Wow did you Destroy Nerco

You have an army of the dead spell and plenty of things to empower minions. We are at level 20 with not a lot of power. Summoning builds will do just fine.

I think a solution could be that the skely Priest doesnā€™t only heal back 10%, but heals them to full health, no matter how much health they lost.

Let them gain 30% of your armour rating as health maybe.

Or they could scale their heath bifferently, like they gain slightly less per level, becuase they will be getting 30% of your stats. Also their passives, and lego powers, paragon points, glyphs. So later their health might not be a big problem, but early on it needs to be way more than now.

Sure thing!!!

I bet your main will be a mageā€¦

Youā€™re also only fighting very low level enemies on a relatively low difficulty.

Nah. I like the sorcerer well enough but I like the necro and the rogue the most. I would say druid but they are way to fat and it looks really dumb. Kinda what they did with D2:R.

edit: And by the druid comment I mean let go woke with things. People want sexy characters. Luckily they did well with the other 4 classes in D4.

Eh some of them are quite brutal. Did you not play Diablo or D2 way back when?

Yup. Necro is garbage now.

And to everyone saying ā€œget the passivesā€
No. It doesnt matter. Fully specced skellies still die instantly to elites and bosses.
They even die to trash mobs.
The skeleton priest ā€œhealā€ is a joke, and does basically nothing.

Bliz killed summonmancer, and the game isnt even out yet.

This is the worst summoner ARPG experience since diablo 3


Lol your minions were immortal in D3.

This is a brain dead take, it doesnā€™t matter if it feels better at some magical endgame we have no access too, every skill point i have is put in abilities and passives to amp my minions and they are worthless. Thatā€™s a balance issue that needs to be fixed and plenty of other games have done it much better. If things stay as they are ill just refund and play the competitors game instead.


Yeah, at least thereā€™s some hope! hah

Best build I found for this beta was minionless.

  • Sac warriors for crit

  • Sac mages for damage to vuln

  • Hemorrage builder, because teeth is rancid garbage now, and you need the fortify/blood orbs when you have to tank everything yourself.
    Hemorrage 1, enhanced 1, initiateā€™s 1

  • Bone spear spender
    Bone spear 5, enhanced 1, supernatural 1

  • Decrepify curse to help with kiting, but should also work vs World Boss
    Decrep 1, enhanced 1

  • Corpse Explosion for AoE Clear and resource gen:
    Corpse explosion 1, enhanced 1, plagued 1

  • Grim Harvest (spirit when consuming corpse)
    grim harvest 3

  • Deathā€™s Reach (% damage increase to far enemies)
    Deathā€™s reach 3

total points: 22 (lvl 20 + 2 bonus points)

Should probably also be solid for world boss, just play WAAAY outside itā€™s range and snipeā€¦ if you really want to min/max world boss, Ditch corpse explosion, resource on corpse consume and pick up damage talents.

Yup summons didnt die in D3. But all the summons classes felt awful to play until end game when you got a set or two to make them playable.

Bliz clearly doesnt know how to make fun summoner classes.

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Reminder that minions share your armor. So make sure to buff your armor up as much as possible.

This is where you are wrong. You are level 20. Your minions should suck and only serve to help you out a little. Look at the minions in Grim Dawn and Last Epoch, or even PoE (although this get strong early but taper off later). Have you seen how fast minions died in D2 on hell difficulty? It was never pretty. I think D4 is doing an ok but could do a bit better with minion tuning. A level 20 character has no right to complain about anything period. None of us have clue about endgame and what theory crafters are going to come up with. Just relax and have fun.

Honestly D4 may be the one time they do well in that area. Time will tell.

Thatā€™s the problem, current minion necro gameplay is not fun. My feedback is for blizzard, your opinion is worthless to me, stop giving it.


Current evidence suggests that d4 will not in fact be the time they get it right.

Summons were fun in beta. Now they nerfed them into garbage.

Even when they buff them again, the nerf bat will be along soon.
Its the blizard way.


Is it me or they also removed the legionaries that boosted minions, there no longer increase number of skeliies or magies in the codex, as well as the increase skelly power the longer they stay alive(which i guess is useless now since they die the moment u summon them)

Man, these minions feel like theyā€™re made of glass. A couple Carvers can absolutely wipe out an entire crew of 5 skellie warriors, and due to the damage balance, itā€™s way easier to just basic kill something and then corpse explode it than to play a zookeeper necro.

The priest ability feels pretty useless; it feels much more like a post-battle heal than a mid-battle buff because the skellies arenā€™t going to last 5 seconds in a pitched battle to benefit from the buffing effect, but in that case, Iā€™d rather just get rid of the priest ability and gain the ability to replace existing skellies, because the buff sucks and being able to just raise a new skellie at a location of my choice instead of having to wait for them to die before I can replace them would be a better option.

Skellie Necros worked in D2 because, not only were Skellies in D2 not flimsy and didnā€™t die from a cluster of trash mobs, D2 necros also had access to Amp Damage at lvl1, which gave the zookeepers even better damage capabilities. Right now, D4 skellies are not only glass, but they do negligible damage when facing a throng of enemies, essentially making Necro gameplay completely not viable unless youā€™re twinking them out with gear that you MFed with another toon.


Yep, now they not only worthless but you have less of them ! i really not enjoy this beta at allā€¦ not sure in june but if that stay like that, i just do the story and quit, have more other fun action rpg as summoner class out now !