Wow did you Destroy Nerco

So ironicly Bliz destroyed Minion necro which was more balanced than people thought. The over-powered spells of corpse explode and all Bone skills demolish the game still while necro minion is gutted.

RIP minion builds… This was a terrible move. Necro needs more of a design around choosing between minions and other builds as it sits Bone is the way… Minions are a joke now.


Minions should never be a super passive gameplay style, you need to be engaged with it and minister them. Dont forget you dont have all the needed passives from the beginning.

You need to invest in your minions to beef them up. Their toughness was too high prior for no investment early on in the last beta.


Minions were way too strong early on. Could easily get by a lot of the content just putting a rank or two into skills and not have to worry about dying.

Maybe it was a little heavy handed, but there shouldn’t be a gameplay style based solely around summoning and walking around while everything around you dies.


Yeah i completely dis-agree with you… that is the fantasy gamestyle i enjoy the most. Right now Minions are worthless and they were not really overpowered. The fact that there is no way to heal or replace you injured minions is TERRIBLE … This also did nothing to balance necros because everything that was overpowered about them was their bone skills and corpse explode…

All their nerfs to minions have done is made the choice to do No pet Necro’s a no brainer…


Sorry but the OP is correct on this one. They nerfed them so hard that the minions are now useless on most groups and especially on Bosses. They do not stand a single attack now. I was going to main MM necro but now I might might as well play sorc since I am relegated to be caster solo.


Skelys are too fragile, just add a tiny bit more surviveabilty, and compensate with more damage. Make them glass canons, later there are many ways to make them tougher, but now they are too squishy. Find the middle road between their previous and current state Blizz.


You need the pet passives i restate, play caster necro till you have the levels to swap.


I would argue they needed to buff the no pet abilities of book of the dead and nerf necro abilites across the board to “balance” them… Right now the first boss one hit’s all of your skellies … they do not take any reduced damage from AOE’s … The fact they are tied to corpses is such a bad mechanic now as you cannot summon them fast enough to keep them alive durring a boss fight …

like is said … RIP minion necro… Atleast barb got a much needed 10 % passive damage buff lol

Sorc is still overpowered …


My necro was my favorite to play. i guess i will just go barb


Yeah so i am level 8 on world tier 2 with blue gear… Oneshoting everything with no minions… Bone skills and corpse skills are the problem … not minions.


i have always played a summoner and from these comments it seems most of you have no idea how to play the class. You don’t just stand there and let skellies kill stuff you are constantly doing stuff to keep your army in decent shape. With the nerf to skellies they are now unplayable and with that for me the necro is unplayable. The other 2 trees don’t even make sense bone spears? where in the heck is getting all these bones to throw at people? Poison should be a addon to skellies not a tree by itself. So until they fix skellies necromancer is a dead class.


U get skeleton priests at a later level and there are passives to heal ur minions ie transfusion healing ur minions when u collect a blood orb. This doesn’t cover the Skeleton Masteries u can get that will give 45% bonus to hp and dmg at max rank that are available fairly early on.

Necro rotation involves generating corpses to use while in combat. If ur going skeleton build early on, decay generates corpses as u channel, not to mention that bosses always have adds that you should be killing to generate corpses with. The only game that skeleton spawning was not tied to corpses was d3 and requires u to strategize how u use corpses.

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Yup. The Necro went from the strongest-feeling classes at low level to kind of awful.

The skeleton summons are a joke. They nearly all got one-shot by that bear in the very beginning of the game. The bear did a frontal smash and literally hit all 4 of them for ~90% of their health bar.

Raise skeletons isn’t even a botton worth pushing on the first boss. He immediately just kills them all. Hitting raise skeleton (instead of just continuing to spam your basic skill) is probably a dps loss over the course of the fight.


Minions (skeletons) die to easy normal enemies in a single fight. Not viable.


This is completely wrong … you get Skeleton Priests after you use the summon ability with full skeletons. A Priest shows up breifly buffing your skeletions and healing your minions for 10 % this is apart of the base ability

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so by this logic you are supposed to be constantly making new skellies while fighting a boss since they die in 1 hit. While you are making these skellies i suppose the boss will leave you alone and let you spam cast skellies.


A lot of people clearly want easy mode necromancer, not knowing how to play it right.


And what u are complaining about is:

I play a lot of these games. Not in D2, D3, Path of Exile, Last Epoch, or any other ARPG do your summons repeatedly die, like every other pack, to normal trash mobs at level 3.


I want to have the minion playstyle, yes. Currently it is a joke compared to how it was.