Wow did you Destroy Nerco

the book of the dead has to be better then this i feel anxiety every time i look at it. known is this it

yes I agree with that gentleman. i summon a skeleton warrior and 2 hits he dies… okay i put more skill points in to
skeleton Warriors 5% heal and damage 3/3 3 out of 3 skill tree and level 20 even level 25 my skeleton warriors are trash… my necromancer played better when i sacrifice all my summons for 5% essence gain which is garbage by the way i was able to stop dying… i feel the summon build makes the necro weak cause they don’t have your back at all

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I agree with the OP. Necro minions are now far too fragile to be practical. The pet passives don’t make a difference in their survivability, and constantly resummoning is a pain in the butt.


It’s not balanced to have minions that absolutely can, will, and do “take aggro” for you, absorbing enemy attacks/DPS, if there’s zero chance they will ever be killed. THIS WOULD ESSENTIALLY BE GOD MODE, and that would be absolutely [censored]-poor game design.

You HAVE TO attack. You HAVE TO move. You HAVE TO click on loot items to collect them.

So, I guess every game is “chore” not “fun” for you, then?

The alternative is: every enemy ignores your minions entirely, and guns straight for you. Bosses included. As if the minions weren’t there.

Also, zero spells in D4 are perpetual. Hydra, for example? Lasts X seconds. Then i tends.

So why should Necromancer minions last forever? I mean, outside of combat they absolutely DO (unlike Hydra or similar). But why should they last forever IN combat?


QQ WAAAAAH, my “I win” button got taken away! So I will throw myself on the ground and have a tantrum!! WAAAAH QQ

Good grief.

Yes, they drop the minions a little too much. Earlier the minions were too strong, but now those are worthless. So the midway was not found on this drop. Even you can still fight with necro the drop was too dramatic high.

Agreed. Necro Minion build is absolute garbage right now.

People claiming corpse gen ability Decompose is viable in boss fights have not paid much attention. For example Ashvara. Killed all 8 minions in a single ability. You need to stand still for 2.5 seconds just to generate 1 corpse.

Minions are weaker, easier to kill, and it just feels BAD. Druids are out pacing Necro now, and Druid minions are just as nerfed. Let that sink in.


-1 on the bad NERF to the class.
Cant leave nothing alone.
Except for the overtuned Boss for -5 lvl beta chars expected to get the mount horn from that. Must be a cash shop item since you put it behind that wall.

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You understand a necromancer isnt a sorcerer so that’s why the minions are different right? It’s a pet based class that’s why it’s pets take aggro, that’s why they dont last x seconds.


You can in fact heal them by summoning another when you have full minions. A skeletal priest is summoned to heal them.

Also, the nerf was a bit much. I think they need a little more toughness.

No i don’t think he gets the point of a pet class


I think you’re right.

Totally agree the necro is trash now. minion classes relies on it minions as its primary weapon and now they are garbage.

necromancers is not a pure minionbased class. You can play it quite efficiently without, its just a playstyle, not something that defines it to the exclusion of anything else.

So its an utter exageration to say the whole class have been destroyed, plenty of possibilities in it.

Necro’s utterly worthless against world boss. What a FRIGGING joke now. Gutted the build. Time to move on it would seem.

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If you try minions against world boss, of course you have nothing to offer. play caster.

Yes, Necro is now useless against bosses that doesn’t spawn any mobs. This feels like garbage now. Well done, instead of “balancing” a class, you completly turned it into trash Blizzard.

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I think having a build that allows this play style is not only good but needed and each class should have one. Should it be S tier? No. It should be A and B tier tho.

This weekend was an absolute s*&t show.
15+ hours playing at lvl 20, I didn’t so much as sniff a legendary or unique.
15 minute battle with Ashava with a team of 12 lvl 20s, and we barely managed to get the boss below 75%.
I sent out messages to all of my friends and clan mates who are playing Diabl0 4 this weekend, of the 23 responses, NOT A SINGLE PERSON was able to kill Ashava, NOT ONE.

Blizzard has COMNPLETELY lost the plot on this one. GROSSLY excessive nerfs to Necros and Rogues, and GROSSLY decreased drops, with GROSSLY overbuffed world boss is NOT fun, it’s absolute CRAP.

This weekend is SO bad, that I am extremely tempted to request a refund of my pre purchase.
After 20 years, if Blizzard can’t figure out how to balance BASIC game metrics, I really don’t know if I want to stick around and watch them flounder.

Oh, and moving the “authenticator” to the mobile battlenet app, right before the server slam , so it takes HOURS to try to get the damn authenticator to work so you can post on the forums? UNBELIEVABLY IDIOTIC.

Way to go Blizzard, short of the servers actually catching fire and killing real people in an incendiary blaze, you couldn’t have screwed this weekend up anymore.


the best reply 100% true, thanks, hope the devs read this


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