/10, thank you very much, not worth anyone’s money :slight_smile:

At least I know I don’t have to buy it, thank you Blizzard!



You can turn on advanced item comparisons, by default it will just up arrow primary stat from what I read in options. Will still have a strong bias to stacking main stat like d3 I’d imagine.


Agree with all OP said


Only green up arrow matters.

Too funny XD


What else? Please elaborate.
AT BEST you will be chasing the magical green arrow + crit chance + critical dmg up, like in D3 (which, with it’s flaws, was still a much better game).

Let me guess, WoW player? :joy:


What a copout on your part.

Scream like a spoiled brat and then paste a tag line that you think means nobody is allowed to take issue with what you said or how you said it since they’ll just be a “fan boy”.

Grow up.


The game has its fault but people chasing “green up arrow” are the ones saying barbs suck.

The rest of us solo the butcher :wink:


If anything, game is too easy.
Veteran? lol


I have played all the Diablo games extensively except Immortal. I refuse to play pay wall games or on a cellphone. What I can tell you is this does seem a lot simpler. I have really noticed the lack of loot, chest, and smashable items. I would say the Item drops remind me of like the Diablo 1 drop rate, but then mixed with Diablo 3s stats. It is very odd to me. I feel like this game will be a huge hit on console though. This is a console players game. It just feels very much like a generic ARPG to me. I doesn’t feel like a big step up from Diablo 3. Being able to pick herbs or whatever really threw me off and ruined a bit of the experience for whatever reason. I thought that addition was ridiculous and unnecessary. The game feels incredibly hollow to me and I don’t fully understand why.


Good argument there, pal.

By any means, please dissect “spoiled brat’s” points with your arguments.
Oh wait, you could do it from the start, and you chose not to.

Maybe it’s because you know this spoiled brat is spitting facts you find hard to swallow? :thinking:


Yeah, from everything I’ve seen, this is what it looked like. The interface, open world, randomly generated dungeons, story presentation, battle pass, it’s just like Diablo Immoral. The character builds and customization at least is much more in depth. I also hate the resource spender gameplay, which is just like Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft. The four hour world bosses work on the exact same schedule as the world events in WoW, which I miss all the time because I’m not online at the exact time. They’re grindy and boring. At least they only need to be completed once per week.

Edit: I forgot that legendary items and abilities also work exactly like Immoral, and ends up determining your build.


Considering the fact that most of the Diablo franchise has now been absolute trash this actually fits in line perfectly with the IP.

Just sayin… logically this is a Diablo title as it is absolute trash.

Good Diablo Titles.

Diablo 1

Diablo 2 + LoD


Diablo 3
Diablo Immortal
Diablo IV

^ Officially the list of crappy Diablo games is longer than good meaning that we should now expect poop from the series.


I love how he has this stupid forum post title, then literally suggested two names that both have Diablo in them. soangry

Maybe because you want it to be Diablo, while it isn’t?

I got hyped for a sec, when I’ve met the first shrine.
Vague description, unknown effect, I thought “JUST LIKE IN DIABLO 1!”

Honestly, that’s the only positive comparison I can make with diablo games :joy:

you’re making the bald irl barbarian avatar mad. this is the only game they know how to play. they will defend blizzard till the end. good luck brother o7


Not to mention the quality and fun of their titles have been degrading over the past decade with no sign of it changing.


Sure, and you would listen or even read? Nope.

Go spit your bile and defend juvenile behavior bud.


Too bad they can’t make a good ARPG like D2 again.


Another dodge.

Try me, stop avoiding.

Or do you really have no arguments outside of “I LIKE THIS GAME SO IT’S GOOD!”


TLDR Bads gonna bad.