Boring, uninspired, bland.
From your perspective, what would be exciting, inspired, and spicy?
Exploration? Forget it. Chase the quest mark, dummy!
I found myself hunting for those craftily hidden altars of lilith, and regularly rewarded by off-the path caches to break open and see what was inside. Following only the quest markers is an option but also a choice.
Were there no reward to exploring, like the hidden caches and altars of lilith, then you clearly have a point so it’s not clear to me what you’re expecting with a rewarding outcome for exploring if it’s not those kinds of things, maybe you can help by explaining further?
Balance? I know this is a “beta”, but why skill 1 takes 3 casts to kill a mob, while skill 2 kills EVERYTHING on the screen with one cast? “tHiS iS bEtA, tHeY wIlL bAlLaNcE iT!”
Mhm, lol, for sure buddy
Yah buddy, they will, for exactly the reasons you said. So I’m truly lost on what you’re going on about here. Sounds like you answered your own question and didn’t like the answer. Since you know it’s beta, and balancing comes last so it’s not balanced, and you expect that… what was your concern again?
Leveling up? Forget it. World scales. There are no attributes to allocate. Skill points add like +3% dmg. Laughable. Just give all the skills at the beginning, since respec is anyway almost free, what does it matter?
I might be wrong, but I think there might be a community post or developer blog post out there somewhere explaining – and I could be way off on this next part: with stats like D1 and D2 to plug say 5 points into every level, there are optimal, cookie-cutter, if-you’re-doing-doing-this-then-you’re-WRONG-n00b solutions, which inevaitably does not contribute to your decisions mattering in the slightest.
Where as with the current skill system, you follow the branch cluster of your choice - or not. No need to put skills into that branch at all, go ahead and double down on the previous one, or the following. And THAT agency granted to you, to determine and amplify YOUR play style has far more meaning that the false-choice of where to allocate stats optimally. For your consideration.
Itemization? Lol, only green “up” arrow matters.
Does it? I found myself not wanting to give up the +crit modifier on one of my weapons because it DOUBLED my overall crit chance at a low character level, from 10% to 20%. So even though the green-arrow showed me the next weapon had a +2 dmg on it when comparing purely damage numbers on DPS, none of the more-mathy and person-style attributes were a part of that auto-calculation. I’m confident sim sites will factor all those in and they’ll disagree with the easy auto-calc green arrow. But like only following quest markers, or only selecting certain skills, it still comes down to what YOU want to do buddy. No one’s forcing you to go green arrow every time, and fortunately no one is forcing you to do crazy math in your head or deep dive on DPS sim sites to assess whether the “true” upgrade choice is. You be you.
Skill tree? Nope, like everything in this game, shallow, empty husk just pretending to be a skill tree.
I think I covered this, think of it as a root system that branches out and you follow the main root down. Still part of a tree, just not locking you in to all the previously-chained decisions you MUST make to get that final tier option unlocked.
What’s up with this weird zoom level anyway? Another inspiration from diablo immoral?
When you said weird I’m hearing an unexpectedly low max-zoom-out? What would you want to gain by zooming out further? Part if this maximum will be due to back-end performance considerations, such as loading mobs and triggering based on your proximity. Fractions of microseconds for pathing calculations matter especially when needing to communicate to N number of players in the same place. The further you zoom out the more optimizing-for-speed that system has to be, not to mention rendering distances and the impact on graphics cards on the client end.
Other players with weird names running around randomly, breaking immersion (if there would be any in the first place)
Welcome to the MMO genre? Not sure what else to say there other than to ask were you wanting a solo-version?
Very bad voice acting.
I invite you to watch some YouTube of Baten Kaitos, and experience authentic bad voice acting for comparison. Actors with accents does not equate to bad voice acting. They sounded mature and professional to me, setting the tone of the hardship the villagers live in. Hit us up with some examples of good voice acting for comparison, and to keep things on a level playing field do find examples with accents; the YouTube video from a Command and Conquer game featuring Tim Curry is escaping to the one place that hasn’t been corrupted by capitalism, could be a good starting point to compare an excellent voice actor portraying an absolutely ridiculous atrocious (yet perfectly fitting) accent.
I’ve exhausted my limited tank of helping others convey more of what they intent to, so I hope you’ll find this enough to expand upon so your messages are more broadly and better appreciated.