Wow did you Destroy Nerco

@Sear The Heal is a joke now.

The skelle heal heals now over 5-6 sec what it did in the open beta in a single cast.

At this point it would be more efficiant to just replace the most damaged minion.
1 skelle hp pool should be at the very minimum what it should heal instantly.
Everything else feels just stupid.

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Necro is literally the worst pet build Iā€™ve ever played in any ARPG. The aggro mechanics are just straight up garbage. I could have pets run to the edge of the screen to attack mobs, and they will literally run right past my pets and swarm me while the pets are chasing mobs around instead of attacking. They need to fix the aggro mechanics. People who play pet builds donā€™t want to have to kite mobs nonstop.

Last Epoch, Grim Dawn, Path of Exile all do pet based builds very well, theyā€™re total garbage in this game. Diablo 4, based on what I played (necro to 20 in the current beta) is worse than all the above games IMO. No way in hell am I paying $70 for this.


Currently as it stands, the necromancerā€™s minions are in the trashiest state theyā€™ve been and ever will be, your skeletons lack the intelligence to get out of the way from heavy attacks that can decimate them, nearly all normal mobs can take them down in 2-3 hits, and bosses always one shot them now, I have ran out of corpses and died a lot of times due to not having my army as a minion main build, since they die so frequently now and the crappy priest skeleton heal is a measly 10% and its not a flash heal, its a simple regeneration heal which takes TIME to take effect!

and for everyone that would say just play a sacrifice build, I want to note, if this is the ONLY viable option for the necromancer for builds, then blizzard has butchered the class, because in essence, without its minions its much worse than the sorcerer, and here I will tell you why.

not only does the sorcerer have more spells which means more options for them, but also theyā€™re unique mechanic is vastly superior to the necromancerā€™s, they donā€™t have poor AI minions and that they have to maintain and waste a skill slot on, and they have very strong passive skills that they invest in, on the other hand with a necromancer youā€™re stuck with playing with very weak minions that can barely stand their ground or get crappy passive buffs that doesnā€™t make gameplay interesting in any way.

lastly, I want to just note that there were many times that I have lost a boss encounters just due my minions being so stupid and getting divided up and dying to enemies all over the fight, and only won those fights by trying as hard as I can to get them to focus on one target as hard as it is currently, because blizzard is not giving us any way of controlling their targets, so please just to compensate for the lack of AI intelligence, revert this trash nerf, and change your game balancing team, because the current ones doesnā€™t seem to understand what theyā€™re doing aside from frustrating your community.


Yeah itā€™s not great. =(

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  • When you use summon skeleton on a corpse, it should replace your lowest HP skeleton after youā€™ve maxed out the number you can summon. That would be the intuitive solution. Get rid of the skeleton priest and just do this.

  • The aggro system involving pets needs to be totally revamped. The enemies should at the very minimum attack whoever is closest to them, or whoever hits them first. This is currently not the case.

  • They need to give the player buttons to command pets AI to some degree, focus on 1 target, play defensively (stay near the player), or spread out and attack. The default AI is currently ā€œspread out and attackā€ with no way to change this behavior.

  • Pets need resists against big AOE attacks they cannot avoid, like in Last Epoch for example.

The Necro Ballance on the summons is really bad!
if you want to heal a skeleton with the corpses you need feelt like 40 to heal them up.
The only thing you do is spam consume corpses and this is badā€¦ very badā€¦ this is not the playstyle that player will do.
Players will crush monsters and feel awesome and this from beginngā€¦ not feel like the XXX on the worldā€¦
Boss encounter in dungeon no corpses and the summons are one hit. Gz you play alone!!!

The cryer on beta the summons are to strong mimimiā€¦ now they are so weak you can put the nec into grave. Summons playstyle is forgetable.

And to nerve a class on Beta when you only reach lvl 20 or 25 is crazy.
No one knows how it performs in later game.

But when the class make no fun at beginning then it is a loose. Nec was fun to play in last beta now in server slam it is worse nothing more.

