Wow, you dare call this "Diablo"? lol

Ah so you just want another D2, well guess what you have that! D2R! why not trying to look at the game for the good. You started playing with a piss poor attitude, so all you do is complain. The game at its core is good, like it or not, that’s the majority vote. D4 is its own game, you will never get the nostalgia of playing D2 again, not even with D2R. Diablo games are about loot and killing and dungeons. D4 has all those. You just decided you didn’t like it a long time ago, like most haters, before you played it. Nothing will change your mind at this point. You are not adaptable, you will not allow your mind to change with games. Its smarter to appeal to the new audience the to the old audience. Sorry mate, your golden era of gaming is over! Time to move on.


Cant wait to see the first leveling to 100 in the first dungeon on the act 1 map.

You are stuck in the past if you think D2 and all it annoying flaws is good. Your version of good is nothing more but many small waste of time micro managements that produce more frustration than fun.

There is this sense of lost and craving the past coming from you. Your fun is only in memories.


The sad thing is that D3 still could be a great game in my opinion. For me SETs are the killer of D3 with their stupidly high bonus dmg. to certain skills which then dictates what skills you have to use (no real freedom). Over time instead of fixing it they just made it worse.

Iam also not a fan of the generator and spender skill system. It means that spells like chain lightning on the Sorc cant make as much dmg. as spender skills and that sucks.

I also would like to have potions and the belt back. Its pretty obvious they dumbed alot down to cater to consoles/gamepads. PoE also has an interesting potion system.

The game also rains too much legendaries and rares, doesnt feel special at all to find something. Well the list goes on and I dont want to dig too deep into it because it wont matter anyways.

IMO they rather should have made a new Xpac for D3 instead creating D4 and try to overhaul D3. Sadly its pretty obvious that Blizzard has no real passion anymore to create the best games possible, truly sad.

So much salt for the first day of open beta… you do realize this is only like 1/5 of the game right? You can’t validate your whining with “fanboys incoming” Pretty glad people like you aren’t going to be joining us at launch. QQ less.


Am I defensive or are you a little self conscious? I ask because I never said anything that suggests YOU said people are not allowed to enjoy it, maybe you can point that out(?). All i said is that people do enjoy it, and if you dont…then play something else.


Well spoken Ted Talk. 10/10 recommend reading it all.


A forum jockey simply looking to argue with people. I feel you’re on the forums more than the game. If you were to give actual feedback instead of picking fights with what call fanboys the game may improve. But like a typical Karen you just wanna be the loudest talker in the room.
Make some suggestions to Devs for improvements rather than whine and cry about things. (I dislike how XYZ functions, my suggestion is to change it to ABC) something like that. Rather than your bland arguments of “boring, uninspired, bland”. Your original comments are about as good and cleaver as the you claim the beta is.

No, actually. You make few fair points. And I am a fan. :wink:

Please do not feed the trolls, they gain sustenance from interaction, please move on so that proper discussion can commence!

Aww, You’re too kind :pleading_face: :heart:

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Yep, D4 blows monkey chunks… D1 and D2 were best diablos, D3 became bearable after launch/a few patches but meh.

This post is gonna get WIPED so BAD! LOL :smiley:

Ok great, go play a sub par game like LE, Lost Ark, or POE.

Remember kids, you’re entitled if you want a multi-billion dollar corporation to deliver a quality product after half a decade of development time.


I like the green up only matters statement, especially that in 90% cases green up actually is a worse choice because the stupid indicator doesn’t factor affixes and your build. It’s a very bad and misleading feature.

I did in November, game still sucks. Nothing has changed really since then.

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Only quality products they came with in last 15 years are aimbots and radars for their games.

Unfortunatelly they cant be appreciated for this because its all unofficial for some reason… :smiley:

It’s absolutely terrible. And boring as hell. Cutscenes are borderline goofy.

Glad I did not preorder.

Went ahead and uninstalled the bnet launcher completely. Done with Blizzard.

And I didn’t even have connection issues game ran fine besides freezes here and there.

Elden Ring expansion hype!


After reading the forums I’m left a bit confused. I don’t see this lack of density that people talk about. Pretty much everywhere I go there are hordes of mobs the entire way. Also I barely ever see anyone else in the world even during events. I have done like 20 events today and only once or twice has there been someone else there to do them with me. I have experienced a ton of rubberbanding, super long load times and not being stuck running waiting minutes for an outdoor zone to let me enter.