Wow did you Destroy Nerco

Currently the only way i was able to get the skeletons to survive longer than 10 seconds is to make them all defensive type, max out the skeleton mastery passive for more hp/damage, and lower the difficulty to world tier 1… Spamming raise skeleton in every fight is not fun, the heal is so weak that id rather save corpses to revive my skeletons, unless it’s a boss fight where i can’t generate them fast enough to stay at the max number of skels.

YUP This is rough…

I get dying to focused fire from a boss, but skellies should NOT be dying to every aoe in the game. Would be fine if you had a way to micro manage the minions to dodge every aoe, but since that is not the case in this game, they have to be able to live AOE damage at the very least.

This was not the way Blizzard. Please revert the changes at least a bit. I don’t care how you think it feels later in the game, it does not feel good early on, and is not making me the least bit excited about your game.

Who the heck tests this stuff? You clearly have never played Necro in a Diablo game before.

At they very least, using summon skelly on a corspe with max skeletons out should top them all off, not heal them for like 1hp.

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The only problem with the minions on necro now, that they are not replaceable with new ones with max hp. So if i got 4 minions on 20% hp, I can’t reaplace them with full life ones, even if i produced enough corpses for it. I find it nonsense, becaus i’m forced to start a fight with a handicap each time it happens. They’ll basically just die, before i produce more corpses to get max hp new ones.


You keep saying you need the passives, well I have them and thney still suck.

You keep saying play as caster then swap…, thats against everything they have been promoting about class fantasy.

The reality is they screwed up. They should have buffed direct damage taken and kept AoE low so that cleave mobs don’t one shot them. They are worthless on bosses and all you hear is cry more you can’t AFK farm , proving those ppl have no clue about the state of the character. You need to summon the mob, then have them lock to a mob , start attack animation and then in most cases get 1-2 shot and start again. Now if these hit like absolute nukes I could deal with that . If they were supposed to be suicide mobs I would get it , but all bar one are not and they are not scaled up any where near that kind of usage.

The reality is that you are just better off casting and fogetting you even have minions and if that is the case you are simply better off as a sorc .

They complained it wasn’t active enough , but we should have been spending our corpses on healing , you can’t do that witha one shot.

it Dif level 2 and they are getting oneshot byeven non boss mobs, even with the perks for HP that you can have full unlocked in this teast pretty early and easy . There is simply no way on earth that these are going to be viable in either survivability or dmg at higher “end game” difficulty.

Then take all their other nerfs and about the only thing left feeling decent is bonespear …

Blizz couldn’t balance a brick lets face it, and as a result this class is just worthless now. 10-20% of what they did would have been enough.

Hell you want it more active ? let us direct them, that would have been great for a bunch of reasons

Lol, yes it is. It keeps you on your toes. You have to work with your minions. This is early game so it could get bad or way stronger. Right now minion builds with the necro are just ok, but nothing special, basically how it was in D2 and that is what people want right?

Sadly that might be the case, necromancers have never been good with summons. Well from a D2 perspective at least. It seems they are trying this time at least.

So you didn’t play d2 after 1.10? Because summon builds were very powerful after they reworked the skill trees which was for the majority of d2’s lifetime, you could do everything in the game quite comfortably with summon builds. Every person that thinks current gameplay is ok or inline with previous games has 0 credibility and is just trolling at this point.

As someone who had enjoyed the Minion Shadow build during the prior beta, of layering Corpse Explosion Miasma, Blight, and Decompose, while the minions got boosted damage from the Blight and Decompose nodes (the skills that BOOST minion damage against targets under the respective effects)… this build is dead, entirely.

You cannot maintain minions in any Boss encounter (WITH all passives invested in their health, AND with an extra +16% Minion Health on gear by luck), they still topple over in 1-2 hits. There is no way to generate enough corpses in some encounters if they do not summon any adds (ie: just did the final fight of the Malnok Stronghold, and I was solo for 98% of the fight).

This needs to be heavily re-evaluated, because the Skeletal Defenders, the TANKY ones, are made of paper now. We are not using corpses to call up the Priest on a regular basis now. We are using it to replenish our ranks constantly.

Additionally, minions need to receive some portion of the healing of our Health Potion, and get full-healed by Healers in towns, and Health Shrines out in the world.


Lol no they were not very powerful. D2 summons died quickly and did jack for damage.

