Wow did you Destroy Nerco

People who say necromancers should not be passive are clearly new to ARPG.

Necromancer being passive is the perk of the pet class. You trade that for way slower clear speeds of maps.

It is not rocket science here. My 10 year old nephew could figure that out.


Except… in this game, you have to kill mobs to spawn the pets… Which die in seconds. Meaning “pet class” is nearly unplayable. If it actually worked as intended. Kill stuff, summon skeletons, skeletons kill stuff for a bit before dying… people wouldn’t be complaining. Having a nothing monster kill your skeleton so you can kill it and make another skeleton is like mopping a floor, someone taking a piss on the floor… then mopping the floor again. No one is going to go through this hassle. It’s a complete waste of time at present.

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I agree,

And knowing Blizzard they will keep the pets squishy but not have them require corpse something stupid.

Look, just make the minions tanky and strong. Nothing wrong with the passive play style. Necromancer trade that for clear speed.

Like let people enjoy the darn game. We need a relax class. Blizzard why are you so hard headed?

They’re absolutely awful at the moment. Worse than they are in Diablo 3 and that’s really saying something because they were bottom of the barrel there. What complete idiot trash higher-up at Blizzard has a burning bias against pet classes being able to have fun?

Have their keeper pull the leash and prevent them from chewing wires and effecting gameplay decisions, please. This is just awful.

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I hope you don’t actually believe that… minions were far too strong. Minion builds will be fine, just git gud.

If they can’t do a thing at level one I promise you they’re only going to be fine in the eyes of someone who wants minion necromancers miserable. What do you main, by the way?

I’m done work in an hour, I’ll hop on and easily level with one… I don’t know what I’m gonna main yet. I kinda wanna do Nec atm to prove a point.

You’ll have to forgive me for not taking you at your word not to just wait and say you did without doing it, and claim they’re fine again to try and add weight to your argument.

I don’t care if you believe me in the least. I only care about opinions of people that matter to me or a respected opinion.

I went full tanky thorns minion build with some pretty good gear, and they are still dying in one, sometimes two hits. I get the concept Blizzard was going for, but they really missed the mark.

And to those that keep saying it’s only level 20 blah blah blah, it’s a game, it’s supposed to be fun and feel good the majority of the time you play it, and the QOL on the Minion mancer is horrid, specifically in 1v1 boss fights.


You say that like we don’t view your opinion as equally worthless…


And yet here you are trying to push your point on a forum full of people you’ve never met.

I don’t care how people view my opinion.

First time on a forum huh? It’s called discussion. it’s the point of forums… maybe if you weren’t so focused on crying you’d see that. If I’m wrong, I’m 100% okay with admitting it.

Ehh… I don’t think you understand the meaning of ‘Discussion’ there guy. If somebody has an opinion or thought you don’t agree with, you label it crying, and dismiss it as ‘Somebody you don’t care about’. My ignore list is gonna get real full really fast here.

You said you get off work in an hour? We’ll be here.

So you are new to forums as well huh?

See you then! Well at like 8-830 gotta drive home too.

Says you. Get a god damn life already. The necromancer has never had a chance in PVP with summoning EVER. So you have to cry when someone is able to get through PVE content slightly faster and easier than you? Have fun living with mommy and daddy your whole life.

and the sad thing is. Other classes with movement skills can map clear faster than a necromancer. And as I said clear speed matters.

This is why ARPG should not mix mmo elements. The players who it brings is just ugh.

A typical Blizzard Nerf.
First they are to tough, now they are to weak.

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Nice job to Blizzard, gg.

As usual, they listened to the vocal minority, and they made an unnecessarily harsh nerf to the Necromancer minions, that will affect the class from level 1 all the way to 100 into the end game, based on the feedback of a few loud mouth, jump on the bandwagon, individuals, that have played only to level 25 and have decked out their gear to an extent not possible on release.

Come on, you nerfed the whole class based on a fraction of the leveling experience, not cool at all.

But at the same time, you guys say that PVP is not meant to be fair.

So for who in hell’s name did you make the “balance” for?

Why won’t you leave a fun class and build alone.

The Necromancer went from feeling like the Diablo 2 Necromancer to something worse than the Diablo 3 version.

Well done indeed, it just shows how little you care for the players, and the fact that goodness forbid someone have more fun than the legal limit.