Wow did you Destroy Nerco

Minions are annoying now. Even with +45% more HP (3 ability points). They are at the point that I don’t even want to bother with them. The only thing probably keeping people from taking some other Class is OP corpse explosion.

Also, the heal is so freaking stupid stupid stupid stupid. I rather raise a new minion for 100% health then heal them for 5% over time?. How does this get pass the Dev teams?. Ya, totally not gamers designing games. I guess this is why they got leads that are vastly over paids, because they… sort of understand games.

What can you expect from the Devs that put “KICK” as some sort of badass barb ability. Hey, it isn’t the only ability that knocks back tho!. So, ya… it doesn’t have much identity even.

Of course, Corpse explosion is still freaking owning so damn hard. Well, that is everything Blizzard games do now “AOE SPAM!”. Ok, this is clearly freaking broke as hell with the amount of corpses necro magicaly spawns, no resource cost, no cooldown.

Get Scythe skeletons to spawn corpses. Other stuff that spawn corpses. Trigger event chest that spawns minion and go insane melting everything. I can’t even recall my kill count last beta. Maybe it was 150?. I played barb and sorc, they can’t even come close to this.

BTW Sorc is sucking madly being so damn mana starved. Hell, they even nerfed chain lightning. Sorc is fun, but once you hit things that don’t die so quickly…you are just suffering. (Didn’t play this beta, but the beta is sucking huge with all the lag)

Barb’s save is getting thorns, because it is just a punching bag, but what happens when thorns isn’t good?. I think barb did get a 10% damage reduction tho, but probably not going to do much. I mean, barb problem is basically getting slapped in 3 hits. It isn’t about long battles. IMO. (Didn’t play this beta, but the beta is sucking huge with all the lag)

Damn i said “sucking” this will probably get me a suspension. What is a baby word for it?, nurse nurse?. Milk milk?.

You nurse nurse, Blizzard. 2023 and you can’t even freaking net code. So much lag. I already just want a refund to dodge a mediocre game with Hell difficulty lag.

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I love this series, but right now with where this stands I doubt I’ll put a lot of time and much money into this game. Hell Immortal was more fun than this is right now, it’s just a massive chore.

and for what is that Priest, ? There is nothing to heal after a one shot.

This irks me and i don’t even play a necromancer.

I use necromancer minion build in arpg to get new players and certain lady friends who are not good at gaming. To still be useful and enjoy the game. Minion builds have always been the newbie friendly slower pace but very rewarding build.

My god Blizzard is so full of fail.


This was bugging me as well, tbh…

More often than not, I’d rather just out right replace the badly injured one than try and slowly heal him back up over the next minute or two.

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Whelp… my skele just died to a warg (white mob) 1v1.

Lol. Not looking good.

Minion necro is my main build. My necro just feels horrible right now. It was so GOOD last beta! Why did you have to DESTROY IT!!??? Don’t break (I am fix) what isn’t broken Blizz.

As I see it, minions is isnt meant to be useful before you can grab and unlock all the passives in the ultimate tier for minions. So its a long term project to prepare for, not something you can do right out of the gate.

I vehemently disagree. That is a useless argument. To claim that something is not even viable unless it has EVERY buff/skill/improvement unlocked in the game is (insert bad word here of your choosing).

NO. That is not right. Any build should be viable at any point in the game. That is what class variety is all about. You say as a NECROMANCER you can’t use your minions, THE MAIN FOCUS OF THE CLASS until max level is ludicrous.


It’s the only class given a skill “right out of the gate”.

Only because of how they designed book of the dead.

I would be fine if they changed to the old version and we had to invest points into the summons … as it is now … It’s TERRIBLE !

No, they didn’t.

Beta Necromancers were sleepwalkers. You barely ever had to bother using your own skills and abilities - just let the horde of minions handle it.

Now, oh my gosh, you actually might need to pop a Skeletal Priest now and then, and even ::gasp:: replace a slain minion or two now and then. OH THE HORRORS.

I main’d Necromancer in D2, and did it as a primarily skeleton-summoner. I leapt on Necromancer in D3 as soon as it was announced (hell, I was in the beta for the class). I leapt on Necromancer in D4 for the second beta weekend, too.

D4’s necromancer was overpowered. That includes the minions. THE CURRENT STATE OF AFFAIRS IS AN IMPROVEMENT.

Does it need to be tweaked still? Maybe. Maybe not.

But it’s certainly not the end of the bloody world!!

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I feel like if you invest everything they still die in 3 or 4 hits and will deal dogpoopoo dmg.

I agree with OP in a way. They had not found that middle ground. Yes, the last beta they seemingly never died. This beta I am constantly reviving them, they die so fast. I spend more time reviving than I do using other skills. They have to find this middle ground that they haven’t found yet.

I dunno if this would help or not, if there are enough corpses on the ground one skill use should summon the given max amount that you need. Say there are 6 corpses and you need 3 more skeletons you should not have to hover over the 3 corpses and hit the skill button. You should in a radius hit one corpse and it consumes 3 corpses and gives you 3 skeletons leaving 3 more corpses.

i think you are in the minority here… it appears that 90 % of the players think your wrong …

Minionmancers are about having an army of minions that you actively cast curses and buffs to make them kill faster… If you though necro was overpowered you clearely didn’t play any other classes. Barbarian is probably the highest damage class in the game. Barbs require legendaries to work. They also get the most legendary affixes out of any other class.

If this many paying customers want the old sytle of minions back … then bliz should listen

I am honestly debating about refunding my ultimate pre-order because i was excited to play a minion necro. D3 necro was an abomination and i don’t think anyone genuinely likes it…

You are clearly delirious or just out right deaf/dumb/blind. Previous beta necromancer were not “sleepwalkers” as you claim. Clearly you didnt play those betas, and the blood mist corpse explode build was far far far far far better than the summons ever were. Just because the summons didnt die doesnt make them OP.

The amount of posts and people coming to forums about the fact they ruined the class, shows that they did in fact DESTROY the class regardless of what you think.

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You are saying every now and then… I don’t know what experience you are having. But, mine are dying constantly. I spend more time summoning them than I do using other skills. I am on tier 2, that may make a difference. But I am constantly reviving them.

I am not saying the previous beta was better, they didn’t ever die. But now they always die. There is no in between unless you are grouped up.

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necromancer is terrible the skeleton Warriors die to fast not enough corpse in boss fights to keep on summoning. shield is not smooth i feel my Necromancer is super weak a necromancer depends on there skeleton warriors in diablo 2 my Necromancer in diablo 2 would beat the snot out of the necromancer in diablo 4… I’m going to cancel my pre-order POE there summoner build is much better Diablo 4 feels like POE for dummies.

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And yet, I sleep-walked through to level 25 with a Ncromancer.

Check my post history. You’ll see I was here, and have been here the whole time. Because: yes I absolutely did.

In the prior weekends, the only time I ever lost even a single Skeleton was during a boss fight, and even there it was only one here, another there.

Now, fighting trash mobs in small groups, I need to pop a Priest before moving on to the next group. If I run into large groups, or upgraded mobs, I’ll likely need to replace 2-3 (of the currently 5) skirmishers, alongside popping Priests every so often.

There are skills that increase corpse generation. Decompose is a starter skill that does this. :slight_smile:

Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 and diablo immortal the minions are strong why diablo 4 there even weaker explain that to me