The game still exists, you can literally go play it right now and be wrong.

The codex doesn’t have every legendary power, just the powers that drop from dungeons specifically

I was able to get legendary boots with additional skeletal mages on them., Which is the only reason I’m using any pets at all right now. Come 2morrow for the world boss, even with the legendary giving me bonus mages, I’ll sacrifice them. Skeles where already horrible for bosses even when they where “strong” last beta build… in this build they’re basically a waste of an ability slot.

And there was no such set for skeletons…

Minions were so worthless in D3 they changed their set so the minions just provided cooldown reduction to one skill.

Whats the point in buffing the skeles if they don’t last long? In boss fights the skeles can’t dodge the projectiles so they die fast and theres limited corpses so im stuck running around trying to kill a monster to get 1 corpse and bam dead right away.


The problem with the change is that since minions constantly die, particularly during boss fights, you quite literally don’t even get to use your class mechanic.

They designed the entire minion system around being able to summon a skeleton priest to buff/heal your other minions but you literally never get to use it in combat because you have to have your minions fully summoned… It makes no sense. It’s terrible design.

No clue why they decided to have a separate tier of skeleton warriors categorized as defenders who should seemingly be tankier but they aren’t, they get one shot by everything. This is made 100x worse since they’re “lazy/stupid” minions which you can’t command to prioritize targets or even move out of danger.

They clearly didn’t play test these changes during early levels which is when a new player would be learning the game, particularly the class mechanic. Very strange that they decided to nerf minions this hard; and this is coming from someone who thought Necro 100% needed nerfs. Skeletons should die in combat but not this easily & frequently. It makes the entire mechanic effectively nonexistent.


Absolutely gutted. At this point, they may as well remove the ability to summon skeletons from the game entirely because it’s almost pointless to even try to use them. They went from being a good class to being dogpoo that you have to attempt to micromanage them to get any use out of them. Corpse Explosion did need a nerf, and skeletons could have used a slight nerf, but this absolutely wrecked the entire mechanic.

They die against trash mobs without much effort. There isn’t an effective way to heal them or keep them alive. It’s cool they left the passive at 45%, but guess what? 45% of dogpoo base is just a slightly less dogpoo base and does relatively nothing overall.

I do not even know what the change to them “not taking as much damage against certain boss attacks” does, because they simply get slapped into oblivion by a boss as soon as a fight starts, which leaves you no corpses to resummon, so if you went heavy into minion summoning, you’re essentially gimped because your other skills won’t have any levels in them to make them effective. Even if you did have corpse generation, they’ll just get slapped and die again.

I’m willing to bet necro is going to be least played class until there’s some major rebalancing done to the skills. Bone Spear feels fine, great even, but even thinking about using what should be a core concept of the class is just futile and pointless.


I just tried to complete a Stronghold and the way skeletons are designed to be fragile enough to use corpses to resummon then is sooooo busted.

Can clear trash easily enough on Veteran difficulty but once theres no more corpses, like the final boss for example, the fantasy is dead. I cant use a generator enough times or channel long enough to create a corpse to summon a skeleton before a mechanic makes me move.

I tried doing the same Stronghold on Normal difficulty but skeletons die so fast and there’s no corpses left to resummon them that it’s virtually impossible to complete a Stronghold with a summoner Necro.

I, too, was going to main this build at launch and unless the devs actually play this build at lvl 20 to see how bad it is I fear no one will ever play this build in its current state.


Last beta my minions were resource makers while i used miasma corpses… im fine with nerfs but like yikes i cant even generate enough resources yet to survive bosses fully… idc if minions cant do a ton of damage… at least let them not die instantly o.o""

The Necro is boring AF now.

Hey I know that necro was OP in the last beta, and yes I agree with the nerf, but seriously what are you guys doing?? you destroyed the class, it’s practically unplayable with minions, you took the essence of the class, why are they dying with just one hit?? minions is not a skill!!!this is not necro anymore, please see what you did!! fix it soon because the class is unplayable!!!what a joke !!!

Was looking forward to playing this game and starting a Necro so bad next month… now I don’t even know if I’m looking forward to playing it until it’s patched a couple times. Hopefully they pull out another “tweak” before release and just basically restore the previous stuff they nerfed to the ground, and tweak it again SLIGHTLY later.