And Ashava kill in Europe in Server Slam not to obtain! Thx for this. No players there or what? Do them first and second try now and only 10 people thereā€¦
getting the mount you can forget itā€¦

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i cancelled my pre-orderā€¦ sorcerer is still OP but you nerf the Necroā€¦ i donā€™t even wanna play anymore my server slam weekend ruined heart ripped out of my chest and died. faster then a minion.

At the very least low level pet scaling is way off. At these levels you cannot get the talents that reduce the amount of damage taken per attack.

That said, that talent is already a terrible design itself because even in the last beta damage effectively scales to a point where the minion health might as well not exist, as every attack just hits for maximum value allowed. If attacks canā€™t exceed 35%of the skele health, everything ends up 3 shoting the pet, because nothing ever ends up hitting for less than that. The scaling here has always been complete trash, and itā€™s a wonder if anyone even plays your own game internally to let things like this make it to the public. You basically have to make that talent baseline or dramatically buff pet hp to the point where that talent only has any impact on the extreme outlier big single hit mobs. Failure to do so just ends up in a situation where pets are forced to be completely useless or broken overpowered, because theyā€™re balanced entirely around that talent. Thereā€™s no middle ground.

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Yep, like most games, minion builds get nerfed into the ground. Play Last Epoch if you want good minion builds.

Last Epoch minion builds are soooo much better than this.

They also broke sorceror which was my fav, I had to of died at least 30303020 times on my way to 20, compared to maybe 1 or 2 times on the open beta.

Blizzard I get this isnā€™t live yet but , really??? I thought the point of the server slam was to have things ridiculous to test the stress of the servers.

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Yes, and?

Youā€™re not going to get an infinite-hitpoint aggro-magnet. Youā€™re not going to get a Win-While-AFK button.

Thatā€™s why minions have HP at all. Thatā€™s why Minions can be defeated.

Because otherwise, they would be Win-While-AFK buttons.

Mainā€™d Necromancer in D2.

Leapt on Necromancer when it finally came out for D3.

Leapt on Necromancer when the second Beta weekend happened in D4.

In all three cases, did so specifically to become a minion-focussed character.


Also, mainā€™d Mastermind in City of Heroes/Villains. The most pet-master-y class of all time, across all games. My first MM literally had no attacks of his own. All buffs, with a splash of CC ā€¦ and his minions. He was Robotics/Forcefield, if you know the game.

So, yeah. I definitely get the point of a pet class. AND IT SHOULD NEVER BE ā€œTO WIN WHILE AFKā€.

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I think it was more to test the stress of the players.

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Partial Success I think i was more disappointed and angry. :rage:

= stress

I made another necro after they did the update and it got a wee bit easier without putting points into mastery. I may reconsider at launch but I rolled a barb and it plays really well.

I played my necro after the hotfix ā€¦ still got wiped out by an elite.

Itā€™s still garbage. itā€™s better but garbage. Priest needs to heal for 50 % of their life minimumā€¦ Hitting Skeleton button ever other seccond isnā€™t fun trying to keep these weak skeletons healed.

Skeleton Priest is officially working now so there is that ā€¦


They need to look into WHOS decision it was to gut a class THEY made a big spectacle out of when they launched it last test. They then take a sledge hammer to the class and we get thisā€¦ MOST old time necro players did not come to d4 to play this watered down version/vision of a hollow necro. ( Again young devs refer to d2 skill tree and synergies since you have no ideas of your own.)

These ā€˜young devsā€™ vision/version is not why I came to play a necro in d4. If you are keeping pace with other businesses in these backward times then pushing away your old customers for these ā€™ New Generation of gamersā€™ makes more sense with this version.

I can see my type of gamer is no longer welcome in these here parts.

Personally i am not looking to play Lost Ark or a nock off of it where i have to be pushing a button every GCD ā€¦ I want to relax and play the game.

Currently It is practiaclly impossible to heal your skeletons. Priest ability officialy works but doesnā€™t do a knoticable amount of healing. Skeletons have enough HP now ā€¦

It is supper awkward to be more efficient by just letting the skeleton die just to resummon a new one ā€¦ Itā€™s completely against the idea of the kit.

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